Status: Slowly getting there.

Reflection (Discontinued)

Chapter 1

The cool rush of salty ocean breeze tingling my nostrils. The waves crashing against the shore and the the droplets of water smashing against my cheeks. Oh how I'd miss the California beaches. As I sat just up against the shore and I buried my toes in the sand I thought about everything. As if everything was being looked at from a new perspective now.

As I plunged in the water, bathing suit top nearly falling off, I flashed my eyes open, in search of something to explore. Every time I explore the waters I find something new. A new fish, some new coral, or a new seashell. I just feel so free when I'm in the water. I closed my eyes and just let myself sink til I hit the bottom of the ocean, which was long since I'm quite short. I cleared my head, and groped around for a seashell to take home.

Pushing my feet off the sandy ocean floor and sprinting upwards toward the surface clutching my seashell I felt a bit nauseous. It was a pretty one this time, and it was a little big. Perfect to take with my to boarding school, to remind myself of home.

Swimming back to shore I slid off a rubber band from my wrist and tied my messy red hair up in a pony tail, I'd deal with it once I got home. I quickly pulled up on my top and shorts, grabbing my cellphone to check the time. Crap, I thought. I was going to be late for my train. Flip flops in one hand, I stuffed my seashell in my bag and started jogging down the street towards the house.

Fuck, I'm not going to make it in time, I thought. I started running as fast as I could, which was a bad idea. I use to be in my school running team for 3 years, but I had to quit because I was a smoker. I don't have cancer, but I do have asthma because of it so I have to use an inhaler. As I turned the corner of the busy street I saw the red ferns on our yard start to appear. I sprinted over the small picket fence and breathing heavily groped for the house key in my bag.

Turning the key in the hole I rushed inside locking the door behind me. It was a good thing I had already packed my bags before I left, shower shower shower, was racing through my head. On the way upstairs I started loosening my bathing suit top and took off my shirt and shorts.

Tripping up the stairs as usual and falling, I got back up and pushed the bathroom door open. I turned the knob for the hot water and undressed, in a hurry using shampoo and conditioner at the same time. After untangling my hair in the shower, I grabbed the body wash and scrubbed all over without rinsing.

Applying shaving cream to my legs I groped around in the water for my razor and cut my finger. Whatever, I thought and shaved my legs, cutting myself a few times in the process.

Rinsing and shutting the water off I grabbed my towel and got dry, pulling out my make up kit from one of the cabinets. Clothes clothes clothes, I thought. I grabbed my favorite strapless black bra, and my black and white zebra print undies and slid them on. I pulled over by Black Veiled Brides tee and bright blue skinny's. “Fuck.” I cussed under my breath, I had packed away my black converse.

I dug in my closet for my black flats and slipped them on. Make-up! I ran back in the bathroom, halfheartedly blow drying my hair and applying powder blue eyeshadow along with black mascara and black eyeliner. No need for blush, I can manage to make my face as red as a tomato without makeup, I thought.

Aside from my hair still a little wet, I combed it out so it wouldn't look like a fiery mess. Grabbing my makeup kit I hopped down the stairs two at a time. Flipping up my cellphone I was satisfied to see I still had a whole 10 minutes before I had to leave. Stuffing my makeup kit in my bag, I finished my hair and shoved my phone in my back pocket.

“ADRIAN, I'm leaving, so get your ass down here and say bye to me.”

Coming down the stairs was my older brother, Adrian. He's a dunce, but I will admit he's fucking adorable.

Kissing him on the cheek, and giving him an enormous hug I whispered in his here “I love you big brother, I'll miss you.” I bet you're thinking, why do you have to go to boarding school, you have an older brother?

Well, as I stated he's a dunce. And he's on probation for having drugs in his car, so I can't stay with him, for various reasons. Winking at him I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder and headed out the door. Now to walk all the way to the train station.

As soon as I started walking down the sidewalk I heard Adrian scream “KIMBERLY WAIT” I looked back, he had my piercing kit in his hand.

I smiled and jogged back to him taking it in my hand and gently placing it in my bag, “Thanks Adri, you're a lifesaver”. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I started walking down the sidewalk again, looking back once to see him waving at me.

Jogging and turning the corner of the street, I almost crashed into a pole. How clumsy of me, I thought. I'm most likely the clumsiest person you've ever met. As I shortly got tired I took out my camera, and started taking pictures of any little thing that looked interesting.

I'm into photography and poetry a lot. I work at a small library that goes unnoticed. It's probably ancient, dusty old place. But it earns me some money for my necessities, like my cellphone bill. Aside from that, I still love my job.

Gathering my thoughts I stared up at the clouds. They bundled up together like foggy reflections of people's memories. I use to always want a pet panda as a child, and almost every time I look up at the clouds, I somehow get them to shape together and look like a panda in someway.

Letting out a suppressing sigh, I looked straight ahead of me letting the cool breeze bite my collar bone and cling to my curls. I took a picture of the train station up ahead, it came out quite great too. Only problem was that there was a girl standing in the way. Bleach blonde straight hair, scarlet blue eyes, wide smile complimented with bright pink glossy lips and long batting eyelashes, staring at me from a distance.

I was surprised to see her wearing a Blue October band tee to match her purple cut off short shorts. I swear, I could see her ass popping right out of them.

Trying not to look at her, I set my phone down and started flipping through the pictures I took on the way there. Bumble bee on a daisy, ripple of water down the sidewalk crack, a tree shedding cherry blossoms. As soon as I got to my favorite picture, of the clouds, Blondie spoke, ruining my moment. “Hey, I'm Jennifer.”

She said with a perky all-to-nice smile and an outstretched hand. Stretching out my hand towards hers and shaking it lightly I announced, “Kimberly. Nice to meet you.” She propped her bag down next to me, and sat down.

The bottom of her shoes clicked against the gravel, I looked down at her feet as she sat down. Of course the plastic barbie would wear heels. I clicked the power button on my camera and tucked it in my bag, then stuck my phone in my pocket. I tilted my head back, pushing against the bench with the palms of my hands.

I let the sun graze my face inch by inch, the warmth felt good. It melted the tip of my nose and I felt the rays of sunlight move from my forehead to my chin. I flashed my eyes open and Jennifer was looking at me. Her blue eyes pierced into my hazel gray eyes.

I didn't like her for some reason. I looked away, and she got up and stood infront of me, leaned down really close to my face, and leaned her hands on the bench, right next to my arms. She was leaning down far enough her cleavage was hanging out, but she didn't seem to care.

She looked at me with a pityful face, then got up and grabbed her bag. “The trains here.” she said calmly, grabbing her pink bag and walking off to stand infront of the train tracks. I looked at her puzzled, I hadn't seen a train, then in the same instant the ground rumbled and the train started to approach on the tracks.

I groaned silently in disgust, grabbing my bags and tucking my hair behind my ears. I got up slowly, taking my time and leaning against a pole that held up the roof while the train slowed to a stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah. :3
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