Status: activee (:

Trashed & Scattered

You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

"Fuck me!" Yea I was officially late for work. Apparently I forgot to set my alarm and Joe had already left.

After putting on a pair of jean shorts and a My Chem shirt I brushed my teeth, throwing my hair up in a high pony tail. I didn't bother with breakfast as I swallowed my medicine and ran for the door. My converse clad feet carried me toy car as I dug in my purse for my phone.

I dialed Thor's number as the engine started. Thankfully he picked up on the third ring.

"Skylar Lean Jones, where are you?"

"Sorry boss man, woke up late. I'm on my way though!" 

"Its fine, don't rush. So I heard about your Friday evening..."

I grumbled to myself as he brought it up.

"Of course you did. Look it was nothing just some asshole."

"And what were you thinking? You know you aren't supposed to drink!"

"Seriously Thor, it was two beers. I didn't even get a buzz."

"Yea no kidding you threw it up in the toilet."

"Oh hush. I'm a grown woman."

"You're gonna be a dead woman if I hear about something like that again."

"Yes sir. Well I'll see you in like two seconds." I didn't bother waiting for a reply as I tossed my phone into my purse. After shutting off the engine a quickly made my way into the studio. 

Since it was a Tuesday I knew he'd be in the recording booth so I headed straight there. 

"Mornin old man." the door closed behind me with a soft 'click'

His stern look didn't even faze me as I sat down beside him. 

"You're looking a little pale this morning." 

"That's because it's like ten degrees in here." I ignored his gaze as I listened to the band recording. Of course it was the Avenged crew. Luckily Val wasn't in the room so no one could hear us talking.

"Skylar.." an exasperated sigh escaped my lips as I turned to face Thor.

"I'm fine. Look I'm not going stand for being treated like a child. It's not like I'm dying or anything. I'm perfectly capable of working."

"Look I'm sorry its're like a daughter to me. And I almost lost you there for a while. I couldn't bear the thought of that." my hand ran through my hair as I recalled the incident from a few months back.

During that time I was anemia free. Slowly my headaches came back, along with the weakness and the dizzy spells. I had refused to go to the doctors though. I left work early one day and nearly got in a crash on the way home because I was shaking so bad. 

Joelle found me passed out in my car outside our apartment and immediately took me to the hospital. Yea my blood levels were...low. 

"Well I'm better now." the music stopped as he pulled me into a light, one armed hug. Suddenly the door opened and I was being pulled from my chair.

"Skylar dear! Oh how I've missed you!" I quickly patted Jimmy's head as we spun in circles, while I simultaneously forced back the bile. 

"Jimmy put her down." I glanced thankfully at Thor as my feet were placed on the ground. Unfortunately  the dizziness caused me to practically fall on my face. Well the fact that I was getting weaker didn't help either.

Luckily Thor caught me before I broke my nose.


"Who is this Skylar of which you speak?.." 

"Skylar..Did you eat breakfast?"

".....uh, yes?" I smiled sheepishly at the man with the stern look on his face. I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes momentarily to stop the spinning.

"Dammit girl. How many times do I have to tell you?" my hands ran down my face as I stood. 

"Ok father I will go get some food. No need to freak out." I grumbled as I closed the door behind me. I swear he's like a prison warden sometimes.

I made my way to the lounge and plopped down in a chair after grabbing a bag of pretzels and a bottle of water. My medicine was starting to kick in by this point.

"Why are they always so worried about you?" I nearly choked on the food in my mouth as I glanced at the guys. Fuckers need to quit sneaking up on me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're paranoid" I quickly placed another pretzel in my mouth and ignored the looks I was getting.

"You know precisely what I'm talking about."

You see this is what pisses me off. People who butt into other peoples lives like they know you. I've spoken to these people maybe three times. 

"You need to mind your own damn business." The pretzel bag slammed to the counter as I quickly stood and headed for the door. 

"No need to be a bitch, he was asking a simple question." Ok that's it, I'm officially pissed.

I spun on my heels and turned to face a smirking Brian.

"You don't know me, so stop acting like you do. You have no right to talk to me like that, and I don't have to answer your questions. I told you guys before I'm perfectly fine and I don't need you people constantly nagging me about it!" with that I left the room, leaving behind the boys with shocked expressions on their faces. 

As I made my way down the hall I was unable to focus my eyes on anything. I fell against the wall, attempting to use it as support as I continued on. My legs were shaking and my head was pounding.

I made my way into the recording booth to find Thor.

"Thor I think I need to lay down...I.." unfortunately I was unable to finish because I collapsed to the floor. The room was spinning as I saw the man hovering over me.


His face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


"Back up dammit!" I groaned in pain as I covered my eyes with my hand, attempting to block out the light.

"Skylar....Skylar look at me kid." Someone moved my arm and I blinked repeatedly so I could focus on who was speaking.

"Oh thank god." I rolled my eyes at Thor, the man really worries too much.

I attempted to sit up using shaky arms only to be pushed back down slowly.

"Just lay there for a minute. You're as pale as a ghost." I glanced to my right and found five sets of worried eyes staring down at me. 

"Are you ok? I didn't mean to make you that upset. I'm sorry" 

Brian really did look sincere. 

"It's ok." my throat hurt a bit as I forced out the words. I silently thanked Johnny as he handed me a bottle of water.

Thor helped me sit up so I could take a sip.

"You didn't call Joe did you?" by the look on his face I new I was in for shit.

"Of course I did! What the hell were you thinking. How many times have I told you not to lie about shit like that?!"

"Where is she?!" I flinched at the voice of my pissed off friend. Yea if I don't eat when I take my medication this is usually what happens. 

"What the hell were you thinking?! I had to leave work because your dumb ass didn't eat breakfast. Jesus woman you scared the shit out of us!" I used my arms to shield myself from the raging lady in front of me.  

"I'm sorry ok. I didn't think it'd be that big of an issue today."

"That big of an issue?! Skylar you're my best friend, you're the only family I have out here. Of course it's going to be an issue. You promised me you wouldn't do this again." I felt a single tear run down my cheek as I glance at her. She was crying now.

I pushed away the pain I was feeling and ignored Thor's protests. After standing on wobbly knees for a second I quickly hugged my best friend.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you this upset. I felt fine this morning, and I was in a rush so I didn't eat breakfast. I'm sorry." my words were spoken softly so no one else could hear. 

"Well at least you took your medicine this morning." I let out a chuckle. I have a bad habit of forgetting.

"Ok well how bout you go get some food before you throw up all over my studio again." 

"Ha ha. That was one time. And I cleaned it up myself. You wouldn't have even known had it not been for blabber mouth over here." Joelle let out a laugh before letting go of me.

"Well I have to get back to work. I'll see you at home. Thor you better keep an eye on her."

"I'm not a fucking child dammit!" I rolled my eyes as both she and Thor chuckled.

With one final hug she left the room. Silence seems to be my enemy.

"Ok well you need to eat something."

"I was just gonna go on a Wendy's run. You want anything?" 

"Oh no. You are in no state to drive."

"Old man don't test me."

"Skylar don't make me put you on house arrest again."

My eyes narrowed as we stared each other down, until someone else spoke up.

"Uh we were gonna go get some food anyways, we can take her with us." I glanced skeptically at Matt

"Uh that's ok. I can wait."

"Ouch!" I flinched as Thor flicked me.

"You're going."

Fuck me


"I want French fries!" 

"Jimmy shut the fuck up!"

"Make me short shit!"

I rubbed my temples while squeezing my eyes closed tightly. Killing them is definitely an option.

"Will you two knock it off!" 

Ten minutes, we were there ten minutes and got kicked out. Jimmy had started throwing open packets of ketchup at the rest of the guys. It was funny at first but then they all started arguing over whose turn it was to pay. I just ended up slamming a fifty dollar bill on the counter and walking away with my food. Yea I'm never going with them again.

Matt and Jimmy sat in the front while I was stuck between Johnny and Brian in the back. Zacky went to go visit Gena at work.

"Are you like anorexic or something?" I couldn't help but laugh as Matt smacked Jimmy upside the head.

"Dude that's fucking rude."

"No I'm not anorexic Jimmy."

My eyes were closed as I rested my head against the back of the seat. I absentmindedly tapped my fingers to the beat of the song on the radio. 

"Then what's all the fuss about you not eating?"

"It's nothing important."

"Yea you keep saying that and yet you wound up passing out in the middle of the studio floor. You're shaking like a leaf and pale as a ghost. And then you say you're perfectly fine."

"I've just been a little sick lately. It's nothing serious." Ha that's a good one. Lately would consist of the past 9 years of my life.

"You're not a very good liar." I shivered involuntarily as Brian whispered in my ear. 

Thankfully we had arrived back at the studio. As soon as Johnny hopped out I booked it into the studio. 

I quickly went into the recording booth where Thor was waiting and laid down on the couch. I didn't really have anything specific to do today so I figured I could just hang around for a while.

"Feeling better now?"

I just nodded my head. I still felt nauseous but that feeling hardly ever went away.

"Well take a nap for a bit. The boys just have some recording to do.

"Ok." I had to stifle a yawn as I spoke. Moments later the Avenged boys entered the room. Luckily I had my head facing the back of the couch.

I paid no attention to them as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


As I started waking up I could hear voices surrounding me.

"Yea shes had it a little rough but she's a tough little shit. And very very stubborn." Well that was obviously Thor

"So what's with all the secretiveness?" I think that was Val

"She's....ill. But she doesn't like people knowing. Joelle told me she's been like this since Jr high."

"I thought she said she just had the flu or something?" Well that was one of the boys but I can't really tell who?

"It's a little more complicated than that..." 

I chose this time to 'wake up' I am not letting him tell my secret. 

I shifted on the couch and stretched until my back popped before rolling onto it. My vision was slightly blurry and the room was spinning. I quickly put my head in my hands as I sat up. Slowly it went back to normal.

"Good morning sunshine! The earth says hello!" My eyebrow rose as I looked over at Jimmy. That kid has way to much energy.

"You got any water?" My mouth was dry and my voice was slightly raspy as I spoke.

"Here ya go Hun." I nodded my head thankfully at Val.

"You aren't sick or anything are you?" Yea the cyclosporine is an immune suppressant so I get sick really easily.



I took a small sip as everyone stared at me. God they made me feel like I was the sideshow act or something. 

"Joelle called to check up on you."

"Did you tell her not to worry so much?" Ha Thor is just as bad as she is.

"No but I told her you were feeling a little better, and that you were sleeping."

I stood slowly from the couch, and tossed the empty water bottle into the trash can.

"I'm gonna go restock the lounge and see if anyone needs anything. You guys good for now?" Thor looked at me skeptically as everyone nodded.

"Take it easy for the rest of the day." My eyes narrowed as I walked out the door.

"Hey wait up!" I turned back to see Val following me.

"Did you need something?" I gave her a soft smile as she stopped beside me.

"Nah I just wanted to hang out with you for a bit. You looked like you could use some company."

This is why I don't like talking to people. Then they seem to want more from you. But she was nice and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Sure, but believe me I'm not doing anything exciting."

"Oh anything is better than being in that room." Her laugh was high pitched and almost melodic.

"I can only imagine."


We spent most of the afternoon just walking around and talking about random things. She was a really cool chick and reminded me a lot of myself.

At the end of the day we traded numbers and went our separate ways. I really did like her.

After I said goodbye to Thor I headed straight home. Joelle had to work late so I would be on my own for the evening.

My dinner consisted of macaroni and cheese. I'm a great cook if I do say so myself. The rest of my evening was spent watching a Three Stooges marathon. God I loved that show.

I think I passed out around 11.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third chapter :) I enjoy writing this story. Thanks for the comments people.

Keep em comin!! ;)