
6 .

*Jord has started a BBM chat.

Jord - Where have you guys been? The season's almost starting again...

Sid - Mel and I went to Coal Harbour for the rest of summer, my dad actually liked her!

Vero - Awe <3 Knew Troy would come around eventually.

Marc - Vero and I went for a trip to Europe, just got back yesterday. Heard about the KHL plane crash, counting our blessings.

Avirl - Oh my god, that could have been you guys. Count your blessings is right.

Kris - Avril and I bought a house, have been decorating and moving in. First team party over here!!

Geno - Party n' party n' YEAH!

Mel - Who let Geno listen to Rebecca Black? It's so five months ago.

Jord - Preach sister, preach!

Vero - Speaking of sister's, how's that new girl Jord?

Kris - How the hell..?

Marc - This conversation is about to get awkward...

Jord - You guys will ove her, I'm telling you. She's just... Amazing.

Sid - Woah, Jord's speechless? Damn girl.

Mel - Why don't you invite her to the chat Gronk?

Avril - Oh yes, let's meet this girl.

Abby - This shall be fun.

Kris - Oh shit.

Vero - Yeah, Jordo. Let us meet your fling :)

Jord - Vero, you know it's not like that, I really like her, and I don't think I want to throw her into the fire that is my friends just yet. Besdes, I haven't exactly told her about Mel.

Sid - What do you mean by that?

Jord - I kinda told her Mel was my maid... I don't think we should tell her about how your pregnant with my child.

Mel - Fuck you Jordan.

*Mel has left the chat.

Vero - YOU DOUCHE! This new girl isn't stupid, she'll find out eventually you ASSHOLE!

*Vero has left the chat.

Sid - Dick move Staal.

*Sid has left the chat.

Jord - Fuck, guys, its not that I don't like Mel, I just don't want Maddie to... I really care about Maddie.

Marc - Word of the wise, you probably should have thought about this before knocking up Mel, she means the world to all of us.

Geno - Listen to heart Jordy.

Kris - If this Maddie girl is worth all this, maybe you should ease into this slowly. I mean, moving in with her so soon, and Mel's still pregnant. It's not fair to her Staal.

Jord - Fuck, I need time to think. Thanks guys.

*Jord has ended the chat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm averaging 4 comments a chapter (thanks everyone, I owe you the world!) so I am just wanting to thank everyone for following this BBM series through and through. I don't know if I've told you guys yet, but this is the last instalment of the series, and I want it to go out with a BANG. Please comment and tell me what you want to see/read, and if I should continue the streak of ending these shin-digs at ten chapters, or extend a little, being the end and all.

That is all, happy back-to-school? Just kidding, school sucks. Only a few more years for myself <3


AH! Before I forget, I totally started a new Sid Crosby story, and I'd love for some of my dedicated readers to give it a try, I am trying to finish up BBM, but once I am done, updates will be a lot quicker with it !

Every click saves puppies. Puppies are cute, so give this a read?