Status: Active

My Name is Molly Brooks and this is the Insane Story of How I Fell in Love

Chapter One: The New Girl


-Molly Brooks: She is the new girl in St. Richfield's High School. She is in 10th grade (Sophomore).

-Ali Johnson: She is the Queen Bee at St. Richfield's High School. She is in 11th grade (Junior) and is dating Jake Fisher. Her 'best friend' is Jenny Clark.

-Cronies: The mean girls of the school who do anything Ali asked and takes any

verbal and physical abuse she deals out.

-Annie Miller: She is the ex-'Queen Bee'. She was ruined by a nasty rumor started by Ali. She becomes friends with Molly. She is in 11th grade (Junior).

-Jenny Clark: She is 2nd in command beside Ali. She used to be Annie's friend until Ali threatened to ruin her if she didn't switch 'loyalties' over to her. She is in 11th grade (Sophomore).

-Angel Brusso: One of Annie's friends. One of the few people who didn't agree to change for Ali. Best friends with Luke Scott. She is in 11th grade (Junior).


-Jake Fisher: He is dating Ali Johnson, which makes him the guy in charge. He's really nice and is hiding a secret from Ali. He is in 12th grade (Senior).

-Jordan Evans: He is Jake's right hand man and a total player. He never keeps a girlfriend for more than a week and always seems to be around Jake when ever he can be. He's hiding a secret from everyone. He is in 12th grade (Senior).

-Luke Scott: Dating Annie. Best friends with Angel Brusso. Didn't change to fit Ali's 'liking'. He is in 10th grade (Sophomore).

-Jocab Stewert: Annie's friend. Used to be friends with Jordan Evans until he (Jordan) took his (Jacob's) girlfriend. He is in 12th grade (Senior).

Chapter One:

Beep. Beep. Beep.
My hand slammed down on the 'Snooze' button on the alarm clock. I rolled over and snuggled into my blankets, letting myself fall back into sleep. It didn't last long though when my door opened, letting the light from the hallway fall over me.
"Mom...Five more minutes."
"Get up, you're going to be late for school."
The covers were ripped from my body, letting the cold get to me. I let out a groan and curled up into a ball, trying to stay warm. My mother wasn't giving up though, she turned on the lights and ripped the pillows out from under my head.
"Ugh, I'm up." I said finally sitting up and pulling my legs in as I stretched my arms over my head, letting a yawn escape my lips.
"Good, breakfast is ready. Now, make your bed and get ready for school."
"Wait, you said I'd be late if i didn't get up!"
She just walked towards the door and turned to face me, a smile placed on her reddish-pink lips. Her short brown hair was styled into a bob and her light blue eyes were focused on me. Her face was flawless, as usual and she was wearing a black business skirt and matching jacket, with a white collar shirt underneath.
"I lied, it got you up didn't it?"
"No, you rudely ripping the covers and my pillows away did."
She laughed and walked out of the room, shutting the door, leaving me to grumble to myself. I sat on my bed trying to wake up. I looked at the clock and red numbers looked back at me. 6:30.
I eventually got up and made my bed and straightened up a bit. I walked over to the bathroom door and gave my room a once over, looking around for anything out of place. There was nothing out of place on the white ash palm floors. There were still some boxes, pushed neatly into a corner, that I had to unpack. The pink walls, I think the shade was called Pink Parasol, were filled with pictures of my friends from my old school and posters of my favorite actors and actresses. My tall cherry wood book shelf, which was filled with books and some magazines, was positioned to the left of the bathroom door. To the right of the book shelf was my closet, which still didn't have clothes in it. My bed was now nicely made, it's dark purple comforter and matching pillows nicely placed and was positioned in the middle of the room. The headboard was facing away from the door, which lead into the hallway. Everything else was still empty, which left a lot of empty space. The bathroom door was positioned to the left of the bed and against the wall.
Content with my room I walked into the medium sized bathroom. The white marble floors greeted my feet. I looked around the bathroom. I was so glad the people who lived her before us had the same tastes as me, because I loved this bathroom. The walls were a darker pink than my bedroom. When standing in the doorway, the counter, which was connected to the left wall and didn't touch the floor, was the first thing you seen. It was some type of wood painted white with a pink square chain design painted on it. There was a small sink on top of it, which was also pink and white. I small rectangular mirror was placed above it with a small thin light at the top. About a foot or two from the counter was a small over shower with a silver removable shower head. It was placed up against the wall and had a pink and white shower curtain that matched the counter.. To the right of it, also against the wall, was a white toilet with a pink toilet seat. The toilet didn't touch the floor either and was just attached to the wall. Above it was two small light pink shelves, which were in arms reach of the shower, that had shampoos and conditioners along with some lotions and face washes. On the right wall was a small window with the same pink chain pattern as the shower curtain.
I looked at myself in the mirror, my long brown wavy hair was in tangles. I pulled a brush through it till it was tangle free and wavy. My blue eyes, which matched my mother's, was still droopy with sleep. I let out another yawn before preparing things for my shower.
I undressed out of my PJs and got into the small shower, letting the warm water fall down my body. When I was done showering I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, walking out into my room. I walked over to one of the boxes in the corner of the room and pulled out a random pair of light denim jeans, a white T-shirt with gold swirls on it, and some under garments. After I got dressed, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and put on some make-up, I grabbed my backpack from out from under my bed. It contained a 3-ring binder with a couple folders and pencils. I also grabbed my purse, which was a pink solid bubble bag. It contained my iPod, my purple flip phone, a pink agenda book with some pens and pencils I keep in a small white pencil bag. In a small black make-up bag I had lip gloss, lipstick, chap-stick, a compact mirror, foundation, blush, and eye shadow.
I looked at the clock one last time. 7:03. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by my mother, who was cleaning the kitchen up. She turned to look at me and her face had sadness written all over it.
"Did dad call again?"
"Yeah, but don't worry about it honey. Your breakfast is getting cold, go eat."
I did as I was told and ate my breakfast. I was to deep in thought to really eat, so I just picked at my toast and eggs. After I ate a little bit of the food, I gave my mom a hug and started walking towards the door.
St. Richfield's High School, which was with in walking distance of my house, was the high school my mother went to and is also where she met my dad. They moved halfway across the states, to get away from this town and never looked back. Two months ago my mother caught my father cheating on her with some whore. And I'm not just saying she was a whore because she was with my dad. She was a whore with a capital 'W'. She wore mini-skirts that barely covered anything and see through shirts. She had bottle blond hair and she wore her make-up a little to dark.
Anyways, we moved back here when my mother had found out. We packed up all our stuff and left him with the house and the furniture. Mom bought a house that had furniture already in it. The only bad thing, other than finding out my father isn't who I thought he was, was that we moved in the middle of a school year. I wouldn't mind being the new girl at the beginning of a school year, but I guess I couldn't control that. I would be the new girl in 10th grade at St. Richfield's.
I got to the high school after about ten minutes of walking. The school had two sidewalks that both led to the door of the school. The sidewalks formed a big oval that had a small red brick wall with the school name on it in the middle of the grass oval. Behind the brick wall was the flag of the U.S.A, which flapped around in the wind. The outside of the school was typical. It was all made out of red brick, and the rooftops were flat. Their were one or two windows where every class room was and along some of the hallways. The doorway into the school, which consisted of four glass doors, was sat back further than most of the building. Along the side walk and near the school's main doors were benches, which had students sitting on them.
I walked along the sidewalk, which was filled with other students and some teachers. I finally pushed myself through the crowd and into the school. The hallways of the school were brick, just like the outside, that were painted white and blue, what I was guessing was the school colors. I could see I small, blue sign above one of the doors that had 'Office' in white letters. Past the office I could see lockers lining the hallways and spaces where doors into the classroom were placed between them. I started to walk through the lobby of the school, which also contained benches and trophy cases that were filled with all kinds of different trophies. Above the trophy cases were pictures of the schools sport teams. When I reached the office, I noticed a door set back a little bit more, beside the office, that said 'Auditorium'.
I walked into the office, which was set up like most offices. There was a desk close to the door, with a secretary sitting at it, talking on the school phone. There were two desks further back, both containing secretaries as well. There were random doors, probably leading into other offices. I walked up the only secretary not talking on the phone and she greeted me with a smile.
I heard the bell ring, signaling first period. I groaned inwardly and looked at the secretary.
"Hello dear, how may I help you?"
"My name is Molly Brooks and I'm new here."
She went to digging through some papers and pulled out a small pile of papers and some other things. She then handed them to me and offered an explanation.
"The top paper is your schedule, the rest are papers you need to take home and have filled out. That little booklet is your 'School Agenda'. It contains the rules, consequences, bell schedule, and a place to right your class assignments."
"I will have someone from your first period come and get you."
She reached her hand out and I gave her my schedule. She looked at it and handed it back to me. She then started typing on her computer and motioned for me to sit down on one of the chairs on the wall across from her desk. I sat down and I looked at to see my classes:

-First Period - English 10
-Second Period- Geometry
-Third Period- Biology
-Fourth Period- United States Studies to 1900
-Fifth Period- Spanish 2
-Sixth Period- Parenting and Child Development
-Seventh Period- Physical Education

"Alright, someone will be up to get you in a few minutes."
I nodded and unzipped my back pack and pulled out my binder, putting my papers into the binder pocket. I than sat there waiting for whoever was suppose to show me to class.
After ten minutes, maybe more, a girl showed up. She had dirty blond hair that came down past her shoulders a couple of inches. Her eyes were a soft, light blue and were brought out more by her dark blue eye shadow. She had on light solid pink shirt with a low cut shirt. She had on light denim jeans that had some wore out spots and faded areas and finished her outfit with red flats. She didn't look like the slutty type, but you can't judge a book by its cover, can you?
"Ah, Miss Miller, I assume you are here to show Miss..."
She paused in mid-sentence and looked at me, waiting for me to say my name.
"Brooks, Molly Brooks."
"Brooks to her first period."
"Yes, sorry it took me so long, Mr. Curtz wouldn't let me go until he gave us the assignment."

"It's okay. If you don't mind, could you also show her around the school."

"Sure thing, Mrs. V. Come on, new girl, let's go."

She walked past me and into the hallway. I waited a few seconds before following her. I walked one step behind her and she didn't say much other than giving one little bit of advice.

"Mr. Cruz is a pretty cool teacher. Stay on his good side and you'll be fine."

I didn't get to respond to her because we walked into the classroom. Mr. Cruz's class was set up to where you walked into it and you were in the back of it. Mr. Cruz's desk, where he was currently sitting, was centered in the back of the class. The walls of the classroom were filled with students projects and stick-pin boards were filled with random papers that had information for students and teachers posted on them. There was a small flat screen T.V on the left wall with other electronics on a table below it. The desks were set up in rows of five with five desks in each row.

I walked over to Mr. Cruz, who had brown hair with gray mixed in. He looked to be in his mid-30s to early 40's. He wore what most male teachers did; a shirt with a collar, which was blue, and a pair of khaki pants.

"Mr. Cruz, this is Molly Brooks. She is a new student here."

"Hello, Miss Brooks, welcome to my English Class."

I nodded in response and waited for him to give further info if he was going to give any at all.

"Let me get you a book," He said getting up and walking towards a file cabinet and pulling out a text book, "And here is the papers we are working on. You came at a good time, we were just starting a new story. Now you can take a seat next to Miss Miller."

Annie sat in the 'back' of the class and over in the right corner. I pulled the brownish-red and silver metal chair back and sat in it and looked down at the papers. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Worksheet was what was posted across the top. I looked around the classroom and then back to Annie who was smiling at me.

"Mr. Cruz, I have an idea."

A male's voice spoke up from some where near the front of the class.

"What would that be, Mr. Evans?"

"That since we have the new girl we should spend the class introducing ourselves."

"That won't take 45 minutes."

"Is that a yes?"

I finally got a look at the boy who was talking. He had dirty blond hair that was styled in a 'naturally messy' style. He had light blue eyes and tan skin that made his eyes pop out a little more. He wore a light blue Areopostale shirt and a pair of tan and pale plaid cargo shorts that came down to his knees. He had white and black Nikes to complete his looks.

"That's Jordan Evans. He is a total player and I wouldn't go near him."

I looked down quickly and could feel the heat of a blush forming on my cheeks. Annie let out a chuckle and turned to where she was facing the rest of the class and propped her feet up on the bars of my desk.

"No, introduce yourself after class."


Class went by fast and Annie left a note on my desk telling me to meet her at her locker before lunch. She had the locker number and the combination to the lock written down. When I got out of class Annie had to get to class early to sort something out with a teacher, leaving me to fend for myself...Or so I thought.

"Hey, new girl," Jordan's voice came from behind me before I felt an arm drape over my shoulder, steering me through the crowd, "Where's your next class at?"

"Geometry....Mrs. Lyons."

"Seems were going to the same place, so new girl, what's your name?"


"I'm Jordan. I can show you around school."

"I already have some-"

"Miller? I wouldn't hang out with her. She's a bad image."

Funny she said the same thing about you.

I let him steer me through the hallways and up a flight of stars. I heard all kinds of whispers and giggles as we passed other students. Words that caught my attention were: Jordan, new girl, slut, and way to go. I started to fill like the new tramp and I hadn't even been there and hour.

We finally got into the class room, which looked a whole lot similar to Mr. Cruz's (Things were in slightly different places) and he continued to steer me towards the back of the room where a group of 'clones' sat. They were all dressed alike, same brands, only different colors, except for one girl. Everyone seemed to be surrounding said girl. She had bleach blond hair, probably from the bottle. She was wearing a really tight shirt, that didn't cover her navel and looked as if her breasts would rip the cloth surrounding them. Her skirt didn't help her at all. It was barley within the dress code and was tight enough to where her legs should have been losing circulation. Her piercing green eyes were focused intently on me as Jordan led me back to her.

"Ali, this is the new girl."

"And you've brought this pathetic, poorly dressed, new toy of yours back to me why?"

I was at lost for words and I could feel my face starting to heat up for the second time that day. She let a smirk fall across her face as she looked at me with a smirk as her cronies began to laugh.

"Guys, c'mon, be nice to her."

"You're just saying that because you want to screw her."

Jordan steered me to the desk just out side of the group and keep his arm around me. He started to badger me with questions that I didn't care to answer. I keep shrugging his arm off, but he keep putting it around my shoulder. I would answer most of his questions with half-hearted answers.

The teacher finally came in and just like in Mr. Cruz's I had to get up and introduce myself to the class and she gave me my Geometry book and a little workbook that went with it.

Class went by fast and I had to stay behind so the teacher could get me up to speed. Mrs. Lyons was short and skinny. Her looks reminded me of that woman off The Incredibles, the fashion designer. You know who I'm talking about right? Anyway, after she was finished talking people for her next class started to walk in. I, however, didn't notice this fact and when I turned around I ran into someone, my geometry book and workbook falling to the floor in one of those cliche moments that only happen in movies.

I looked at who I ran into. He had blond hair that was somewhat similar to Jordan's. He had dark brown eyes and was a little bit tanner than Jordan. He had on a on a teal and white striped Holister shirt and tan cargo shorts that came down to his knees. He had black sandles with a white Nike check on them. He stood maybe a foot taller than me and looked down at me with a bored look on his face.

"Watch where you're going."

I looked at him for a second before bending down and picking my stuff up and then looked at him.

"Well then, get out of my way."

He stepped around me and I rolled my eyes before walking out into the hallway and to my third period class, Biology with Mr. Frank.

After fourth period I went to Annie's locker, which was downstairs, and opened it, putting my backpack and other stuff in it. Annie showed up about three minutes later with a smile planted on her face.

"Word in the halls is that you're Evans's new girl. Any truth to that?"

"No! He pretty much stalked me to 2nd period and made me sit with him."

"Oh, you have 2nd with Jordan? That's means Ali was in there to."

"Yeah, she was a..."



Annie shut the locker and let out a laugh before slipping her arm around mine, pulling me beside her as she talked. We went back the way I had just came and then took a door outside and into another building which had an office, four other classrooms, and a cafeteria big enough for all the students and then some.

"So, Molly Brooks, first day here and you're name is already over the school. How do you do it?"

I shrugged in response before we got in line on the 'Hot Luch' side. The cafeteria was painted white and blue as the main building was. It had blue round tables that had connecting benches on them. There were two long rectangular tables along one of the walls, where more students had taking their seats.

The line went all the way to the back of the cafeteria and some kids came in, looked around, and decided to sit and wait for the line to go down before they would get in it. There were two lunch lines, one was called 'Hot Lunch' which was the food they had listed on the Lunch Menus. The 'Salad Bar' had salad along with things like peperoni, green peppers, and other things you would put on your salad. It also had pizza as it's 'main' course. On the hot lunch side it was chicken nuggets and french fries. And of course it was either milk (white, chocolate, or strawberry) or bottled water and soda from a vending machine.

I took my try, grabbed a chocolate milk from the huge cooler and then paid the secretary in charge of lunch a dollar. Annie led me to one of the circular tables in the back left corner of the room, where three people already sat.

"I'd like to introduce you to, Angel," she said pointing to a girl with black hair, blue eyes and a black on black style, "Jacob," she pointed to a boy wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, "and Luke," she pointed to another male who had a more country style with the cowboy boots, wrangler jeans, and the more of a country plaid shirt.

"Welcome to the rejects. We are the ones who haven't changed to fit into Ali's clique. Others, like the skaters, have even started to lighten up and hang out with Ali. No one wants to get on her bad side."

"Hey guys." I said sitting down next to Angel, who looked at me through black lided eyes. Her lips were covered with shiny black gloss and when she lifted her hand I could see it matched her lips.

"What have you done to be rejected?" She asked with barley any interest in her voice.

"She hung out with me." Annie replied for me before sticking a chicken nugget in her mouth.

"Ah, so nothing to bad." Jacob said said as he took some food of Luke's tray who glared at him.

"Hey, new girl!"

At Jordan's voice, my eyes widened as I quickly pushed my tray forward and put my head down on the table, covering my face with my arms. That didn't work, because a few seconds later a felt someone squeeze in between me and Angel and an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Jordan, go away." I said lifting my head to glare at him. I could feel the tension rising around the table as I glanced at the other occupants of the table.

"Alright, alright. I'll see you later, babe."

As soon as he left a let my head slam back to the table and I heard laughing coming from Angel. I let my eyes fall on her as they narrowed into a glare.

"Not funny!"

"Yes it is."

After lunch I went to my next classes and then went to the locker I now shared with Annie. And who was waiting there for me was a surprise. I surprise I didn't like and it didn't look like they were to happy to see me either.