Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


Mason was released from the hospital today and I was glad. I could not stand another minute in that deathly place. I hold on to my stomach tightly as Mason and I walked down the sidewalk in a peaceful silence. He was much too scared to even talk at the moment and I took this chance to talk with my parents.

”Noah, you're hurt? How are you feeling?” my mother asked me in a worried tone. I laughed.

“It's fine I can manage,” I cough suddenly and sigh.

”If you say so hunny,” she sighs, ” By the way any chance on telling us what your plan is?”

“Oh, that well before we left the hospital Mason told me that Kyler was in another world. Aren't you guys in the same world as he is?”

”I'm not sure...we need to look around first. The world here is not that much different from the world you live in,” my father told me, “We will have a look around, but in the mean time be safe.”

“Thanks mom, dad,” I sighed.

I began to let my mind wonder as I thought of plans to execute a person you can not physically harm. Well, I couldn't physically harm him because I couldn't see him. Maybe if Mason could...? No. Probably not. He wouldn't have what it takes to put an end to someone who loved him so much. I know I wouldn't be able to stomach it, but what if that was our only choice? Then Mason will have to stomach it and I'll comfort him in the end. It's terrifying living like this. Knowing the doctors of the insane asylum are out looking for you and Kyler who is dead is out trying to kill us. Mason and I can barely sleep at night because we're so afraid Kyler might just slit our throats. I sigh in defeat, I can't think of possibly plan.

“Hey, Mason?” I whispered softly to him as we sat down in the park grass, “Can I ask you something?”

He nodded, “Sure.”

I scratched my head nervously and decided to ask him bluntly, “Since I can't see Kyler and you can interact with it possible to put him to rest for good?”

He merely blinked at me for a couple of seconds before realizing what my words meant, “K-Kill...K-Kyler?” I nodded slowly and he jumped to his feet quickly, “How can you ask me do to such a thing?!” he shouted at me.

“Mason, just listen okay..” I tried to reason with him, but he only shook his head.

“No!” he yelled, “H-How dare you Noah...I can't do that t-to Kyler..” tears started to fall from his eyes as he crumbled to the ground, “I can't k-kill the one I used to l-love with all my heart..”

I looked down, ashamed for my actions. I knew this wasn't going to be a good idea to ask such a thing for Mason to do. How could I ever think of such a thing. Ugh I'm starting to hate myself.

”Noah!” I jumped at the sound of my parents voices shouting at me.

“What?” I solemnly answered.

”We have found Kyler,” My dad told me, ”And we think we could talk some sense into him.”

“How would talking sense into someone who wants to kill Mason and I work?” I nearly snapped.

”Now, Noah, my mother's soothing voice chimed in, ”You can't be like that. Even though you think Kyler is in the wrong, there might be a reason for him to suddenly change like he did. Ever thought of it being jealously?”

I blinked hard, I never thought about that. “No..”

”He might be jealous that you are stealing what was once his away from him. He had Mason first remember and he might as well still be in love with him and it is probably hard for him to let go of Mason and move on,” my mom continued and I sighed. What she said sounds completely right, maybe Kyler was jealous. I feel like I should talk to him as well and we could probably put an end to this peacefully.

“Thanks mom and dad,” I appreciate their help in my ordeal, “I have to talk to Mason now.”

”Good luck son,” they both said in unison.

“Mason!” I called out to him since he walked away from me while I was talking to my parents. I caught up to where he was as he glared at me with teary eyes, “Please don't look at me like that, I'm really sorry for ever asking you to such a thing to your formal lover.”

He stared at me as I apologized and then finally soften his expression on his face, “Thank you for apologizing, I forgive you. Now was there something you want to talk about?” he asked as he wiped the dried tears off of his face.

“I think I found a way to get ride of Kyler peacefully,” I started, “My parents both told me that he is only acting like this because he is jealous. Do you realize that you are now giving something you once gave him to me? Now I think he wants it back.”

“Jealously?” he tilted his head to the side in deep thought, “It does make sense...poor Kyler must be awfully lonely where he wonder he wants me to join him so badly..”

“If we can both just talk to Kyler without him being so rash, we can work this out,” I said, “And maybe we can be at peace, living the way we should be living.”

Mason scratched the back of his head and sighed, “I have faith in you, but I dunno..what happens if it isn't jealously?”

“I don't understand why it wouldn't be.”

“That is true I suppose, well let's give it a shot shall we?”

“Yeah, the next time Kyler comes out we will.”


Mason and I finally got the courage to go back to my apartment, even though it was attacked by Kyler, but we were no longer afraid of him like we used to be. It was around eleven o'clock at night and Mason fell asleep on the couch. I sat up fully awake just in case Kyler did something in our sleep, and also so I can catch him to talk to him. Waiting, I watch television for what felt like hours before I finally heard his voice in my head.

”You disgust me Noah,” Kyler sneered.

“I know I do and I'm sorry you are having to watch me steal Mason away,” I started into what I wanted to talk about with him.

”What are you getting at? he questioned, ”I just want you dead!”

“You are jealous.”

”You are mistaken.”

“It must be awfully lonely where you are Kyler and I feel bad for you. All you want is Mason to keep you company where you are, but it is not about to happen. I know Mason was yours first, but he's mine now. Trying to kill us both won't make anything better because then I'll still be where you are along with Mason,” I told him and I could've sworn I heard him yell in anger.

”So what?” he said in defeat, ”Is it so bad that I just want company with my lover?”

Finally I was getting through to this guy, “No, but they way you are doing this is bad. Forcing Mason to kill himself and putting him through pain is not the way. If you love him you will let him go.”

”I can't!”

“But you must.”

”I won't.

“Well, you are going to have to Kyler.”

”He is mine! You are taking him away from me! He and I promised we will be together forever...I intend to keep that promise if he cannot. You can't have his heart when it's still in my hands! Kyler shouted suddenly before disappearing once again. I sighed out and thought this is going to be harder than I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you're enjoying this story c:
I made a little twist hehe
Kyler just wants his Mason back, is that really that bad? No, not really.
But he can't have him since poor Kyler is already dead.

Comment&Subscribe! to see where the story goes.
I'm trying to finish this story in five more chapters c: