Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


It's been a couple of days and during those days Noah has been talking to Kyler, trying to convince him to let me go. I still don't know how he will ever let me go it just seems nearly impossible. I sighed sadly as I kicked the dirt of the park up in the air. Today all I want to do is just relax with Noah, but it doesn't seem like it'll be happening anytime soon since he's arguing with Kyler over me. The longer this goes on the longer I feel it is my fault for letting this happen. I kind of hate it...I just want everyone to be happy, but Noah is not he's stressed and Kyler is angry...filled with such sorrow. I bite my lip as I felt Noah's arm wrap itself around me tightly.

"He's still not agreeing with me Mason," he sighed.

"Probably because the jealousy is blinding him and making him think you're only talking to him like this just to get ride of him," I shrugged. Technically that is true, but it seems like an evil plan in Kyler's eyes. "Maybe I should try talking to him instead."

"You can go right ahead, I'm going to go take a nap near the tree," Noah yawned before hugging me and walking away. I sighed as I took a few more steps ahead of me where Kyler and I had our first date. I sat near there tree for a couple of minutes before I felt a presence behind me.

"Mason what are you doing?" I heard Kyler say.

"Waiting for you," I smiled and looked up at him, "I miss you so much."

He rolled his eyes, "It doesn't seem like it, the way you are holding on to Noah." venom seeped into his tone as he said Noah's name. I cringed slightly, but got the courage to continue on.

"I-I know we made a p-promise to be together forever...but Kyler I c-can't be with you anymore. You are out of my reach now.." I trailed off and looked down at my hands which were folded in my lap.

"I'm right here though Mason.." he solemnly told me, "I'm not out of your reach.."

I shook my head slowly and sighed, "Only in my mind you are... I hope you'll forgive me one day Kyler, but it's time to say goodbye."

I heard faint sobs coming from next to me and I knew then it was Kyler crying softly. I look over my shoulder at him and wrap my arms tightly around him. This will be my last hug with him and I want to make it last. I gently placed kiss along his jawline down to his neck, I want him to know that I will always love him even though he is now gone forever. It's probably now going to be harder to say goodbye but it's something that has to be done.

"M-Mason," Kyler sobbed out, "I'm going to miss you so much, but you and Noah are right I do need to go." he stood up slowly off the ground and brushed his pants off. He gave my his hand and I took it and got to my feet. "I love you Mason, make sure Noah takes good care of you or else."

I giggled and held both of his hands in mine, "He will I promise Kyler, I love you too and don't worry so much about me. I'll make sure to visit your grave everyday and you Noah and I along with his parents can all talk. We're insane and we don't care.” I smiled sadly as tears began to fall out of my eyes. The realization of Kyler leaving me is heart breaking.

I bury my head in Kyler's chest and sob quietly as he pets my head. He lifts up my chin slightly and leans down to kiss me one last time before he goes. I pull him closer to me making the kiss last as long as it can before we both break away with tears staining our cheeks.

“Take care Mason, I'll see you in your dreams,” he kissed my forehead and took a couple of steps back.

“Bye Kyler, I love you and I will miss you.” I told him as he slowly started to disappear from the bottom up. The last thing I see is his smiling face before he finally fades away.


The sun was gone and the moon was out, and Noah and I are sitting on the couch in our apartment watching silly shows on the television. To be honest I'm not really paying any attention to what's going on, I'm lost in my thoughts as I finally felt relief after seeing Kyler for the last time. Letting him go has brought me closure and now I can live my life with Noah happily. At this moment I couldn't help but stare at Noah, I haven't really gotten a chance to really look at him completely. Every now and then he would move his arms to stretch and I would notice his muscles ripple under his long sleeve shirt. I shiver at the thought of the day when I can finally see his strong arms. I blush deeply and of course at the same time Noah looks over at me and laughs.

“Why are you blushing Mason?” he asked me in a low voice that sent goosebumps all over my skin.

“N-No reason..” my voice failed me as it cracked.

He arched an eyebrow and looked at me skeptically, “Oh? I don't believe you.” he gently pushed me on my back and climbed on top of me, “Tell me why you were blushing...were you thinking dirty thoughts?”

I shook my head and whined, “N-No..”

He smirked and moved one of his hands to my pants and slowly rubbed me through my pants. I whimpered and wiggled my hips in a circular motion.

“Oh, I see you like that,” his voice sounded deeper than before with a hint of seduction. He gently squeezed my now hardening member and I gasped. The blush on my face only getting redder by the seconds.

“N-Noah..” I whined, “Y-You're such a t-tease.”

He laughed a husky laugh and sat up, giving me the time to catch my breath I was slowly losing. I quickly sat up and covered myself feeling embarrassed about my slight boner.

“My bad, you're just teaseable Mason,” he laughed some more and I pouted.

“Meanie!” I whimpered loudly and smacked his arm.

“Don't speak such lies babe.”

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest childishly as Noah and I went back to sitting in silence. Minutes went passed slowly and I heard a faint snore coming from Noah. The peaceful expression that was being held on his face put my mind and heart at ease, knowing Kyler isn't hurting him anymore. From this day forward we can now live happy, peaceful lives and I couldn't wait for that to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprise! c: How you guys like how this chapter turned out?
I hope it was good ._. it wasn't my best chapter I've written for this story.
Anyways they're about four chapters left in this story. It's sad it is ending soon :c I'm going to miss writing their insanity, but it all must end eventually.
