Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


Waking up curled up to Noah was definitively how I wanted to start my day off. His protectiveness that radiates off him makes me feel safe, like nothing in this world can harm me. I smile up at him as he was still asleep and admired him. His strong jaw bone, high cheek bones, long eyelashes and raven black hair. He was just a beautiful person all together and sometimes I feel it's too good too be true being with him. He never cease to amaze me. When we first met at the park I thought he was going to be like everyone else, just call me crazy and walk away. But he was suffering the same kind of problem I was and decided to get to know me. After that he followed me into the insane asylum, he was determined to make me his and it worked. I am his and he is mine. Nothing is ever going to change that fact, plus I doubt anyone else would love us since we're not completely sane. But who in this world is? Speaking on different terms I mean.

I looked over at our digital clock on the nightstand and it read a quarter passed twelve. I guess it's time to get up and get ready for the day. I poked Noah's nose a couple times watching it as it wiggles around and wrinkles up, before his eyes flutter open. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

“Good morning Mason,” he yawns out and I giggle.

“You mean good afternoon, Noah,” I pointed at the clock and laughed, “It's almost one and we're still in bed.”

He shrugged, “Oh, well,” he sat up from the position he was in and stretched his arms up above his head. With a satisfying pop he sighed and looked at me, “I have a surprise for you today Noah!” he cheered excitedly and I giggled at his antics.

“Oh, really?” I questioned jokingly and he nodded.

“Yep! So come let's get ready!” he smiled widely.

I watched Noah as he ran to the other side of the bed and picked me up bridal style. I smiled and laughed the whole time as he brought me to the bathroom, locking the door behind us. He smirked at me and slowly advanced to me. My legs were shaking so badly that they gave out on me and I fell on my butt. He laughed and helped me to my feet.

“You're so adorable when you look all innocent like that,” he winked at me and I blushed. That wasn't very nice of him. I pouted up at him as he turned on the shower and kicked off his boxers. I yelped and shyly covered my eyes as the blush on my face turned a deeper color. I know I've seen Kyler naked before countless times, but this is Noah. It was almost unexpected.

“Mason?” I heard Noah call out to me. “You okay baby?”

I nodded slowly, “Y-Yeah, I'm fine j-just a-a little..”

He chuckled lightly at me and gently pried my hands off. I tried putting up a little fight, but gave up quickly when I felt his warm lips against my cheek.

“Don't be so shy Mason,” he whispered to me and I looked up at him timidly.

He picked me up gently and took off my boxers in one swift movement. Noah stepped in the warm shower and I shivered as the water hit my back softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and whimpered. He only chuckled at my antics and put my back on my feet. We washed ourselves quickly and exited the bathroom all together and headed towards our bedroom. Noah tossed me an outfit he wanted me to wear and I examined it while I was putting on my boxers. A pair of dark washed skinny jeans, a white V-neck shirt and a pair of black fingerless gloves. He knows my style so well it was almost comical. Noah was wearing black skinny jean, a red flannel shirt along with a white beanie. I blushed slightly as I finished putting on my outfit.

“What do you have planned for us today Noah?” I asked him as we walked out of out apartment.

“Somewhere,” he chimed as he skipped lightly, holding my hand.

I pouted and whined, “Come on please tell me.”

He chuckled at my antics as we walked down the street into the small little town. I haven't really been able to look around this town even when I was with Kyler. I always stayed at his house and barely went outside to explore, so this was all new to me in a way. The only reason why Kyler and I stayed inside was because my parents, mainly my father would come out searching for us and it scared us to the point we just hid. But now I don't feel so scared anymore and I can finally take in the place I called home for seventeen years.

Noah opened a door to a small cafe that I haven't been to before, for me and I smiled instantly. The place was small, had big windows that let the sun pour into the joint with booths lining the outer part of the cafe. I could smell the aroma of coffee, eggs, bacon and pancake mix invade my nostrils and I felt at ease. I bit my lip cheerfully as Noah took my hand and lead us to a booth near a window. The warmth of the sun and the friendly atmosphere of the cafe melted my heart.

“ so relaxing..” I sighed contently.

“I'm glad you're relaxing finally Mason,” Noah smiled warmly at me, “Ever since we escape that awful place, you've been on edge. I've noticed how tense you become when we our outside of out apartment so I wanted to take you out on our first date to relax you.”

I felt tears prick my eyes as those words left Noah's mouth. I felt my heart swell, butterflies attack the hell out of my gut, my body shiver and my toes curl within my shoes. I always knew Noah cared about me, but I never knew he cared about me this much. It was almost unbelievable. A waitress came to our table and I ordered a juice and Noah ordered some coffee. When the waitress came back with our drinks we ordered our food and ate in a peaceful silence. When we finished our food, we left the cafe and continued to walk around aimlessly in the town. We walked by the town's kennel and I got to play with a couple of the puppies that were there. It was a heart warming moment for me and I was sad that Noah and I had to leave. I promised myself that I would adopted a puppy from this kennel.

After the kennel we walked down the street once more and up to a cart that was selling flowers. My favorite flower had always been the lily and I got excited when I noticed Noah buying me one. He bent the stem and placed it behind my ear. A dust of pink creeped upon my features as a giggle made its way passed my lips. The last place we went to for the day was of course the park. We stayed there until the sun fully settled in the horizon. Noah and I cuddled, shared a few small kisses and nearly fell asleep under our tree.

“Don't fall asleep yet Mason,” I heard Noah whisper in my ear. His warm breath hitting my neck and sending shivers down my spine, “I still have one more thing to do for you tonight.”

I looked up at him in confusion. I wonder what he could have possibly have left to do for me, he's already done so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter is next, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story as much I enjoyed writing it.
This is going to be ending in the next update.
