Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


I'm really starting to hate this! I'm not crazy I know Kyler is still alive somewhere I just don't know why he hasn't come and taken me away from my parents. They don't love me, if they did love me they wouldn't send me away! I don't want to go and that's why I locked myself in my room where I know it's safe. I sat on my bed with tears running down my cheeks as my heart continued to break slowly each day. I felt a warm hand place itself on my shoulder and I jumped in shock. I turn around and see Kyler's smiling face and I nearly break down again.

“Kyler!” I shouted and jumped to hug him tightly. He certainly felt real right now and I know I'm not hallucinating this, “How'd you get in my room...I locked my door.” I wiped the tears off my face and smiled widely.

He laughed that musical laugh and pointed to my open window, “You left your window open silly.”

I brought my hand up to my forehead and laughed, “Oh, I didn't remember I did that early today.” I shook my head and smiled at him, “How come you haven't taken me away from here like you promised a long time ago?”

Kyler's face fell slightly and he looked down at the floor, “I can't Mason..” he trailed off.

I shook my head as tears started welling up in my eyes again, “W-Why can't you?” I laughed with no emotion and let the tears fall out of my eyes, “You told me you would Kyler! You never lied to me before and here you are lying straight to my face!” I shouted at him. He jumped a little bit and looked up at me quickly shocked but didn't utter a word to me, “Kyler please, I can't take living under this house anymore...please just take me away..”

He sighed in defeat and pointed at the window, “If you want to follow me so badly then go jump out the window,” he said as he walked over to the window and jumped down. I nearly screamed knowing full well that the drop would kill someone. I ran over to the window quickly with my heart racing and peek over the side to see Kyler waving up at me with a smile on his face, “Come on Mason! Jump, I'll catch you!”

I nodded nervously as I draped my legs over the side, “I'll be right down Kyler,” I was about to slide off when my door was kicked down. I jumped in shock and fell backwards into my house, whining at the hard contact with the floor.

“Who were you talking to Mason?” a man in a strange white coat asked me as he walked deeper into my room.

I stood up slowly and shrugged, “I was talking to my boyfriend who jumped out of my window..” I trailed off slowly.

“Your parents told me your boyfriend is dead–,” the man started and I cut him off by yelling incoherently at him.

“His parents have been saying he's been talking to himself recently,” another man in the same strange white coat told his friend, “Looks like he's beginning to lose his mind.”

I huffed, “I am not losing my mind! And I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to Kyler!” I shouted and walked over to the window and pointed out of it, “In fact he's standing down there!” I look out the window and smile down at Kyler who was waiting for me to join him. The two men walk over to the window and look out of it and frown.

“I don't see anyone Mason..” one of the men said and I shook my head.

“He's there, I swear he is!” I shouted, “I see him right now...” I trailed off slowly.

The other man shook his head and sighed, “No one's there Mason..” he said softly.

I stomped my foot on the ground and huffed again. I don't get it! How can they not see Kyler standing at the bottom waving his hand at us relentlessly? He's alive damn it and I know I'm not faking it...he's death was all in my head and it was just a nightmare that I finally woke up from awhile ago. Everyone else is just lying to me when they say Kyler's dead. I sat back on the window sill and swung my legs over the edge again as I was previously and took a deep breath.

“Mason what are you doing?” the man that was standing closes to me asked and I glared at him.

“I'm going with Kyler, he'll catch me down there and I don't want to be followed!” I raised my voice and pushed myself off the edge of the window and began a free fall to the ground. I smiled when I saw Kyler's arms open up so he could catch me, but that smile soon vanished when Kyler did suddenly and I plummeted into the hard grassy ground with a thud.


My eyes fluttered open as I groaned and grabbed my pounding head. What in the world happened to me? One moment I was speaking with Kyler like old times and free falling about to land in his arms then he suddenly disappears? I don't understand but I shake my head from the thought and looked around the unfamiliar room I was in as I heard voices from unfamiliar mouths and saw unfamiliar faces. The room was filled with bunk beds that looked as well as felt uncomfortable to sleep in. I pulled my legs up to my chest and held on to them tightly as I took in the new surroundings. I wasn't home anymore and these people kept looking at me with insanity filling their eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes as I started screaming at them to leave me alone since one was tugging on my arm.

“Leave me alone! Go away! I don't like this place!” I shouted over and over at them, but they ignored me. “Damn it! Just leave me alone! Stop touching me! Please!” I kept shouting until some women in a white coat rushes into the room and gently pushed away the people that kept grabbing at my arms. Sobs rocked my frame violently as the women tried to calm me down by cooing in my ear and holding me tightly.

“It's alright Mason, the inmates won't bother you anymore,” the women whispered in my ear.

I didn't really care that I was in the arms of a stranger, she made me feel safe against these other people in here. I would probably feel a little bit better if I just knew where I was at the moment. Everything in this room felt cold and unwelcoming. The floor was hard, rough carpet the walls were gray as well as the ceiling, the bunk beds in here were framed with metal poles and since I was sitting on one of the beds they certainly weren't comfortable. When I finally stopped crying the women looked at me with apologetic eyes and unwrapped her arms from around me.

“W-Where am I?” I asked her softly.

“You're in an inane asylum,” she answered in the same soft tone I used. I looked at her with my eyes budging out of my head. An insane asylum? That can't be right...I am not insane!

“Th-There must be some m-mistake,” I told her with a nervous laugh, “I'm not insane...I know I'm not.”

She patted my head and gave out a sickening laugh, “Ahh they all say that,” she got up from the bed and left the room and slammed the door loudly. I flinched at the sound and fell back on the hard bed.

“Hey, hey you!” I heard a female voice call out from above me. I sat up slowly and peeked up to stare into hazy green eyes of a young girl who looked to be around my age. She had ratted out blonde hair, but she still looked fairly pretty.

“Yes?” I answered her as she dropped down from her bunk and stuck out her hand.

“My names Cynthia Brown!” she shouted as I shook her hand slowly, “Whats your name bro?”

I smile shyly, “My names Mason Turner.”

She plopped herself down on my bed and smiled at me with her toothy smile, “What are you in here for? I'm here for unusual behavior, talking to myself, voices in my head, screaming out loud randomly and accidentally stabbing a kid then blaming it on a voice in my head!” she ranted while shouting a little bit. I visibly scooted away from her as she talked.

“Uhh I don't know why I'm here actually.” I said to her and she laughed.

“They don't just pick up kids from the street and toss them in here! You have to have a reason, come on tell me you're story!” she pushed and I sighed a little bit.

“Well, awhile ago my father killed my Kyler before my eyes and well I don't know how to explain it, but I believe he's alive. I keep seeing him everywhere I go and I actually can hold him and be held by him. He's real and I know he's alive! I have to get out of here so I could be with him again!” I stood up quickly and walked over to the door I knew was the way out of this room.

I heard Cynthia laugh behind me as she tapped my shoulder to gain my attention, “Mason, you've lost your mind bro. If you saw him die before your eyes then Kyler is dead!” she laughed again, “I'm sorry though for your loss..” she lowered her voice and frowned, “It must be hard living with only the memory of the one you lost even though he's not actually there...” her voice was cold and it kind of scared me, “It must suck! Seeing his face every single day he's not with you right? It must just suck!” she shouted and laughed menacingly and slowly pulled out a pocket knife and thrusted it at me, “Wanna go join him Mason?! I can certainly help you with that!”

She lunged at me, but I quickly opened the door which hit her in the head and ran out of the room. I ran down a hallway that was filled with kids who some were wearing white night gowns some were not. Some of them were laughing menacingly some were crawling on the floor making me have to jump over them to keep running. I didn't know if Cynthia was chasing me or not, but I know I didn't want to go back in that room with her. She was about to kill me with her little pocket knife that she had hidden somewhere. I was scared, frantic to get out of this mad house! When my legs finally gave out on I crawled into a corner and hugged them to my chest as I started crying again. The little kids, teenagers and even some adults all crowded me, looking at me with their insanity filled eyes. I couldn't take it anymore and I started shouting at them to leave me alone, but none of them listened. I gave up and just hide my hand in my knees and let the sobs rock my small frame. I wanted to go home now!


I groaned softly to myself as I laid on my hard bed again. The damn doctors found me in a crying mess in the corner since the patients were crowed me. I remember shouting at them to unhand me while I kicked and screamed for Kyler to save me from this hell. That probably convinced everyone that I was insane, and you know I'm beginning to think I am insane. I sighed out loud and felt eyes staring at me, but I didn't want to look over. I was afraid it was Cynthia again so I ignored it and turned over to face the stone wall.

“Mason,” I heard a soft voice call out, it sounded just like Kyler! I quickly turned over and there he was standing before me again, “I came to see how you're doing hun.”

“Oh, Kyler...I can't stand being here...” I whimpered, “This place is so dark and cold and no one seems so friendly here. I'm scared...”

Kyler shook his head and placed his warm hand on top of mine, “If you want out..follow me okay?”

I jumped up quickly from the uncomfortable mattress and tip-toed my way out of the room I was supposed to be staying in and followed closely behind Kyler. I smiled to myself as I held Kyler's hand tightly as he lead us out of the insane asylum. Sometimes I would wonder how Kyler would always find me when I'm at my lowest of the lows. But I shrug off the thought and walk side by side with him on the sidewalk. I giggled and leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around my torso. We both walked in silence and for the first time in awhile I felt at ease right now. I felt like I was on a high and I didn't want to lose it since I might plunge down into madness again. I felt happy again being with my Kyler, everyone else who said he was dead was lying to me and the day I saw him dye well I was dreaming and like I said I finally woke up from that nightmare. Kyler and I were walking for awhile and ended up in our favorite spot, the park. It was around 10:30 at night as Kyler pulled my hand so we could sit down in our old spot.

“It's so peaceful out tonight Kyler,” I whisper absentmindedly as I snuggled up to his side.

“This is where our first date was remember Mason?” Kyler kissed the top of my head and smiled.

I nodded and looked up at him, “I wanted to replay that night over and over was so amazing!” I giggled as I sat up and blushed as I looked into his eyes, “Never leave me okay Kyler?”

He smiled down at me and nodded, “I won't Mason..” he leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. Oh, how I missed this feeling so much. Everything about Kyler I missed so much, I can't believe he left me so suddenly and then came back. I didn't care though as long as I was with him I was happy. We both broke away softly and looked at each other in the eyes and I couldn't help but giggle and poke his nose childishly.

“I love you Mason,” he smiled at me.

“I love you too Kyler,” I returned his smile.

“Who in the world are you talking to?” I heard a voice suddenly say from behind me. I jump slightly and quickly turn around and stare into a stunning set of gray, mysterious eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠

This chapter took awhile for me to write out (: but I hope it's written well.
Here Mason is tossed into the insane asylum while he was knocked out from that fall.
I hope the whole him talking to Kyler isn't confusing anyone. Yes Kyler is dead but to Mason he's alive.

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