Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


I sighed to myself as I slipped on my chucks again before heading out my door of my apartment. My routine again and I don't think it'll ever change, but for some reason I'm okay with that. I walk down the familiar path to the graveyard as I let my mind drift again. Everything seems to move in slow motion around me when especially when a person is all alone in the world. It makes me feel crazed with each passing lonely day. It makes my skin crawl when I feel like I'm frozen in time. I take a deep soothing breath as I look around me surroundings, feeling myself plunge deeper into insanity. Waking up at the same time every morning to do the same thing everyday makes it so much worse. I might as well walk the extra miles down to that insane asylum, maybe it would do me some good if I get treated. But I just laugh at the mere thought. It would make me worse and that's a known fact. My internal struggles keep me entertained within my lonely hours and it makes me feel somewhat human still.

When I reached the graveyard instead of going to the park first, I make my way over to my parents' gravestones. I kneel down before their final resting place and bow my head in a prayer for them. I was about to open my eyes to end my daily prayer for the day and suddenly I felt my blood run cold as my heart picked up in speed. The cool September air blew around me as this strange feeling started to coil up inside me. It was beginning to make me feel sick to my stomach.

"I'm so sorry Noah." I heard a two voices say in unison.

I jumped at the sound and stood away from the gravestones before me. I look around frantically as I felt sweat form on my forehead. My body started to shake a little bit as I realized no one was around me, and I know for a fact I'm alone. I try to shrug this unwelcome feeling as I journeyed back my usual pathway to the park. Thinking back on the voices I heard they did sound very familiar.

"Oh, Noah I wish I could take back all those awful things I said to you back then." a female voice chocked out. My eye twitched slightly as I placed my hand on my now pounding forehead. Take back what awful things? I look around my surroundings again and still see no one. I was beginning to get irritated.

"We're sorry for isolating you, we didn't know that it would lead to something like this." a male voice tacked on and I groaned, rounding the sidewalk corner frantically as I started to speed walk to the park. Then it hit me; the voices I was hearing were in my head. I groaned again and let my eyes roll back in my head as the two voices went back and forth relentlessly in my mind.

"We want to go back in time and become that family you always wanted."

I fell to my knees and placed my hands on the cool, stoney sidewalk.

"We wished we watched you graduate instead of watching you lose yourself alone."

I fell on my side and grabbed fistfuls of my hair, grinding my teeth.

"We always loved you Noah even though we stopped showing it."

I started kicking the pavement relentlessly with my feet and screaming slightly.

"Thank you for always visiting our graves no matter how badly we treated you Noah."

The voices said in unison as I screamed even louder than before in a mix of emotions. Sweat was now coating my body and made my clothes stick to me uncomfortably. Shakes racked my frame violently as I coughed up spit I was chocking on. The spit was coming out of my mouth uncontrollably as the voices slowly echoed in my head in incoherent whispers.

My bottom lip quivered, “M-Mom..D-Dad...I-I do miss you,” I whimpered as I tried to muster up enough strength to get to my feet.

I started chuckling to myself as I started to realize, I'm so far gone. I laughed harder, menacingly as I threw my head back with a hand to my forehead. My parents voices echoed in my head, just filling it with cluttered noises. Well, at least it's better than the dead silence. Oh, how I hate pure silence it's truly maddening! When I calmed down and collected myself, I continued my walk to the park casually. Like the episode I just had never happened. When I reached the archway of the park, to my surprise I see a boy sitting by himself under a big oak tree. It seems like he's laughing as I walked closer and closer to him, but I see no one else around him. Is he laughing to himself? Maybe talking to himself. I smile a little bit knowing that I'm not alone when it comes to losing ones mind. When I reached the boy from behind him I heard him user slowly, “I love you too Kyler.” as he snuggled into the bodiless air next to him.

I cocked my head to the side, “Who in the world are you talking to?” I blurted out suddenly.

The boy in front of my jumps slightly as he turned around quickly, most likely in shock or something. I was taken back when I stared into the most gorgeous baby blue eyes that were slightly covered up by his chocolate brown fringe. His brown hair blew slightly in the cool night air as his light pink, plump lips quivered. We didn't utter another word to each other, we just stared. Taking in the new person we'd come across now. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down his tiny, slim body. He looks so fragile; like anything and everything can break him. I looked back into his ocean like eyes and see torment in them. He defiantly has a story to tell and I want to know about it. I'm becoming curious about this boy in front of me.

The boy turned around to face me completely and gulped, “I-I was talking to K-Kyler,” he said as he looked next to him, the air next to him, “My boyfriend.”

I looked beside him and my eyebrows pulled together, “I uhh don't see anyone..”

Tears were welling up in the boys now pale blue eyes as he shook his head furiously, “No! Everyone says that! I don't get it at all..” he trailed off as the tears poured from his eyes like waterfalls, “Kyler! Please say something so that he knows you're here with me.”

I waited for a moment as I stared in the directions the boy was staring in. For some reason I felt that sicking feeling again forming inside me from earlier tonight. My blood ran cold again as my heart picked up in speed once more. I wasn't going to allow myself to lose my cool again so I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, calming myself.

"Hey kid." I heard a different voice chuckle, "Be nice to Mason now, or else." his voice rang cheerfully in my head though I knew it was threat in some happy way.

“Uhh...,” I awkwardly say in attempted to spark a conversation again, “Is your name Mason?”

The boy blinked away tears as he smiled at me, “Yes! So who told you? Huh it was Kyler wasn't it!”

I nodded slowly, “I can hear him....I think but I can't see him though...I'm Noah by the way.”

“I know that already,” he giggled and I blinked, “Silly your parents told me, I can see them behind you.”

I could've given myself a whiplash when I spun my head around to look behind me. But I saw no one and frowned. What in the world is going on? Mason...this boy is defiantly an odd one.

“Can't you see them?” he asked me.

“No...I can't see anyone but only hear them.” I answered him and laughed, “Don't you find this odd?” he shrugged and giggled. Hmm that giggle is adorable, it might be an addiction for me. “So whats your story'd Kyler die?” I asked him bluntly.

Mason twiddled his thumbs together and looked down at his hands, “My father killed him right before my eyes,” tears slowly formed in his eyes again and I motioned him to come close to me. I just felt the urge to cuddle with him and make him feel better, he was already slowly doing that to me. Making the hole in my heart fill in, making the crack on my soul mend, making my tainted eyes clear and pure. All in the mere moments of meeting him and simply talking to him, maybe that's how I treat my own insanity.

I cuddled Mason close to my chest as he clutched my shirt and cried. My arms wrapped around his small frame as I cooed softly in his ear to calm him down.

"That's a good boy Noah." I heard Kyler laugh, but it was kind of a dark laughter that sent shivers down my spine. Something about Kyler's voice ringing in my head is dark, cold and unwelcoming.

“I guess I really am insane just like those doctors said,” I heard Mason mumble as his tears were subsiding slowly, “Kyler is really gone, but then why do I see him everywhere?”

I shrug, “That's like why do I hear my dead parents voices now....I guess it's a form of deep depression.” I yawn softly and lay down on the grassy field and looked up at the moon. “So where'd you come from Mason...I haven't seen a soul step foot in this park for awhile at this time of night anyways.”

Mason shyly crawled on top of my and lays his head in the crock of my neck. I shiver at the sudden skin contact and smile to myself, I could probably make this boy mine. I doubt I'll have another chance like this for the rest of my life.

"You better not be thinking like that Noah." I heard Kyler's voice yet again. It was starting to irk me as much as it frightened me. He was kindly threatening me. Protective bastard.

“Well, when Kyler died I never left my room. I'd always stay there...then yesterday my parents called this place that I now I have to live in. It's scary there and I don't want to go back! The doctors are mean, the patients are brutal and some of them are proud killers there!” Mason ranted a little bit and I sat up slowly in shock. It doesn't sound like a hospital, rather not a normal hospital. More like a mental one. An insane asylum. I was about to speak again when I heard a man shout out from a far.

“Ah ha! There you are!” the man yelled as he quickened his pace towards Mason and I. He grabbed Mason by the arm and yanked him roughly off me, and I sat up quickly and scowled at him, “You little crazy idiot, how'd you escape the asylum?”

“Whoa, man easy alright?” I said as I brushed the dirt off my pants, “Mason isn't going to hurt anyone, no need to treat him like a monster.”

Another man laughed, “The kids lost his damn mind, he deserves to be treated this way...its the only way to actually get through their insane little skulls.”

Noah!” Mason screamed through tears that were rapidly falling from his eyes, “Don't leave me, please!” he stretched out his hand towards me. I walked slowly up to the man to grab Mason's hand, but he only yanked Mason away from me. His tears were now relentlessly falling from his eyes, most likely blinding his vision.

I flinched slightly at how the man kept treating Mason, it was an unnecessary use of force. The doctors cut me off before I could speak and walked away without uttering a word to me. Mason was screaming for me, but I couldn't go after him...just yet. I have a plan to be with him, I won't let him go that easily.

"What do you plan to do Noah?" My mom asked me.

I smiled, “I'm going to save Mason.”

"We're so proud of you." my parents said in unison.

"Yeah, save him and then leave him alone. Mason belongs to me only!" Kyler scolded and I only laughed. Yeah let's just see about that Kyler.
♠ ♠ ♠
So just to clear any confusion; Noah and Mason are both insane. Noah can only hear the voices and Mason can see and hear them, but also react with them as if they were actually there.

Anyways as always
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