Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


Three nights ago, I was roughly tossed back into this asylum like a useless rag doll, I suddenly started having night terrors that forced me to stay up all night looking at the cold stone-like walls. The night terrors only consisted of Kyler, but not the one I fell in love with. He seems cold and unwelcoming now and it's beginning to scare me. The so called doctors here have been sneaking medication into my daily meals as if the pills were there to help me get through the time in this nut house. The medication is only making me hallucinate more of Kyler and his violent self, and I can't seem to catch a break from being in constant fear. It's as if Kyler is slowly torturing my thoughts by day and poisoning my dreams by night, and I'm beginning to think this all started when I met Noah three nights. In all honesty though I miss Noah, he made me feel so alive for the first time in a long time. But I doubt I'll be able to see him again since I don't know my way around this place without the help of Kyler.

I sighed and curled up in a ball on my very hard bed and closed my eyes, attempting to let my thoughts wander. Getting lost in your own thoughts when people say your insane is very dangerous, so it's never safe anywhere. A good example of getting lost in your own thoughts being a bad thing is Cynthia. She simply closed her eyes for a mere second and opened them up with the murderous stare. I don't know why the doctors didn't think it would be a good idea to take away the pocket knife she always carried around with her, and because of their careless mistake she ended up killing a patient here. She was put into solitary confinement and has been there ever since. I doubt she'll be let out again, but I can't say I'm not happy that she no longer sleeps in the bunk above me anymore.

I opened my eyes slowly and stared up at the bottom of the bed above me and sighed. I really want Kyler to leave me alone! He isn't the caring person I once knew he keeps acting like he wants to kill me, and the fact that he keeps saying “join me” is making it worse. I groaned when I felt my head pound painfully and rolled out of my bed. I walked to the door that lead into the hallway filled with children, teenagers and even adults screaming menacingly. I took one step into that said hallway and ran into a body and fell back into the room on my bum. I looked up slowly to stare into a pair of familiar gray eyes.

“N-Noah..?” I said after awhile of just staring at him in shock. I couldn't believe he was actually here.

He smiled and knelt down in front of me, “Hiya Mason!” he out stretched his hand and I took it happily, getting up off the floor and brushing my pants off. I looked up at him and he smiled widely, “How are you Mason?”

I shook my head disregarding the question he asked and asked my own, “Why are you here Noah?” trying to not make the question sound so harsh, but that failed as I saw Noah's face fall slightly.

“Well, uhh,” he scratched the back of his head nervously and sighed, “It's kind of half and half, but mostly I made myself come here just to be with you.”

I blinked twice hard and tilted my head to the side, “Just to be with me...even though we just met awhile ago?”

He nodded and shuffled his feet, “When we met three nights ago, I felt like myself um way before my parents disowned me. I felt alive for the first time in forever it seems like. The hole in my heart was starting to fill in, the crack on my soul was started to mend over and my tainted eyes were slowly becoming pure.” he ranted on awkwardly as he twilled his thumbs together, “Look I know this may seem like a lot to take in and all, but you're the only other person I have ever interacted with in my whole life and I really don't want to lose this feeling you give me.”

I felt a slight blush creep its way on my cheeks as I took in what he just said. Deep down I'm happy that I have someone I could talk to instead of myself. I smile at him and grab his hand as I lead him into the room I am forced to stay in while I'm here. I sat down on the hard bed and pulled him down next to me. I couldn't help but snuggle up to his side, I missed his warm body and it calmed me down and kept me somewhat sane. We sat in silence while I traced patterns into his hand, no sign of Kyler and for once I was glad that he didn't show up like he always does.

“Voices..” I heard Noah mumble under his breath which pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him with confusion on my face, “What?” I asked.

He looked down at me and sighed, “Voices...that's all I hear in my head.” he put both his hands on the sides of his head and groaned, “The more they talk the more my head hurts! And it's not like a normal headache or's like someone is constantly taking a sludge hammer and bashing it against my head relentlessly. It hurts so bad..”

I bit my lip and placed my small hand on his forehead, “Is that why you're here in the asylum? Because you hear these voices?” I rubbed his temple slowly in a failed attempted to take away the pain he was feeling.

He whimpered and nodded slowly, “ parents have countless conversations between themselves and sometimes bring me into them. I don't mind that, but Kyler...I don't even know why I hear him I don't even know they guy but he keeps threatening me. I feel like I'm being haunted by him.”

I chewed on my bottom lip hard and felt tears prick my eyes, “I'm so sorry's my fault Kyler is doing that..” I leaned away from him and looked down at my hands, “If you didn't meet me you wouldn't be hearing his threats and I wouldn't be experiencing him trying to” I choked up at the end and felt tears slowly dropping from my eyes. To my surprise I felt arms wrap themselves around me and Noah's voice cooing softly in my ear.

“As long as we're together, nothing bad will happen anymore,” he whispered softly and I looked up at him.

“How are you so sure Noah?” I softly cried out, “How are you sure nothing bad will happen if we stay together?”

He shrugged and smiled, “I just have this feeling and I'm going with it,” I felt his warm lips on my forehead as he talked against it, “For this kind of insanity we both have, company is the cure.” I felt a smile form on his lips since they were still pressed against my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his torso and held him closely, believing every word that came out of his mouth as my doubt disappeared. I fell back on the bed with Noah laying next to me and for the first time in three nights I felt myself sleep peacefully.


I woke up what felt like an hour and a half later in Noah's arms and I finally felt relief wash over me. I didn't have one of those scary night terrors and I couldn't be happier at the moment. I almost squealed in joy but I soon realized Noah was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. He probably got not an ounce of sleep since the night we got separated, most likely from the voices his been hearing recently. I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that Kyler is in his doesn't make a bit of sense to me. But I guess being in an insane asylum nothing makes sense right? That part does make sense in a messed up way. I sighed as I looked over at Noah's sleeping form. He looks so peaceful and relaxed in his slumber as he clutched my hand in his tightly. I giggled when I felt him squeeze my hand in his sleep and poked his nose gently. I'm not going to lie he is gorgeous and I do hope that we can be more than just friends, whether we stay insane together or not.

I took a look around the room and I could tell that the other patients were asleep. I give out a small yawn and cuddle back into Noah's warm body. He was slowly becoming my closure that I longed for, for a long time since Kyler died. I doubt that I'll be going back to my parents house if and when I ever get out of this insane asylum. I don't think I could last another damn day locked up in this room with people who could intentionally hurt me, staring at the stone-like walls and laying on this rock, hard bed. Just being here makes me feel insane! I just want to be with Noah now and that's all I'll ever need is him. I don't know if he lives in an apartment or house, but that doesn't matter...just as long as I'm with him I'll be happy, something I haven't been in a long time. I smile to myself at my wishful thinking before I let my eyelids drop. The last thought that was running through my mind was me plotting a way to escape this insanity with Noah by my side. I'm sure he wants to escape whether or not being his first day here.
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I'm hoping this story is coming along well.
Just to clarify things, Mason is slowly being haunted by Kyler no longer seeing him as if he were there. Kyler is no longer the closure Mason needs and obviously he doesn't like being thrown away. The only reason why Noah is hearing Kyler is because he's being haunted by him to.

Ahh I love the world of fiction, you can just play around till your heart's content!
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