Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


A painful week of medications, therapy, needles and whatever this place dishes out on their patients went by. Mason by the minute seems to be getting worse and drained after each session of therapies. It's not like the therapies are the normal ones where you sit down and talk out your problems, it's more along the lines of they test you for your problems. Probe you, drug you up so your knocked out for whatever reason. It's sickening how these so-called doctors treat us like science projects. I try my best not to give in to the doctors and resist them for as long as I could, someone needs to stay– dare I say it –sane between Mason and I. Every night Mason's night terrors get worse and sometimes he acts like the continue when he wakes up, and that's where I have to 'protect' him from Kyler who apparently is trying to hurt him. With that happening sometimes Kyler pops up in my head with empty threats to stay away from Mason, but that's the last thing I would do. I honestly would love to see Kyler try to do something that will make me leave Mason's side, but when I think about it anything can really happen in this place. I mean hell, another murder happened and it wasn't that crazy girl Mason was ranting about. Actually no one knows who killed the patient that used to sleep across the room from us, many rumors have been floating around the asylum and it makes both Mason and I uneasy.

Mason and I were at the moment sitting in the run down cafeteria looking place of the asylum slowly eating mush that supposed to be our dinner. I twirl my spoon in the slump and sigh as I dropped it roughly in the bowl. Mason on the other hand is trying to eat the nasty food, but soon gives up and drops the spoon as well. He sighed and looked up from his bowl and smiled weakly at me.

I reached over the table and grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently, “Mason how are you feeling today?”

He shrugged and stared at his bowl again, “I feel like crap...this food is not good the test that I go through every single day are maddening! It's making me feel more insane than I already am Noah..” he trailed off softly and sobbed quietly.

I flinched a little at the sudden sobs that racked his small frame and stood up from my seat and walked around the table, where I can wrap my arms around him tightly. Mason turned into my chest and began crying harder than moments before. I placed gently kisses to the top of his head in attempts to calm him down at least a little bit before we have to move back into our rooms. We have no freedom here so we can't even roam this place freely without being accused of something.

“Mason, I promise you we will get out of here as soon as I figure out this place a little more,” I whispered to him after moments of waiting for his sobs to tune down, “Just give me some time alright?”

He looked up at me and smiled softly, “As long as you need Noah,”

”How do you plan on figuring out this place Noah?” Mom's voice chimed in my head and I smiled.

“I'm the quiet kid that no one sees, so it'll be easy for me,” I voiced out loud as I peered around the cafeteria, “I'll wait till everyone's asleep.”

”Be careful now Noah,” My dad's voice floated in, ”Always watch your back.”

I nodded to myself and got up from my seat with Mason's passed out form in my arms, as I began to carry him to the rooms for the night. When I reached the room I placed Mason down gently on the hard bed and climbed in afterwords and brought his body close to mine in a cuddle. I rested my head against the back of his neck and closed my eyes to let sleep overtake me.

Sleep well Noah, I do hope you know what you're doing messing with Mason like this,” Kyler's voice was the last thing I heard before I finally fell asleep.


I woke up suddenly after sleeping for what felt like hours but it was actually only thirty minutes. I think the doctors here put shit in our food to knock the patients out, but Mason and I barely ate our food so it didn't do the long term effect on us like it should have. I sit up slowly and stretch my arms above my head and wait until I heard my joints pop. I nudge Mason until he wakes up with a grunt before slipping out of the bed.

“Noah,” Mason choked out, “Where are you going?”

I smiled softly at him, “We're going to search out this place for an escape...we both can't stand being here so I think every night we should walk around the asylum looking for some escape route.” I outstretched my hand for him and waited for him to take it, “Do you trust me?”

He looked hesitantly at my hand, thinking about what we're going to do. I don't blame him for acting so nervous about this choice because we might get caught and be separated and that's the last thing we both want. I'm actually glad he's taking his time in thinking, but in the end he took my hand and we both ventured out of our room. I stepped out in the hallway first to make sure everything was clear before letting Mason follow behind me. We both walk slowly down the hallway until we reached the cafeteria.

“Mason,” I called out in a whisper and he squeezed my hand to let me know he was listening, “Okay I think I have an idea of our escape route.” I pointed over to the corner of the room where a AC vent was, “You see that vent?”

“Yeah...what about it?” Mason asked and grabbed my arm with both of his small hands.

“If we can manage to get that open it might lead to the outside and we'd be free people,” I softly explained to him and I felt him shiver at the thought, “Are you scared Mason?” I asked him as I turned to face him.

He looked at the ground and shuffled his feet, “It just seems so dangerous going through an air vent..I mean what about the fan? I mean what if they turn it on while we're in there? Who knows what could happen...” he ranted a little bit before trailing off.

I tapped my chin in deep thought as I took in the information that Mason just gave me. He does have a point and we don't want to be killed while trying to escape. I want to go places with him once we get out and I know we will eventually.

”Well, Noah before thinking to hard about being in the vent itself you have to find a way to open it without being noticed by anyone. And you also need a tool to open it,” I heard my father say to me and I sighed. He's right as well, I didn't really think this through.

“We need to go back to our room and think this through a little more,” I told Mason and grabbed his hand quickly, making my way back to our room swiftly.

When we were safely back in our room, on our bed I continued to have a conversation with my parents as I thought about the plan I started to formulate.

“Okay dad you've looked around the place...give me some insight on where things are.” I asked him as Mason laid on his back curled up to my side.

”Well, in the main office in the top draw closes to the doorway there will be key that unlocks the air vents separately . Since this is an insane asylum most kids would figure out how to unscrew things without the help of a screw driver.” My dad explained and I nodded. ”Well those in your possession you could easily get the vent open over night and escape...the problem is the alarm when you do escape. In the past patients have escape through vents and now they have alarms. For that you need a diversion.”

“What kind of diversion? Like how do I make one in this asylum?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in slight confusion. I honestly don't know how he knew all this about the asylum, but I'm grateful he does anyway.

”That's where I come in deary,” I heard my mother's soft voice chime in, ”It has to something big, something that will take all the doctors attention away from you two escaping.”

I smiled to myself and said, “How about a huge break out.” I suggested.

”That'll work perfectly, you can start an uproar in an open area.”

“Like the cafeteria?”

”Yes that'll do marvelously, while you're doing that Mason will go and open the vents for your escape.”

I smirked a little to myself, “I got the perfect idea for the riot I'll be setting off.” I laughed softly to myself, “What about the vents? When are they on and when are they off?”

”It depends you have to listen out for them,” My dad voiced to me and I sighed.

“This is going to be tough,” I rubbed my head slowly and looked down at Mason who was half-asleep. I kissed the top of his head and smiled at him, “We have a plan, but it's going to be tricky.”

Mason yawned and rubbed his eyes using the bottom of his palms, “That's good...and the vents what about them?”

“Well, they'll be random so we have to listen out for when they're on and off and that'll be the day we strike to get out of here. I don't plan on being here any longer,” I whispered in his ear and turned on my side to get more comfortable.

Mason curled into my chest and nuzzled his head over my heart and sighed contently. I smiled to myself remembering how lucky I was to find this boy on that fateful night at the park and found out that he was being held here. I'm glad I followed him to this place because now I feel like I could love someone again and be loved in return just like I always dreamed off. Just thinking about escaping here and taking him back to my lonely apartment made me sleep well with a smile on my face.

”Yes sweet dreams Noah, just you wait till you leave this place,” Kyler's voice faded as the sleep took over me finally.
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Lateness on this story too and I'm sorry for that. Again family issues where popping off here and I couldn't really focus on writing chapters for these stories. Sorry for the wait guys! Hopefully updates will be more frequent than before.

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