Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


A week has passed while being locked away in this God awful place. Noah keeps asking me if I could get in and out of places without being noticed and told me that I need to go into the main office and steal the keys that are in the top drawer closes to the door. I gulped at the idea of being away from Noah for a long time by myself in a basically unknown place, but I have to do this if we have any chance of getting out of here faster. I took a deep breath in and released it slowly as I crept down the small hallway to the head of the insane asylum towards the office. As I crept closer to the main office door and peaked up in the cloudy window to see if I could notice any silhouettes walking back and forth in the office and to my luck no one was inside. I slowly twisted the knob and jumped a little in my shoes when I heard it creek a little too loud for my comfort. Biting my lip hard and continue to turn the knob and open the door so I could quickly get inside to sigh out relief.

"Okay, Noah told me the draw closes to the door on the top...” I told myself as I remembered what Noah told me only a mere thirty minutes ago.

I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the desk that was sitting in the back of the room. As I reached the desk I looked behind it and noticed a big map that looked like the outline of the whole insane asylum. Thinking to myself I knew this map could help Noah and I escape, but I couldn't just take the whole thing someone is bound to notice it gone more than a pair of keys. I tear my eyes from the map and look around the office, scanning for some paper and a writing utensil I opened the draw where the vent keys were and frowned when I noticed there were tons of keys in that very draw. Luckily for me they were all labeled legibility and I found the vent keys with ease. I was about to continue my search for paper and that writing utensil, but I heard the door knob creek loudly and without thinking I jumped under the desk. I bit my lip as I heard heavy footsteps walk into the room and begin to shake nervously.

"Ugh, I'm so tired of this insolent fools out there," I heard a deep man's voice, "Always screaming, yelling, shouting...jumping on the doctors here and biting them so hard they bleed. I can't wait till we can start experimenting on them soon. Their minds are so far gone I'm curious to see what's inside a crazy person’s mind." he laughed darkly.

"In due time sir, in due time," I heard a woman's voice chime in, "We have to make sure they keep eating our food here, otherwise we can't hypnotize them and dissect their brains. We still need them to be somewhat healthy and the food has that special powder that'll make it easier to get this job done."

"I just can't wait; I'm not a patient man. I want my money and I really want to get my hands on that Mason kid." he said slowly as he neared the end of his sentence, I grimaced under the desk " He says he used to see his ex boyfriend and now his ex boyfriend is trying to kill him and make him join him in the afterlife. That's interesting right there, I've never heard of anything like that before," I heard the smile in his voice, before he changed the subject off me. "I'm glad I took this kind of job though, no one will ever miss these poor, unfortunate souls. The moment they walk through these doors and get settled into a room, they're here forever…well until that day which by the way is happening in about two weeks." I heard him clap joyfully before laughing a belly laugh.

"And then the process starts all over again, yes?" The women giggled, "Well I must be off I have to make sure that crazy girl that killed a patient not too long ago doesn't kill anymore. We need as many brains possible; we have a deadline of about three hundred brains."

"I have to be on my way too, I'll talk to you soon," the man said.

I later heard heavy foot steps walk closer to the desk I was under and my breath immediately got caught in my throat and my hand quickly covered my mouth. I could see his shadow peer over the desk as papers got tossed around lazily. Man, this person was defiantly messy. I saw a plain piece of paper fall down in front of me and waited until the man's shadow left the desk and his heavy footsteps walked away and out the door. I waited a few extra minutes to make sure the coast was clear and crawled out of my hiding place. I grabbed the piece of paper and a pen that was lying on top of the desk and quickly drew out the map I noticed earlier behind the desk. As I got a good enough picture with the correct labels, I booked it out of the office and down the narrow hallway. I was shaken up over the conversation I just heard in that confined office and it made me feel sick. Just remembering it my stomach to flips and I almost threw up as I ran back to the room. When I made it back to the hallway with all the patients, there he was standing in front of the door I have to get to. Kyler. He's back and he looks even more vicious than before.

"Oh, hello there Mason," he calmly said, but I knew he wasn't calm. His eyes told another story, they were dark and clouded over with some unpleasant emotion that made me uneasy. "And where do you think you're going with that paper of the map and those keys?" he laughed, "Yeah I saw what you did, trying to escape with Noah. Wouldn't you rather be with me instead? Don't you miss me Mason?" he nearly hissed at me.

I shook my head slowly, "'ve been trying to kill me ever since I got in this insane asylum! I don't want to be anywhere near you Kyler." I shouted at him and he flinched. He did not take that well. He started stepping closer to me, fishing through his pockets.

"Mason, either you die now and come with me... or let your brain be picked away by those doctors and die a slow, painful death," Kyler seethed. "They won't knock you out for this 'surgery' you'll be under taking in a few weeks, no the doctors could care less about how their patients feel. They'll cut your head open and pick roughly at your brain. Dissect it and turn it into mush, then you'll die slowly and agonizingly."

I flinched at every word that came out of Kyler's mouth. He kept on describing how painful the surgery will be, what exactly the doctors will do to you even after death. He was too descriptive and it made my stomach do flips. My head started to pound in pain and I felt sick. I wanted to throw up the nothingness of my tummy just so I could feel relief wash over me. As I bent over and started to throw up yellow liquid, I heard Noah shouting my name. I look up in a dizzy daze, watching Kyler's figure vanish and Noah's appear in his place.

"Mason?" Noah called to me as he bent down. "Tell me what happened."

All I could do was look up at him and weakly smiled. He took that as a 'I feel like shit and can't talk" sign and picked me up off the floor. Noah carried me gently and laid me down on the hard bed, before sitting down next to me putting his warm hand on my forehead.

"Is Kyler still bothering you Mason?" he asked after moments of silence passed, I nodded my head slowly. "He's getting worse...he won't give up on threatening me or trying to take you away from me. It's starting to scare me, but I think that's what he wants."

I sat up slowly and propped myself up with my elbows, "Noah, Kyler we can easily deal with. Honestly he's the least of our problems." I dropped my voice down to a whisper and pulled Noah closer to me. "Listen when I was getting the keys for the air vents, I got stuck hiding under the office desk and had to listen to a God awful conversation."

Noah looked at me skeptically, but I continued on. "Noah listen these people aren't trying to cure us from insanity...t-they w-want to kill us and dissect our brains. While being alive feeling all the horrible pain..." I trailed off slowly watching Noah's face contorted into discomfort and fear.

"You have to be bullshitting me..." he whispered and I only shook my head slowly.”These people...are fucking monsters! Can't believe it..." He ran a head through his hair and sighed, "Glad I chased after you then, huh?" he laughed darkly.

"Noah we only have a couple of weeks to get this plan in motion," I said as I reached in my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with the map on it. "Here look at this. This is a map of the insane asylum we can probably use it to our advantage."

Noah smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "Good job Mason, tomorrow we will use this map and imagine out a route out of here!" Noah cheered mostly to himself.

"Tsk, tsk shouldn't be doing that with Noah," I heard Kyler's voice call out. "Someone is bound to find out your little escape plan and they won't let you go that easily."

I turn around slowly on the bed I was sitting on and spot Kyler sitting on another bed across the room. He smiled darkly at me before vanishing in thin air. The room suddenly felt colder and I curled into myself, getting a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Noah, we need to hurry and get out of here..." I whispered to him as I felt his arms wrap themselves around me.

"We will as soon as possible." Noah whispered back at me and I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. He always seems to bring my mind at ease so I could easily slip into a deep slumber in his arms.
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Ugh this is SO late x: sorry about that.
I was starting school and didn't have much time to write any chapters for this story.
I hope this chapter was good enough for the long wait.

Posting chapters will be slow! I am a highschool student trying to finish her Senior year with good grades. Bear with me on updates c:

Anyways please Subscribe&Comment!