Status: Complete<3

Insane Asylum


It's been a good two weeks since Noah and I escaped the insane asylum and so far nothing out of the ordinary has happened to us. I find it a bit strange though. No one from the asylum came looking for us even though they know full well we ran off and I couldn't help but get a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. But what really gets me feeling like I was about to throw up was the fact that Kyler no longer clouded my vision. It's like he disappeared for good, and to be honest I was happy and sad. Happy since I know he moved on but sad since I know I can no longer see his face anymore. Whether it contorted a face a evil or not. I groan out in agony as my stomach heaved again and Noah rushed to my side from across the room.
“Mason, you've been acting like this for almost a week now,” Noah ran his fingers through my hair soothingly as he sat next to me on the bed.

“It's because I'm really uneasy..” I trailed off and sighed, “Kyler hasn't been bothering me since we left that awful place and it just doesn't feel right.”

Noah cocked an eyebrow as he looked at me skeptically, “Well, isn't that a good thing Mason?”

I shrugged, “Yes and no...I mean he was threatening you the whole time we stayed in the asylum and now he just stopped. It doesn't add up, maybe I'm over thinking it but I'm still not sure.”

Noah hummed in response and sighed, “Mason if it'll make you feel better I'll stay by your side the whole time and–“ Noah was cut off by a distance crash in my apartment. I shot up from the bed and looked at him with eyes filled with fear, as he stood up from the bed. Noah began walking slowly towards the bedroom door and I get off the bed and grab his arm tightly.

“Noah, I-I'm scared...” I whispered, “What if it's Kyler..”

He shook his head, “If it is well, then I'll fight him off.” he tried to sound confident, but his voice cracked and made it sound less convincing.

We both peered into the hallway to see broken glass shattered down it towards the kitchen. It was terrifying and odd at the same time and the air around us felt colder than usual. I look around at my surroundings and spot a silhouette at the end of the other side of the hallway. I stare intently into red beady eyes and tighten my grip on


“N-Noah, Kyler is still here...he still with us!” I started to raise my voice as I begin getting frantic. Kyler was slowly approaching Noah and I as we stand in the hallway of what was supposed to be our safe haven. "We have to move! NOW!" I shout as I shove Noah towards the apartment door. He stumbles as I drag him out of our temporary home and down the stairs.

"Mason just calm down, please!" he shouts as I continue to drag him down the sidewalk, "Kyler couldn't be following us for this long baby."

I finally come to a halt as people pass by us as if we were invisible and I turn around to bury my face in Noah's chest, sobbing. He coos in my ear and stokes my hair gently in order to sooth me. I peek behind him for a mere second and see Kyler glaring at us with eyes clouded with hatred. He only mouthed 'You will be mine once more' before disappearing. I close my eyes tightly and continue crying. I don't know what will happen now, Noah and I virtually have nowhere to go.

For hours Noah and I walked around aimlessly the little town we used to live in. Well, alive at least..both Noah and I feel like the walking dead, drained from being worried about Kyler. He really didn't leave us alone, better yet he gave us a break before coming back stronger than ever and now he's physically messing with us. I peer up at Noah and whimper as we sat in silence on a bench by a grocery store.

“My parents say it's best to try and stay near where people are,” Noah said, “They believe Kyler won't try and do anything drastic when we're in public.”

“Then what about at night? Where everyone's asleep?” I ask almost immediately after Noah finished his sentence.

He rubbed his head and sighed, “I don't know...but for now I'll stay up as long as I can while you sleep.”

I look down and bit my lip, “Even though we don't have a place to go now?”

Noah nodded and sighed once more. I know he's trying his best to make me feel better, but I know it's inevitable to escape Kyler. I hate to say it, but we were much safer in the insane asylum even though the longer we stayed there the closer our deaths were, but as I look at the situation now it seems either way Noah and I are dead. There more I think about the current situation at hand the more I get depressed. I rub my head against Noah's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me tightly. I close my eyes for awhile and was about to drift off to sleep when I felt a stinging pain on the back on my back. I squirm as the pain increases and yelp out in pain.

“Mason,” Noah jumps up as I fall off the bench, “What's wrong?” he frantically asked.

“M-My back! I-It hurts!” I nearly scream.

Noah turns me around and lifts up my shirt and the pain stops abruptly. I hear him gasp as I feel something trickle
down my back. Near by people stop and stare at whatever and the expressions on their faces were filled with horror and shock.

“M-Mason...” Noah whispered, “Kyler is getting physical now..”

“Wh-what?” I feel tears prick my eyes, “What does it say on my back!”

“It says 'You belong to me' Kyler craved into your back that you belong to him!” Noah shouted in fear, not caring if the people who are currently near us heard, “Someone call the ambulance!”


I wake up suddenly in that hideous hospital outfit with Noah passed out on the small bed with me. I guess I must've passed out on the ride here, I don't really remember what happened after Noah told me what Kyler wrote on my back. I feel extremely unsafe and vulnerable when Noah isn't awake with me and being alone in a confined room at the same time. I know hiding is proven useless at this point and I sigh out loud in defeat.

“Kyler, I guess you've won,” I say to no one in particular.

“Oh, no I haven't won yet my love...not until you're here on the other side with me,” I heard his voice echo in the room. I shiver but do nothing for I know it's pointless. “Why are you giving up so quickly Mason, my fun has only just begun!” I hear him laugh and let him continue, “ Being in this world where I now live I can do the unspeakable. Here I'll give you an example.”

Noah started screaming suddenly and it shocked me. I jumped a little on the bed and started shaking Noah to wake him up.

“What are you doing to him!?” I shouted as tears started to fall from my eyes.

“Oh, nothing really, just twisting his organs a little,” Kyler laughed darkly and I started crying even harder.

“Kyler please! I'm begging you! Stop hurting Noah!”

“Why should I?” he shouted as Noah yelled even louder and squirmed on the bed. “Will you join me? If you do right at this moment I will stop slowly killing the poor soul laying on your bed!”

I nodded my head as tears fell like rain drops down my face. Noah stopped screaming and coughed violently. I look over at the table beside me and pick up the sharpest object I could get within my reach.

“You know you want to be with me my sweet Mason,”

I bit my lip and brought the small piece of metal to my wrist, aiming it at one of my arteries, “I'm so sorry Noah..” I close my eyes and press the cool object on my skin and waited for the pressure to be enough to break the skin, but a warm hand swats my metal piece out of my hand. My eyes flutter open as I look at Noah who's coated in sweat and breathing heavily stare at me.

“Kyler can go fuck himself,” he huffed out, “You aren't leaving me and we will win this war.”

I pull him into a hug and hope that he has a plan to save us both.
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Seems like Kyler is becoming worse, what do you think will happen to Mason and Noah now? and what do you think Noah has planned in order to fight back?

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