Bite of the Necromancer


I watch as Aalysia does the assignment. She's only seven...How is she in highschool? Is she some super genius? Well, obviously she is...But there's something about her, something that isn't normal. Her eyes are a weird color. I've never seen a human with yellow eyes before. I don't think that she's wearing contacts, either. I'd say she's probably a vampire, but our eyes only change color when we're feeding.
"Sarah?" Aalysia asks without looking up. I jump a little when she speaks. I then focus back on her.
"Yeah?" I question. She looks up at me, smiling. Her eyes are kind of freaking me out now...
"If all you're going to do is sit there and stare at me, can you at least help me with this question? I don't understand it..." She says. I can tell that my face is beginning to pale a little. I could tell that her eyes were only on the sheet of paper in front of her. How'd she know that I was staring at her?
"What's the question?" I ask, trying not to think about anything else.
"What's your opinion of the movie 'Dusk'. What's 'Dusk'?" She asks. I take the sheet from her and look at the question. Why is there a question about Dusk on here?
"Dusk is a movie about vampires..." I say, still extremely confused. What's going on today? I look at Aalysia again, but she's focused on the teacher. The teacher stands up straight and turns to the class.
"I need to go do something in the teacher's lounge. Feel free to talk to each other. Feel free to text as much as you'd like," he tells us in a trance-like state. He then walks out of the room. I watch as Aalysia sits back in her chair.
"Do your teachers usually do this?" She wonders. I can tell she's trying to hide back a smirk. I shake my head slowly. "You know," she whispers, "I know what you are, Sarah." I stare as if she's some sort of alien.
"W-what are you talking about?" I ask. She rolls her eyes and stands up. She grabs my wrist and drags me out of the classroom, ignoring the fact that everyone's staring at us.
"I know what you are. You're a vampire," she states bluntly. I look at her eyes. They're shining brightly, and it really does look as if she has just been feeding. What is she? "That's not of your concern at the moment, Big Sister," she says the last two words as if they hurt her. Pain shows on her face, but she soon goes back to normal. "Anyway, I need your help with something. Do you have any vampire friends or something?"
"Um...Two...But what are you? Why do you need help? What do you need help with?" Questions fly around in my head as I wait for a response. She smiles slightly and holds out her hand. A fly lands on her hand and she watches it with interest.
"This is Bob. He's been my friend since I brought him back to life," she admits. The fly spreads its wings and flies over to her shoulder. "My name is Luna, if you must know. I am sure you've heard of me." Luna...Why does that name sound so familiar?
"Why did you say your name's Aalysia, then?" I ask her. She sighs and turns around. She begins to walk down the hallway, and I follow. "Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm going to look for your vampire friends, Big Sister," she whispers softly.
"Why do you keep calling me 'Big Sister'?" I ask. She spins around and smiles at me.
"I've never had a big sister, and you're really nice and pretty," she says. I stare at her blankly. "Lead the way to your friends."