Status: Fini

Here's the Key to My Heart


We spent most of the time arguing because I would laugh anytime he would stutter out the question. Then he would freak out and ask what if the person laughed in his face too when he asked. But we finally got around to not messing around, OK I finally stopped messing around.

This time he said it was "for real". I really wasn't listening by now, I mean he's asking the same thing over and over. I finally got sick of it and told him what he wanted to hear.

"Sure I guess."

"Good enough."

I didn't expect him to do what he did next.

He smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek, though it was closer to the corner of my mouth. "I'll see you Saturday night at 8." Then he ran up the stairs and out of the house.

And what was I doing? I was just sitting there on my bed confused as hell with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. I was either stuck on the fact that he kissed me so close to my mouth or if he was really asking me out on a date...


I ran upstairs after half an hour and called his house.

"Why did Cody leave so fast?" My mom asked.

"Can I tell you later, I have to call him."

"Sure, don't take to long dinner is almost here." We always have pizza on Fridays.

Someone on the other line picked up, "Hello?" A cheerful woman's voice came over.

"Ummm...Hi Mrs. Oak, is Cody there I need to ask him something."

"Oh! I'd be happy to get Cody for you Eric." There was some shuffling around and some whispers. "OK, here he is!"

"Hello." Cody answered.

"Um, Cody did you like ask me out on a date or something?" I didn't mean to be so rude.

"Of course I did."

"Oh... why?"

I mean how the hell could he like me of all people when he could have any girl at school?

"Why? Because your the most amazing person I've met yet in this dingy little town, but if you don't want to go out Saturday I'll understand."

"NO!.. I mean, I'd love to go out tomorrow night. I just didn't think I heard right." The last bit came out like a question.

"Awwww!" Another voice came through the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

I heard him sigh, "My mother. She must be listening on another phone." He cheered back up, "So I'll see you tomorrow night right?"

"Yeah, I'll be lo-looking forward to i-it..."

No, now I'm stuttering! Ugh!

"Aww, he's so cute."

"Bye Eric. MOM! What have I told you about-" And the line went dead.

I sighed and slid to the ground. I think I should be [strike]happy[/strike] ecstatic, but no I was freaking out. I'll go out with him and he'll see how I really am and I'll screw up and he'll hate me.

I put myself down so much I was close to tears.

Great I'm going all emo on myself.

"Aw, why the long face Hun?" My mom poked her head into the hall.

"I got asked out on a date."

"Really, who asked you out? Is he cute? Wait shouldn't you be happy?" She came and sat on the floor next to me.

"Cody. Yes he's cute. I'm just worried." I confessed.

"If he asked you out, that means he likes you baby. What is there to be worried about?" She said with a smile.

"But I'll mess it up Mom and he won't even want to talk or see me again." I started crying. Great.

"Shh shh, baby don't worry about it. Everything will go fine. I mean look at my first date with your father. I thought that if I did the tiniest thing wrong, the building would collapse and he would think I was weired. But as it turned out, he burned down half our table at the restaurant we went to. Ha, we were even banned from the place; got our names up and everything still." She smiled at the memory.

I looked at her in shock. She never ever talked about Dad. Even I stopped asking about him a year after he left. What, I hoped he would at least come back and visit me.

"Why d-did Dad leave?" I asked

She sighed and looked at me, "He just fell out of love with me and fell in love with another."

All I could say was 'oh.'

"Besides," She laughed changing the subject, "if you go out with Cody, I might not have to sound proof your room. Well I might but still..."

I turned red. That meant she heard me!

"Come on the food is almost here." She got up and went to the kitchen.

Shortly after the pizza came and we ate in mostly silence. I was thinking about my dad and if he still loved me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well this took me forever to write! And I think it still sucks! D:

Comment please and thank you.