Status: Fini

Here's the Key to My Heart

Life Is Great

Months Later


"Ah, to early," I groaned as I turned off my alarm and rolled out of bed.

"Eric get up!" I hear my mom yell from upstairs.

"I'm up!" I yell back and go and get ready for school.

If you must know, it's the last day of school. A lot has changed since my first date with Cody, which was forever ago. We've gone on many more, but I don't know if we're boyfriends or whatever. I mean he never asked... I don't know, moving on. My style has changed as well. Instead of baggy clothes I wear tighter clothes now. Blame Mom for that one. And my attitude has changed for the better. I'm hyper and happy and Raven hasn't come back around to bother us. Life is great.

I trudged up the stairs, grabbed Nutria Grain bar, and left for Cody's house. Seeing as the school isn't that far away and I have someone to walk with now, we walk.

"Hey Baby," Cody greets as I near his house.

"Hi," I answer back. It came out more like a whisper. I mean it wasn't like I was his boyfriend or anything.

"So ready for the last day of school?" He asked as we started to walk to school. I shrugged. "What's that suppose to mean?"


"Maybe after our last two finals we can check out and go celebrate with pizza."


As we pass this one yard, a girl is spinning around and screaming her lungs out. "PURPLE DOG ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON WITH MEH YELLOW DUCK HIS NAME IS POOH! OW!" Then she tripped on something and fell flat on her face.

I ran over to her, "Oh my God are you alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry that happens all the time. Thanks though." She got up and dusted herself off.

She looked up up at me, it was Raechel. The only thing different about her now is that she had purple hair instead of pink.

"Eric!" she squealed and glomped me. "I haven't seen you in forever. I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore." She frowned.

"Can't. Breath." She let go with a brief sorry. "It's OK, and in my defense I didn't know where you lived."

"Hey Eric, if we don't keep on going were going to be late," Cody said, he was still on the sidewalk.

Raechel tugged on my arm, "Can I walk with y'all?"


We walked a couple of blocks before anyone talked.

"So," Raechel started off, "What have you birds been up to?"

"Eh, nothin' much."

"Want do you mean 'Nothin much'?" Cody asked.

"I don't no," I answered.

Wow I got depressed real fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay update, like i promised.
I don't like this chapter. =[

D= I'm a senior now! *crys*