Status: Fini

Here's the Key to My Heart

Mystery Call

"God I'm full." Raechel says putting down half her cheese pizza.

"Ugh, I am too." I do the same and then ask, "What time is it?"

"Um... it's only 5:16." Raechel answered after she looked at her watch.

"Let's go do something else," Suggested Cody.

"Let's go to the park," Raechel said.

"Is that the only thing to do in this town?"

Raechel and I answer at the same time, "Yes!" We looked at each other and giggled.

"Come on Cody it'll be fun." We had already payed so Raechel and I grabbed each of his arms and pulled him to the park.

"Ooo Rae-Rae come play on the see-saws with me!" I exclaimed running over to them.

"Ok!" We get on and start going up and down. "What are you two doing this summer?"

I shrug, "I don't know."

"I know what I'm doing." Cody says, we look at him waiting to explain. "I'm going to spend time with my new found boyfriend and friend."

I blush and Rae giggles. "He blushes so easily, it's cute." I feel my face heat up more.

"Oh, I need to tell my mom I might be late tonight," I grab my cell out of my pocket.

"Ha that was completely random," Rae laughed.

"Whatever, you're weird," I say while sticking out my tounge and continuing to call home, but also continuing to see-saw. Oh yes, I have mad skills.

My phone rings a few times and she answers the phone. "Hey Mom."

"Oh, Eric, it's only you."

I made a confused face, "Were you waiting for someone to call?"

"No, more like dreading," She mumbled the last part.

"What?" I was highly confused.

"Don't worry about it, ok? So why are you calling?"

"I was calling to tell you I might be late tonight."

"Oh, ok, hold on..." I heard a muffled damn it and she came back on sounding frustrated, "Umm... that's alright with me. I have to go, I have another call." She hung up.

I put away my phone, "That was weird."


"My mom was acting funny. It sounded like she was stressed and frustrated about someone who was calling when I was talking to her."

"Oh, I want to meet your mom," Rae said.

"Ok... but most likely tomorrow."

"Kayzer." Rae gasped, "Oo let's play on merry-go-round thingys." She slowly got off the see-saw, so I wouldn't fall flat on my ass and ran to the merry-go-round.

"Bye guys," I whispered to Raechel and Cody as I entered my house at 11 o'clock. We had stayed at the park until around 8. Then we just walked around town just talking about random things. Cody and I learned how random Raechel really could be.

I was walking towards the basement when I noticed the kitchen light was on. Mom must still be up. Instead of going to my room, I decided that I should tell her that I was home. As I neared, I heard her talking on what I assumed was the phone. I could clearly hear what she was saying when I was right next to the door.

"-am I suppose to do? Tell him I'm sending him away for, how many weeks again?... Three weeks?!..." She's talking about me, I thought. "You just can't come along and take him away from me, his friends... No, you can't talk to him, even if he was here you... Come here? When?... Leave it up to you not to know... It better not be a surprise!... Stop changing the subject... No, I don't wanna talk to 'em... don't... I... Oh, hello Matthew." She seemed to be nicer to this Matthew guy. "Yes, I understand that he would be perfectly safe in y'all's hands. Just let me talk to the other one... Hello again... What, is that a threat?... Please, don't bring lawyers into this... No I wouldn't want that... Fine, I give, he can live with you for three weeks... Yeah, yeah, yeah say bye to Matthew for me." She hung up the phone. "Damn it."

I thought it wise that I go back to the front door and pretend that I had just gotten home. When I got there I closed the door a little harder. "Mom I'm home! Are you in the kitchen?" It's a good thing you can see the door from where am. I walked into the kitchen to see what she was doing. There my mom was, at the table with her head in her hands, with the phone not to far away.

"Mom are you alright?" I walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Eric, you're home," She wiped tears from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I pulled a chair out so I could sit next to her.

"Oh, it's- it's nothing," She sniffed. "What did you do tonight?"

"I hung out with Cody and our new friend Raechel. And um... Cody asked me to be his boyfriend, so I have a boyfriend now," I smiled.

"I'm happy for you, Hun." She looked over at the clock and laughed, "Wow, It's almost midnight. We should start heading for bed."

"Yeah I guess you're right. Are sure you're alright?" I asked, not sure if I should leave her alone.

"Stop worrying over your mom, ok? Good night now."

"Good night Mom." I gave her a quick hug before I got up to leave for my room.

I tried sleeping that night, I really did, but that conversation my mom was having was bugging me. Who was my mom talking to on the phone? Who the hell was Matthew? Why did they want to take me away from my home for three weeks to live with them?

"Gah, I give." I got out of my bed and went over to one of the paintings I was working on. This usually happens when I can't sleep. I draw something or I paint. With this painting, I'm not far from finishing. I turned to look at it. Stop me if you recognize it, Reaper with a gun? Yeah thought you would.

I stayed there for about three hours before I was done and extremely tired. Instead of walking over to my bed to sleep, I went over to a purple bean bag chair put here for nights like this.
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yay update!
Yay, it's different!
Yay, comments are nice!

Don't eat the tomatoes!