Status: Fini

Here's the Key to My Heart

Fish Out Of Water

"AH, Jor I missed you!" The guy yelled.

My dad laughed, "Yeah I missed you too. Mattie, can we get off the ground?"

'Mattie' looked around and realized they were on the ground. They got up and he hugged my dad tightly.

Ok, so I've already stated that I was slow today right? That's what I thought. So my mind was still wondering why this man was hugging my dad. I just stood there like a fish out of water. I really didn't know what to say or do.

If you were wondering what he looked like, here you go. he was taller than me, but shorter than Dad. His hair was redish brown. A little bit of tan going on. And he had a simple white t-shirt and jeans on. All in all, he was pretty hot, though not as hot as my Cody.

Then he saw me.

"You must be Eric, right?" He asked with excitement, while holding out his hand. I didn't want to be rude, but I just stared at his hand trying to figure out what was happening. Matt frowned and turned around, "Jor, I thought you told him."

"I wanted him to meet you first." He paused and looked around. "We should move this inside before the nighbours get nosy." Dad picked my things back up and this Matt guy ushered me into the house.

Once we where inside my dad went upstairs to put my things in what would be my room for the next three weeks. He had motioned for me to follow, but I just didn't want to. Matt asked if I wanted anything. I shrugged and he went to the kitchen. So I was left there, feeling very out of place. I noticed some pictures on a table behind the couch, and I seemed to gravitate towards them.

I reconized some of the photos. One had me when I was about four-ish on a slide. For the most part that's what they where, pictures of me, sometimes Mom and Dad. I moved down the table and got to more recent pictures of him, but one caught my eye. Being the overly dramatic person I'm turning out to be lately, I passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So we have a whole week off from school, but I won't be using this time to type up update. I'm going to Virginia to visit my aunt, which means no updates. But I have this small update, and once again, I had to cut it off right there. *bahaha* But hey, while I'm gone comment please (<3)

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