The Inner Workings of The Human Mind



Such a simple name. Too simple, Ash thought to himself as he sharpened the blade of his knife. Too simple for a girl like this one.

An Arianna would have been a nice change. Or even a Cassandra. But Natalie? Natalie sounded like a prep school girl's name. Natalie reminded him of his kindergarten teacher, the one that always cried when one of her little students got hurt on the playground.

This girl was not meant to be a Natalie.

Glancing over his shoulder at her sleeping form, Ash studied the way her hips moved slightly up and down with each slow, quiet breath. She was a pretty little thing. Too pretty to be hanging out in places such as where she was now; his flat. People like Ash didn't get out too much, unless they had a purpose. His only purpose was to find people like her - people whose names didn't fit their personalities - and bring them back.

Finished with his weapon of choice, Ash stood up from his spot in the leather recliner and stretched, enjoying the sound of his limbs cracking as his stiff muscles relaxed themselves.

It wasn't like he especially enjoyed this trade. It was just that it paid the bills, got him by for another month or two, bade him some time before he had to leave the city because of the growing number of young girls going missing.

Technically, they haven't gone anywhere, Ash mused, smiling grimly in the dark as he walked over to the dresser in front of the bed and opened up a drawer. Just their minds.

He fished out a long needle, sterilized it with alcohol, and searched for the correct vile. Once he found it, and the needle was full of the evil poison that would slowly eat away at her brain tonight, he turned and took a deep breath.

Slipping the knife out of its sheath, Ash crept quietly over to the bed and sleeping girl, who had always thought the name Natalie fit her just perfectly.
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I wrote this at 12 AM. I don't know if I like you guys?

Also, I know just what the secret of this is. If you think you've got a good guess, leave it in your comment.