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You're Anything but Ordinary

We had yet to bring out the big guns.

The next day was awkward, to say the least.

Firstly, because Brian and I, who have been best friends for more than 8 years, kissed the night before. Sure, we were drunk, but that doesn’t change the fact that my lips pressed against his. But for some reason, thinking about this brought butterflies to my stomach. Part of me hoped it would happen again, but at the same time, I didn’t want to ruin my friendship with Brian just for a fling.

Secondly, because Stephen and I were still a little cold towards each other. That morning we didn’t say one word to each other, which is really different. Usually we talked all the time, but now, things were just… weird. And I didn’t like it.

Later that day, I was sitting in my bunk, scrolling through pictures I’d taken of the band on my camera. To my surprise, Stephen plopped down next to me.

“Whatcha doin’?”

“Just looking at pictures. I thought you were mad at me.”

“Come on, it’s hard to stay mad at you.” He smiled. He was so adorable.

I smiled back and kissed his cheek. We sat for a while, looking through pictures.

“So… I thought I could help you out with something,” he said slowly.

I looked at him. “What?”

“Well, I have a way that you can get Brian.”

I sat up. “Really? How?”

He sighed. “It’s… a little weird. But bear with me here.”

“Go on.” I was getting anxious. This had to be good.

“He might get jealous, if, you know, there was another guy.”

“Where am I gonna get a boyfriend that fast?” I asked.

“Well, maybe you and I could… pretend that we were going out.”

I looked at him for a second. His idea was crazy, but it just might work. And it may even be more effective with Stephen helping me out. Brian would get jealous and realize what he was missing out on, declare his love, and voila. I had to admit, the plan was genius, and I really wanted to go through with it.

“So we would have to… kiss… and stuff?” I asked.

“Come on, it’s not that bad to kiss me. All my girlfriends have said I have really soft lips.” He smiled a raised his eyebrows.

I giggled. “Alright fine. Let’s go announce our… relationship.”

The rest of the band reacted with hoots and sexual comments, but Brian just laughed along with everyone else, seeming to not care at all about my and Stephen’s relationship. But we had yet to bring out the big guns.
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okay, really short chapter. sorry :/

i rewrote this like, 30000 times trying to figure out where I wanted the story to go from where it was. i have some ideas in mind for the future, so look out!

EVERYTHING'S FINE CAME OUT!!! i still havent gotten it yet because i ran out of itunes money :(

pleaaaseeeee leave feedback in a comment! it really means a lot. thanks!(: