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You're Anything but Ordinary

Soft lips.

That night, at our booze party, Stephen sat snuggled up close to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I was clutching a beer, which I’d only drank two sips out of. I was nervous about this whole thing that me and Stephen were doing. I was never good at lying, and I hoped Brian didn’t see right through us.

“Why are you so tense?” Stephen asked, looking down at me. His face was so close to mine, I felt the need to back away. But I didn’t. That would ruin our “going out” status.

“What if he finds out what we’re doing?” I said into his ear.

Stephen smiled a little bit, playing up the theatrics. “He won’t, I promise.” He leaned in to kiss me, and I let him.

His ex-girlfriends were right. He did have soft lips. I have to say, I enjoyed that kiss a lot more then I thought I would. I always thought that kissing your best friend would be really awkward, but in this case, it wasn’t.

He pulled away. “So? What do you think?”

I touched his lips. “Soft.”

“Told ya.” He chuckled and took a sip of his beer. I leaned over on him so I was basically laying on his chest.

“Aw, so cute,” John said, snapping a photo. “But weren’t you just kissing Brian the other night?”

“Shut up, John,” Stephen said.

John backed away, hands up. “You kids have fun.”

I turned around and kissed him again. Hey, there’s nothing wrong playing it up a little.

I pulled away. “Let’s give them something to talk about.” I stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward my bunk. We both hopped in, taking off our pants, and settled down, snuggled up close to each other.

“Tomorrow we’re gonna get a lot of shit from John,” Stephen groaned as he settled in, wrapping his arms around me.

“Don’t worry about it.” I yawned. “Let’s go to bed.”

And we were out within five minutes.

Stephen was right. When we woke up the next morning, everyone on the bus was hooting and slapping his butt and giving him high fives. Of course, they thought we had sex, but really all we did was sleep in the same bed.

I sat down at the booth next to Brian as Stephen poured me a cup of coffee and some frosted flakes.

“So you and Stephen, huh?”

I nodded. “What do you think?”

He shrugged. His eyes were full of fatigue. “You guys seem good together.”

Stephen handed me my breakfast. I ate it quickly, my stomach was sore with hunger. As I ate, I tried to judge Brian’s reaction. He wasn’t his upbeat self like usual in the mornings, so I guessed that it had upset him a little bit. This was good, we were already making progress.

Stephen leaned down close to me. “I’m gonna go get dressed.” I leaned up and kissed him. He pulled me closer, and I put my hand up on his neck, gripping the hair there gently. He was a<i> really </i>good kisser.

“Get a room,” Josh yelled.

“Man, no need for porn when we got these two around,” John commented.

Stephen pulled away and made his way back to the bunks.

Jess shook her head at me with a small smile. “You two are just too cute.”

I laughed uncomfortably. It was a little embarrassing to make out with Stephen in front of everyone, but PDA was what we needed to get Brian jealous. From what I guessed, it seemed to be working.

It was just a matter of time.
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this is the chapter that i was a total moron and forgot to post. so if you went back and read it, THANK YOU. <3 update soon.