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You're Anything but Ordinary

I have her.

- Stephen’s POV -

Oh my God.

This was amazing. I had Abby Dover, the girl I’d wanted for years. She was so beautiful, with her deep green eyes and soft blonde hair. I never planned to tell her how I felt, and hell, I never thought I’d even have the chance to kiss her.

The night we spent in her bed cuddling was like a dream. I didn’t even care that we didn’t fuck. All I wanted was her; to hold her, to kiss her, for her to be mine…

I love Abigail Dover, simple as that. I never had the courage to speak my feelings, and I was always worried that if I did, our friendship would be ruined and I’d lose her forever.

When she told me she was going to try to date Brian, not only did jealousy wash over me, but fear. Fear for her feelings, her innocence. She’d been friends with Brian for a long time, but I’d seen him when he’s in super-party mode. He got drunk fast, fucked girls, broke their hearts, and went on with life as if they’d never existed. Of course, Abby didn’t know this, because she hadn’t seen any real parties with us yet.

I knew that Brian didn’t like her as more than a friend. How? Trust me. I’m a guy, and I can tell when another guy likes a girl. It’s pretty obvious.

Anyway, I knew that she didn’t like me, but at least I had her for now. And maybe, just maybe, when she realizes that Brian doesn’t like her, she’ll fall for me. Sure, it was a long shot, but I had a feeling it wasn’t entirely impossible.

Now I watched as she snapped photos of my brother and Brian throwing a frisbee on the beach. It was one of our days off, and we had a show the next day.

She was wearing a blue and white striped bikini that fit her tiny figure perfectly. I tried not to stare at her shining tan skin as she moved in the sunlight.

“Check this one out!” she squealed, making me jump. “Perfect shot.” I glanced at the picture of Brian mid-throw, game face on.

I reached my arm out, inviting her to sit in my lap. She did. “That is a pretty good shot.”

She smiled. “Thanks,” and leaned in to kiss me. I smiled after the soft peck and Abby turned around to see if Brian had noticed our PDA.

“Don’t be too obvious,” I said.

She nodded. “Right.” Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and I stood up, carrying her baby style towards the water. “Oh my God, you better not throw me in.”

I started running faster. “Stephen! Stephen stop! STEPEHN!” I tossed her into the green glowing water and laughed.

She came up from under the water, her blonde hair soaked and sticking to her back. “Jerk!” she screamed, laughing and dunking me under water.

“Hey, don’t drown anyone!” Brian called. Abby smiled. “Of course not!” and dunked me again.

“Come here, you,” I said as I popped up from the water, grabbing her by the waist. “We’re gonna have to share a room in the hotel, you know.”

She nodded. “I know.” But her eyes were glued on Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
short chapter. sucks, i know.

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