Darling I Do






It wasn't the slow sort of knocking either. Severus looked up from the fireplace, positively confused at just who could be knocking on his door. No one knew where he lived, and with that thought in mind, he wrapped his lithe fingers around his wand and proceeded carefully toward the door.





He peered through the peephole but whoever was in front of his worn, oak door had their face down so that he couldn't identify them. A loud clap of thunder sounded outside causing Severus to flinch just slightly. Lightening illuminated the sky and he could see now that the person standing on his doorstep was a female.



Severus opened the door slowly and peered down at the mysterious, hooded figure standing there. It was raining quite terribly, were he to say it himself, and he wondered just who this woman was that would travel in this horrid weather to see him.

The hooded woman looked up and teary, emerald eyes stared into puzzled, black orbs. "Sev, I know its been--"

"Come inside. And quickly. I don't foresee this weather improving anytime soon." he found himself saying.

Awe and shock ran through his veins, sending jolts through his heart, for standing on his doorstep had been one Lily Evans.