Hold Me Close


I woke up to light kisses being placed on me. They were from my stomach to my arms and to my face. I kept the smile from my face and kept my eyes closed. I enjoyed this.

He sighed softly, thinking I was still asleep. “The world could end and you’d sleep through it.”

I rolled over, feigning sleep still, to keep him from seeing my smile. He rubbed my back softly.

“You suck at pretending, Shy.” I didn’t risk looking at him to see if he were bluffing or not, but that didn’t matter. He straddled my waist and started tickling me. “Come on, Shy. I know you’re awake.”

I frowned. “Haven’t you heard the phrase ‘let sleeping dogs lie’?”

He chuckled and stopped tickling me before he pressed his lips to mine. “Good morning to you as well.”

I opened my eyes and smiled at him. “Hi there.” He smiled back and kissed me again. “Mmm. That was a very nice wake up. Can we wake up like that every day??”

He grinned and slid beside me. “Of course.” He pulled me closer to him and held me in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and sighed in content.

I pouted. “The Walt Disney place lied to the world, Felix,” I told him.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “How so?”

“Well, they say that Disney World is the Happiest Place on Earth…” I shook my head. “Obviously, they’ve never been in your arms.”

He chuckled and tightened his hold on me. “True, they haven’t been.” He kissed my forehead and pet my hair down.

I rolled onto my chest and looked at him. He looked at me, mimicking my expression. I smiled, brightly, and climbed over him to get off the bed. I stretched my arms back and heard my back make a pop sound, that made me crinkle my nose. Felix chuckled and stood up as well.

“You’re the cutest person on Earth,” He told me before pressing our lips together in a sweet kiss. I smiled and pulled away, but stayed in his embrace.

“And you’re the best kisser on Earth.”

He smiled and kissed me again. I locked my arms around his neck and he softly rubbed my stomach, that had a barely noticeable bump. Our lips separated and he had a huge grin on his face. “We made that,” He murmured, glancing down.

I grinned back at him. He was such a softy when it came to me or our baby. “We did. And that that is hungry… As is the mommy.”

He chuckled. “Well, let’s go eat then.” He pecked my lips and then pulled me with him through the hall and to our kitchen.

We had a little house that was homey. Only two rooms and two bathrooms, but it was nice. As soon as we found out the sex of the baby we were going to change the guest room into the baby’s room. We’d start going through names then too. He was as excited as I was about the baby. We were going to be a happy family, that’s for sure.

Our moms - who were basically best friends now - always said we were so cute together. They were always cooing at us if we kissed and they were in the room.

I smiled as Felix pushed me into a chair. “I’ll be cooking this morning,” He announced.

I giggled. “Alright then. And what ever will you cook, Mr. Carter?”

He smiled. “Eggs, sunny side up; hashbrowns, browned to perfection; and bacon, sizzled to greatness.”

I grinned. “My favorite.”

He began cooking, as I watched. I loved him so much. He was my world…ever since my junior year of high school. We met in the hallway when I fell over him… He was sitting on the floor because his teacher sent him out and I wasn’t paying attention cause I was pissed at my teacher and boom. Down goes Shavonne, Felix and all.

I started saying my apologizes to him so much that he clamped his hand on my mouth, shushed me, and told me he was fine.

Our first meeting was a total fail.

Our second meeting was much better. We both had detentions for different things for the same teacher. He said his was falling asleep in class… Mine was back-talk to the teacher. She had us in her room after school and she got distracted with something in the hallway, so we were in the room alone. He started with saying something like “hey, you’re the girl who fell on me”. We ended up telling each other our names and since mine was “too hard”, he said he’d call me Shy.

Ever since then, he’s only called me Shavonne if he was being serious or it was important.

We hung out the whole detention period and exchanged numbers afterwards. Then on, we were friends.

After he graduated he decided to ask me out. My dad didn’t approve since I was 17 and he was 19, but Mom said it was fine. We had a nice little date: a movie, dinner, and then mini golf. It was fun and I learned that I suck at mini golf.

We didn’t kiss that night and I thought it was sweet of him.

We started going out weekly and every once in a while, he’d show up at lunch and hang out for the period. After high school, I went to college at the community college with Felix and he graduated one year before me once again.

Soon after that, we got a small house together - this house. My dad didn’t approve at all. Me moving in with a guy I “barely knew”. We fought for a few days and Felix even told me to give in, once. I remember telling him that my daddy would give in first. And he did. He gave in as soon as I almost disappeared from his life.

Now he and Felix are the best of friends. Every time their teams are going against each other they hang out and watch the football game together. I roll my eyes at them every time.

I smiled at Felix as placed a plate in front of me. He sat beside me and smiled. “Bon appetite,” He said, gesturing with his fork.

I leaned over and kissed him. “It looks yummy. Thank you.”

He smiled and pecked my lips. “Eat up.” He placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed it softly. “Both the mommy and the baby need food.”

I studied him. “You’re gonna make me fat, aren’t you?” I teased.

He nodded, taking a bite of bacon. “Of course.”

I smiled and ate my own bacon. We tangled our legs together under the table. We ate in a comfortable silence. After we were finished I took our plates and forks to the sink and washed them off. Growing up, I hated when people in the house didn’t wash the plates and left the stuff there to stay. Ugh. So I always wash them and Felix washes his too. He’s fucking perfect.

We went into the living room together and I propped my feet up on his lap, smiling. He chuckled and rubbed my belly.

“What do you want the baby to be?” I asked, playing with his fingers.

He smiled and played back with my fingers. “I want a baby girl. Cause she’d be the cutest thing on Earth. What with both of our good looks.”

I giggled and poked his belly. “A girl sounds like fun. We could dress her up in little dresses and put bows in her hair.” I grinned and Felix chuckled.

“And what girl names do you like?”

I smiled. “I like Tiffany and Alexandra. What about you??”

He smiled. “I like Tiffany. Tiff for short. What about Grace?”

“Grace sounds cute! And as a nickname, Gracie.”

He smiled. “I like it.” He sat up and pulled me to him so he could kiss me. “I love you, Shavonne,” He whispered.

I smiled and kissed him again. “I love you too, Felix. Forever and always.”