Status: Still writing...

Love Creates First Class Liars


The sun shone brightly through the cars windows, blinding me and my passenger, Jack. Today was going fairly badly so far. The air conditioning had decided not to work for an unknown reason, and the car had heated up fast. Even with all the windows down it still seemed like we were baking in an oven. Due to the humidity, my legs clung to the seat as if magnets and sweat dripped slowly down my forehead in shiny beads. Jack had been one of my best friends since day one of middle school and I had put up with his child-like behavior and constant complaining ever since. But for some reason today he had decided to be extra annoying. None of this matter though. Today was the day Kat, my girlfriend of four years and best friend since as long as I could remember, was coming back home from college. And even though the day was going pretty bad so far, nothing could bring me down.


“Soon,” I replied with a sigh.

“I wanna see Kaaatttt.”

“I do too but we get there when we get there.”

“Do you think she's changed?”

“Whaddya mean?”

“It's been like... a year since you've seen her. I mean I know we still talk on the phone and text and stuff..But like..I DONT KNOW. Isn't it hard keeping a long distance relationship?”

“Yeah, it's hard. But I love her Jack.”

“I know, me too. I mean, not that way. Like, in just a friend way. I mean I've known her as long as I've known you.”

“Yeah. So how are things with you and Carson?”

“AMAZING. She's really good in bed Alex.” I laughed at his serious tone. “What? You haven't slept with Kat?”

“Not for a while now actually..She's been away at college.”

“I don't know how you handle it. Like, how can you go that long without having sex? My penis would probably kill me if I did that to him.”

- - -

After a long and surprisingly not awkward conversation with Jack about penises, we finally pulled into Kat's driveway. I hadn't been to her house in a while; there was no reason to when she wasn't there, but I had driven by it a couple times over the past year. It looked the same as it always had but now a shiny black mustang was parked on the road. It was the one Kat's parents had bought her right before her last year of college; her dream car. My heart beat sped up with the thoughts that she was right inside.

“That's her car, Alex!” Jack said excitedly.

“I know,” I replied as I ran out of the car and towards the house I knew so well, Jack quickly behind me. Without bothering to knock, I raced inside and up the stairs to Kat's room. We sprinted into her bedroom and there she was hovering over a half empty suitcase, unpacking her clothes. At the sound of our entrance, she turned around in surprise.

She looked better then I remembered. Her hair was died blonde and bubble-gum pink. That was one thing that made her stand out against everyone else. She was always dying it crazy colors and getting it cut in bold fashions with multiple layers and choppy bangs. A dark swipe of black eyeliner coated the glossy green eyes I had first noticed when I met her. They were wide and welcoming, full of laughter. As she saw us, they widen in pleasure and a smile flew onto her soft, pink lips.

“Alex!” She cried as she flew her over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, embracing me in a tight hug.

“Kat,” I whispered to her as if the moment were to be ruined if I spoke any louder. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” She whispered back. Soon quickly she stepped away from me and ran over to Jack.

“Jacky!” She squealed as she gave him a hug.

“Thanks for remembering me!” Jack fake-pouted.

“Jackk, you know I love you!”

“Awww, I love you too Kittyy-Katt!” As she backed away from Jack smiling at me, I smiled back. I had missed her so much. Just being with her made me happy. As cliché, as it sounds, I wanted to be with forever.

If only I had known was was to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this was short. Sort of like an intro. Longer chapters to come. <3
Don't be a silent reader!