Status: Still writing...

Love Creates First Class Liars


The next few days seemed like a dream. I hung out with Kat and the boys at every moment possible and it was like she'd never been gone. Zack and Rian had been just as thrilled to see her, along with Jack's girlfriend Carson. Although we had all known each other since middle school and had just become friends with Carson recently, we all loved her and got along really well. Our band, All Time Low, was going places. We got signed in our senior year of high school and now, four years later, we had been on three tours and released a couple albums. Our fan base was growing stronger as the days went by and we couldn't have asked for anything more.

The band manager was a high school friend, Matt Flyzik. He texted early this morning saying he was coming by later to see Kat who he hadn't seen since high school. Right now, Rian, Zack, Jack, Kat, Carson, and I were all lounging around my living room awaiting his arrival. Mayday Parade was playing loudly from my iHome and Jack was singing along. He didn't have the best voice and everyone was watching him and laughing at his failed attempt, but I couldn't keep my eyes off Kat. I think she grew in the last year, although I'm not sure if it's normal for almost 23 year olds to be growing still. All the same, she seems taller and more developed. Maybe it's just because she's matured that she looks different, or her new hair which I loved. It fit her bubbly, outgoing personality so well.

Jack was just about to start singing along to New Found Glory when there was a knock on the door. I rushed over to answer it and Matt came in.

“Mattie!” Kat cried.

“Kat!” Matt screamed back. They ran up to each other dramatically and hugged. “I haven't seen you in, what? Four years?”

“I know it's been too long!” Kat replied with a breath-taking smile. “Soo, what are we going to do??”

“Let's watch a movie,” Rian suggested. Jack looked at all of us with hopeful eyes.

“NO HOME ALONE!” Everyone shouted which resulted to Jack pouting in the corner.

“Actually, I didn't just come over to see Kat. I have some good news,” Matt said.

“And the good news is..?”

“All Time Low's going on the Warped Tour. We leave this Friday.”

- - -

Friday finally arrived and I woke up in the worst way possible. It was 5:00am, a time where no one should ever be awake, and Metro Station's “Shake It” was blasting through my speakers. Seconds later a text from Matt popped up.

From: Matt
To: Alex

Sorry dude, I know that must have been a painful way to wake up but it had to be done. Let's face it, you probably would have just ignored it had it been anything else.

The tour bus was outside my house at 5:30, giving me just enough time to fight my way into a pair of dark gray skinny jeans and straighten my hair. I was now loading my suitcase on the bus since I was the first stop. After choosing my bunk and sloppily throwing my stuff down, we were already at the next stop.

“ALEX!” Jack sang as he climbed onto the bus. “WE'RE GOING ON TOUUUURR!”

“Jack, there is a reason you're the guitarist and not the lead singer. You can't sing. Well you can't really play the guitar either, but you were the best we could get..” I joked.

“Haha. That's hilarious,” He replied sarcastically.

“Anyways, guess what?”


“I convinced Kat to come on tour with us finally!”

“YAAYYY!” Jack screamed just as the bus pulled up at Kat's house. The front door swung open and she clamored on board, dragging a large pink suitcase behind. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and she hadn't bothered to put on any makeup, not that she needed it.

“Hey guys,” She said sleepily. “Which one's my bunk?”

“This one!” I pointed to the bunk below mine, knowing that she prefered being close to the ground. The flashed me a grateful smile and slid her suitcase under the bed before collapsing on the thin mattress. I grabbed the blanket from my bed and covered her up. Kat had never been a morning person and couldn't get up before 10:00 without heavy complaining. How she had gotten up this morning without us going to wake her up was a mystery.

“HEY GUYS!” A bubbly Carson screamed as she skipped onto the bus. “I slept over at Kat's cause I knew she wouldn't wake up in the morning. To wake her up I tried playing Metro Station like Matt said, but she just started screaming and slapped the alarm clock out of my hand before flopping back on the bed.”

“Maybe that wasn't the best idea..” Matt said.

“No, really?” Carson responded sarcastically. I laughed at Kat. We both shared a deep hatred for Metro Station, especially the song “Shake It.”

“CARSON!” Jack yelled as he engulfed her in a huge hug.

“JACKY” She screamed back. They were perfect for each other. Both were equally hyper and always energetic. Carson liked to die her hair as frequently as Kat and it was now a deep red which complemented her pale complexion really well. She had obviously put more effort into her looks then Kat this morning with eyeliner and mascara adorning her big brown eyes and hair loosely curled. “I'm excited for tour!”

“Me too,” Jack agreed. “READY TO PARTY IT UP?”

“HELL YAA,” Carson shouted.

“SHUT UP. I'M TRYING TO SLEEP,” Kat screamed from her bunk. I walked over and slid under the blanket with her. “Whaddya doing?” She murmured.

“Sleeping,” I replied simply as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. I slowly began to kiss her neck.

“Aleeexxx,” She whined. “I can't sleep when you do that!”

“Why not?” I said as I continued planting tiny kisses on her. She turned to face me.

“Because then I want to do this,” She replied as she placed her lips gently on mine. I could feel her smiling through the kiss and my heart began to race. This girl had me wrapped around her finger.

“I love you Kat.”

“I love you too, Alex.”