Status: Still writing...

Love Creates First Class Liars


We had picked up everyone and were at the first venue. As soon as the bus pulled to a stop we all rushed outside, already sick of the cramped bus. The mid-June sun glared down on us and suddenly my skinny jeans seemed a little too tight. I found myself eager to put on some shorts, but we were already heading down to check out the stage so it was too late to turn back.

I felt Kat walk up behind me and she entwined her fingers with mine.

“Hi there,” She said.

“Hey Kat. Excited for tour?”

“Yeah, It should be lot's of fun.”

“And why's that?”

“Cause you're here!” She giggled.

“Aww..Aren't you two just adorable?” Jack said as he skipped up to us.

“Shut up Jack. Go find Carson.”

“I don't know where she went.” Kat and I exchanged a confused glance at Jack continued skipping. “She just disappeared!” We approached the main building where the show was to be held and Kat went off to look around for Carson. The rest of us followed Matt inside to take a look at the stage. It was huge with room for thousands and thousands of people. I could already see the fans screaming and singing along.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom when I heard someone talking.

“Stay away from her,” Was all I could make out of what they were saying. I turned past the bathrooms and around a corner where Carson and some guy stood. He had jet black hair, sharp green eyes, and a shiny silver lip piercing. I recognized him immediately.

Harley Wright.

Also known as Kat's ex. They had dated for a year before he started physically abusing her. Kat didn't tell anyone for a good four months before Jack and I found out. We had came over to her house one day and before we could ring the door bell, someone screamed from inside. We quickly ran in to find a drunken Harley standing over a bruised and unconscious Kat. Jack and I pretty much beat the crap out of him and I rushed to Kat to the ER. Nothing major, just a slight concussion. We had told them Harley had done it to her, but before anyone knew it, he was gone just like that. Where he went, no one knew. I hadn't seen him since.

“What are you doing here,” I asked him, trying to calm myself down as to not punch him right then and there.

“I heard Kat was coming on tour as a merch girl. I wanted to see her,” He replied with a smirk.

“You better stay away from Kat or I will beat the living shit out of you, ok?” I told him, still attempting at remaining calm.

“Why can't I see my girlfriend?”

When he called her his girlfriend, I exploded.

“She's not your girlfriend! She's MINE!”

“Really? I don't remember breaking up with her or getting dumped..?”

By this point, I wanted to rip his head of his shoulder. For doing what he did to Kat and thinking he could just waltz right back in like nothing happened. Carson realized I was about to lunge at him and quickly came to grab me.

“He's not worth it Alex,” She whispered as she pulled me away.

“If you want to keep your face intact, I suggest you stay away from her,” I hissed to him as Carson dragged me away.

Instead of going to meet up with the guys and Kat, Carson took me outside and sat me down on a bench.

“It's okay, Alex.” She told me. “Kat loves you. He's not going to change anything.”

“I know that. I just don't understand how someone could be so fucking idiotic as to come back here and expect that nothing's changed. I mean-”

“Calm down,” She interrupted. “After the show tonight, we'll leave straight away and probably never see him again, okay?” I nodded slowly and stood up.

“Don't tell Kat about Harley, okay?” I asked. “I don't want her to get scared, you know, since he hurt her before.” She agreed and we were about to walk back inside when Matt walked out followed by the rest of the guys and Kat.

“You found Carson!” Kat exclaimed.

“I got lost,” She quickly lied. Luckily, Kat didn't ask any questions and so we retreated back to the bus.

- - -

“That was GREAT, Alex!” Jack screamed as we walked back towards the bus. The first show of tour had gone amazingly well with a killer set and excited fans.

“I know!” I replied as we all climbed inside. The crew still wasn't back yet, but would be soon. Kat and Carson arrived soon after having finished packing up the merch and Rian brought out the alcohol. Within the next half hour Kat and Carson were drunk off their asses. Jack was pretty drunk too and I was slightly tipsy. Zack and Rian hadn't drunk as much but they could also handle a lot more alcohol then the rest of us.

“ALEX!” Kat yelled from behind. I turned around to see her sprawled out on the floor.

“What are you doing down there?” I asked smiling at her.

“I dunno,” She giggled. I helped her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. “You're pretty!”

“You're pretty too,” I chuckled. Kat attached her lips to mine and things got hot quickly. Before I knew it, she was fumbling with her shirt.

“Noooo Kat,” I told her. She pouted.


“You're drunk.” With that she jumped off me, adjusted her shirt and ran outside. “KAT!” I called, but she ignored me. With a sigh, I got up and ran outside after her. She wasn't far and I chased after her.

“Aleexxx, go away,” She slurred.

“No,” I replied stubbornly. She made another attempt to run, but tripped over something in dark and crashed to the ground. I heard a crack, and then...nothing.

“Kat?” I whispered.

There was no reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
ohh snap.
sorry for the cliffhanger.
don't be a silent reader. COMMENT.