Status: Still writing...

Love Creates First Class Liars


Hospitals always made me feel sick. There was just something about the too-white walls and squeaky clean floors that made me feel uncomfortable. Patients being whisked past us constantly and nurses trying to calm down panicked friends and family were almost enough to make me want to run out of here, away from all the sadness and pain. But of course I would never have left, no matter how much the hospital irritated me. For Kat was in the room across from me laying in an stiff bed, hooked up to IV's and other medical instruments. And I wasn't sure what was going on.

“Kat?” I whispered. When there was no reply, I immediately started screaming for help. The tour bus wasn't too far away from my position and so the rest of the band members and crew of All Time Low, along with a very worried Carson, scrambled out and came to where I was kneeling on the ground. They were asking panicked questions about what was wrong, when I dug my phone out of my pocket and shined the light around, hoping to catch a glimpse of what had happened to Kat. It was too dark to see anything, and the tiny light from my phone was of little help. But we could all make out her slight frame lying limply on the hard ground, the distinctive metallic scent of blood filling the cool air.

All hell broke loose. Pretty much everyone rushed to dial 9-1-1 on their cell phones and an ambulance arrived moments later. But until then, I sat on the ground cradling Kat's lifeless head and running my fingers through her soft, pink hair. Tears streamed down my face in a steady motion and I couldn't hear anything the others were telling me. Shock and fright and shaken the guys out of their sober states. We were all scared and worried; Kat was like a sister to the rest of the guys and Carson, but to me she was my everything. I couldn't lose her too. I'd already lost Daniel.
-End Flashback-

And now here we were. The whole band and crew sat quietly outside of Kat's room, staring with hopeful eyes and the door. We were all exhausted and Carson, Vinny, Matt, Zack, Greico, and Rian were all passed out on floor. It was a ridiculous hour of the night to be awake when we had a concert the next night; 4:00am. I guess it wasn't the next night since technically it was the morning time. There was no way I would be able to handle a concert tonight with Kat in her fragile state. I had to find out what was wrong with her. I got up from my place on the cold floor and staggered over to one of the nurses.

“Please, tell me what's going on in there,” I begged. “That's my girlfriend and I have to know what's wrong with her.” The nurse looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

“I'm sorry, I don't know the full details. All I know is she banged her head really bad. She's still unconscious since you brought her six hours ago and the doctors mentioned something about possibly drifting into a coma. Their doing all they can.” I nodded and returned to the ground, fighting off sleep. I was going to be the first one to hear the news on how she was doing when the doctors came out.

- - -

I was awoken to the sound of an opening door and people talking in low, hushed voices. I had finally fallen asleep after another hour of inpatient waiting. My tired eyes flickered open and saw a a doctor walking out of Kat's room. Jumping up on my feet, I rushed over to him.

“What's going on? Is she okay? Is she awake? Can I see her..?” I blurted as the doctor turned around to face me.

“Who are you?”

“I'm Alex Gaskarth. That girl in there, Katarina Mae, is my girlfriend. Is she going to be okay?” There was a slight hesitation before his reply.

“It seems Miss Mae has slipped into a coma. She hit her head really hard and we can't determine when she'll awaken or how she'll react. I'm sorry, but there's not much more we can do right now. If you want, you can go visit her.” When he finished speaking, he turned on his heels and walked away. I stepped over my exhausted friends and carefully pushed open the door, not exactly sure what to expect.

Kat lay on white framed bed with white sheets in a thin, white robe. All the white made me want to cringe but I stepped forward to take a look at her. She was paler then usual, a ghostly white that almost matched the painted walls. Her pink and blonde hair was messy and limp, not glossy and full of volume like usual. I had a sudden urge to be able to see her energetic, captivating, green eyes, but they were closed and she looked like she was peacefully sleeping. But she wasn't. She was in a coma and the doctors weren't sure when she was going to wake up. The idea of Kat never waking up, brought glistening tears to my eyes.

My thoughts were disrupted when a hand softly patted my shoulder. I turned around to come face to face with an extremely upset Jack. He had bags under his eyes and his famous skunk hair was all screwed up. I'm sure I looked just as depressed, probably worse and before I knew it he had his arms around me and was sobbing into my shoulder.

He didn't have to say anything for me to understand why he was so upset, because I was too. It was because we were scared of what we didn't know anything about. I didn't have any experience with coma's, because friends or family of mine had ever been in one. Jack was the same and we didn't know how long she would be like this. Or what would happen when she woke up. Or maybe if she would ever wake up. It was our ignorance that scared the living crap out of me.

And so that's how when everyone else awoke and rushed into the hospital room, they found Jack and I sitting on the edge of her bed, leaning on one another with red, puffy eyes and hopeful hearts, patiently waiting how ever long it would take for our best friend to wake up.
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sorry these chapters are short...they get longer.