Status: Writers Block haven't got ideas for next chapter if you do inbox me

A Beautiful Life

First Date

I was ready to go out of my house when there was a knock on my door I went to the door and noticed it was Jared "Hi I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me to say how sorry I am for tripping you up" "really" "to get to know each other and stuff" "OK when were and what time" "lets say tomorrow night at 7 and I'll pick you up here and the place is a secret?" "OK. See you tomorrow but now I am on my way to the shops to get some essentials for my house" "OK. bye" and kissed my cheek.

Fast forward to the date

"GOD Kira what should I wear" "how about that sexy black dress you have stuck in the back of your wardrobe" "No it doesn't fit me anymore. How about this"

"Perfect!" "How about make-up" "Sexy but natural" "OK"

7 o'clock came and Jared came right on time "Hey, wow you look hot!" "thanks Jared took me ages to look for something and I had to have my friend to my hair and make-up cause I can't do shit" "well you ready to go" Jared said holding the door to his car "as I will ever be Jared"

"How do you feel going to Olive Garden?" "I don't know I have never been there" "well thats were we are going" "cool" "your nervous aren't you" "well yeah you are a cute guy and I am a nothing" "please don't say that most girls I have ever met fell at my feet not tripping over my feet" Jared laugh at the memory while Shell started blushing "I love it when blush it makes you look hotter." Shell blushed even harder "Oops I shouldn't of said that" "well thanks but I never had a guy that loves it when I blush and I never been called hot" "well your not hot you are more than hot you so fucking beautiful" the next thing that happens is that Jared kissed Shell on the lips then said "oh shit I shouldn't of done" "shut and kiss me again I liked it" They ended up forgetting the food and kept making out "we should go we are getting looks" "well fuck off to them I'm in love so what" "what? You don't even know me and your in love with me" "well yeah I love you" Jared said blushing "well I can I say you look hot when you blush" Shell said then kissed his cheek.

"We should this again how about a movie next time your choice of movie" "I would like that. See you next date" "Yeah. Bye" Jared kissed Shell on the lips goodnight and went home.