So This Is Love

Puck: English Class

Noah “Puck” Puckerman

September 3rd 2011

Senior English


Puck's English Paper

Okay, so normally I wouldn’t tell anybody about my life expecially to an English teacher. But since your making everyone write this stupid ass essay about our self’s I guess I’ll tell you all about this girl named Emerson Hudson. Yeah Finn Hudson’s twin sister; I think she fucking amazing, but at one point she didn’t think of me in the way I did at all.
I remember in middle school I would totally trash her and her friend Rachel Berry. Yeah the Psychotic Berry. I shlushied them with grape shlusies even though I knew that Emerson was Finn’s twin sister; I was on the football team and I was popular. So I did what only popular people like Quinn Ferbray did; I shlushied the not so popular people.
So you want to know all about the life of Noah Puckerman. Well of course you do, some people just want to know the sex shark Puck, but no one wants to know the real me. Hi I’m Noah Puckerman and I’m in love with my best friend’s twin sister Emerson Hudson. So I would grab a shlushie and get comfortable because this going to take fucking forever. You might get bored with it, but you are the one who told me to write the stupid fucking paper. I might seem badass to some people like Santana Lopez or as I like to call her (Satan.) But that’s Puck, this is the side that only a few people get to see, this is Noah Puckermans side and you better dam well-read it because if you don’t I’ll be pissed I just wrote this for nothing.
Well I guess I should start from the beginning. September 3rd 2010 is when it really all began. Emerson was dating some dude from math class that I recognized from the baseball team. I think his name was Sam. You could say I was jealous, but if you told me I was then I would have kicked your sorry ass to tin buck two.

For your own safety this might have singing in it. Well this all happened in Glee Club good job Mr. Schue.
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This is my first Glee fanfiction so I hope you enjoy it.... Comments are appreciated but not necessary.
lots of thanks