So This Is Love

Emerson: English Paper

Emerson Hudson
September 3rd, 2011
Senior English


So this is love

There's some things you may want to know about me before I start this paper. I have a Daughter her name is Noah Rachel Hudson. Yes I named her after my boyfriend of 2 years Noah Puckerman and my best friend Rachel Berry. I assure you that they are aware of the fact that I named my daughter after them. I would've named her after Finn too but really Noah Rachel Finn Hudson, no thank you. No offence to Finn of course he's the best big twin brother a girl could ask for. I'm just saying he's freakishly tall and he's sometimes doesn't know stuff and I have to tell him. I hope my kid isn't like that.
Don't get me wrong I love my brother to death, but I just hope my kid isn't stupid. Would you want your kid to be stupid. Okay so you want to know the full story about me. Well okay then, the first thing you should know is I'm head of the cheerios while Quinn his co captain and I'm in Glee. Okay Noah probably already told you how this whole thing started in Glee. I love my boyfriend don't get me wrong, but sometimes he tells the story completely wrong.
So here's my side of the story as Noah probably mentioned it all started in Glee.After I got pregnant Mr.Schuester wanted me in Glee because he heard me singing in the girls bathroom. Then I met the real "Puck." If you ask me that name is just to cover is badass, which he has a lot off and his abs damn his abs. Sorry off topic. As I was saying before he tells the story wrong sometimes. So this is my view of how I saw it.
To Tell you the truth a lot of the Glee members who are in your class will be telling the exact same story, but on how they saw it ya know. You're going to read it in many different , ways. But this is how I saw it and I just have to say you might want to grab a comfy chair and get comfortable, because it's going to take quite a while to read.
Today you told us to pick a topic about or self's, so today I'm choosing Glee, my version on how Noah and I came to be. I just have to say one thing. Thanks Mr. schue.
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So Here's another chapter