Status: Comment ;)


Little Old Town

The darkness was everywhere as if my eyes were still closed from a night of sleep. The people walk dreary and dead like nothing happy has happened in days. Their faces look pale and fragile as if they haven’t found food in days either. I’m the only one to be seen with color in her eyes and skin. I’ve come to visit this old town my parents used to reside. Their clothes were all tattered and old as if they washed it so many times it shows only a tad of color.

This place was dried out and had no rain for days. There were only a few stores for food and clothes and the rest were closed down because they couldn't afford it. The roads had cracks all over on it; so bumpy people drive 1mph down it. The shreds of shingles and tarp are laid around the whole place as if a tornado washed the life out of the town. It was dead. It was empty. I needed to bring the life it had in the picture my parents had given me.

This town was my childhood dreams and I miss it. I need to find my old house and my old friend. I don’t even remember his name, I just know we used to love each other. I was not dropped off here nor had taken a plane. I walked here by myself since the death of my parents was only a few days ago. I needed to get away. I was alone now and on my own I only remember small things. The night my parents died and I survived that crash. My memory was fondled with and crushed. I have such memories of small things but nothing so big I don’t remember my parents’ names or even my brothers. I don’t remember where he lives. I only know where I grew up …

This place and town so ruined was little old Grand Rapids, Minnesota.