‹ Prequel: Never Meant to Be
Status: Whenever I can

Ghosts of Our Past

Chapter Six

June 25th, 2027
Evangeline’s House, Jefferson, ME
10:30 A.M.

Evangeline heard a yell and then a splash behind her. She turned to see who had fallen in. She saw a man come to the surface and wipe the water from his eyes. It took her a moment to realize who it was looking up at her with a terrified expression.

“Nathan?!” she said in surprise. He still stared at her looking terrified. “No! You can’t be here!” she said. She ran from the dock and up to her house. Nathan went after her and swam to the dock. He climbed up and easily reached her and grabbed her gently by the waist.

“No!” she screamed. “I left you behind!” He shushed her and said

“Can we just talk?”

“No,” she said squirming in his grip. “Were you spying on me?!”

“Angie will you please just let me talk to you?” She didn’t answer and instead brought her foot up and kicked him straight in the groin. He yelled in pain and fell over onto the ground. She ran up to the house and locked all of the doors. She watched as he slowly picked himself up off the ground and start walking up towards the house. Was this really happening? She saw him tug on the back door and then he knocked.

“Go away!” she yelled. She went into the kitchen and heard him knock again. When the knocking stopped five minutes later she thought he’d given up and gone away but then heard a window open in the living room. Nathan walked in a second later and said

“Please don’t run,”

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I’ve always been here,” he said, “You’ve just never noticed.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked. Seeing his face after so many years made her emotional but wouldn’t let herself cry.

“I’ve been checking in on you over the years, did you really think I’d let the woman I love leave me forever.” Her horrifying past was coming back to her. She knew he had been willing to leave Tammy for her but she hadn’t let him. His real family had needed him so she had decided to try and walk out of his life forever.

“You’ve been stalking me?!” she said in a loud angry voice.

“I needed to make sure you and Trenton were alright,” he said. “I love you and I know you still love me,” he said. “Why wouldn’t you of gone on any dates or brought another man into the picture in the past fifteen years if you didn’t still love me?” Evangeline didn’t answer and instead felt tears begin to escape from her eyes. She knew it was the truth.

“Oh my god just leave, leave me alone,” she said beginning to cry harder. He knelt down so he was face to face with her. She hid her face behind her hands and he laughed and gently pulled them away. Her eyes were red from tears and she was sniffling as he stared into her uniquely colored brown and blue eyes.

“Just as beautiful as you were fifteen years ago,” he said softly. She stared back at him and saw that his face had not aged much and he looked almost the same as he had back when he was twenty-five. He smiled, leaned forward and softly kissed her on the lips. She felt the old familiar spark inside of her. “What’s my daughter’s name?” he asked.

“Lucille, it’s Lucy for short,” she said.

“That’s a beautiful name,” he said. She looked back into his face and then burst into tears again.

“What’s wrong?” he said wiping her tears away.

“I don’t need this right now,” she said “I have enough going on around here and now you come back into my life.”

“Why what’s been going on?” he asked.

“It’s Trenton,” she said. “I’m scared about what’s going to happen with him.”

“Why what’s wrong?” Asked Nathan feeling concerned. Before she could answer Evangeline heard a car pull into the driveway. She stood up and looked out the window and saw that Lucille was being dropped off by her friend. Nathan watched with her and said with a smile

“She looks like you,”

“Hide!” said Evangeline hurriedly.

“Where do you want me to go?” he said laughing.

“In here,” she pushed him over to the coat closet and pushed him inside. He laughed and said

“How long am I gonna be in here?” she didn’t answer and shut the door as Lucille walked in.

“Mom I’m home!” she called out. Evangeline wiped the tears off of her face and said

“I’m in the kitchen,” Lucille walked in smiling and said

“Danielle invited down to her beach house in Florida for a few days next week can I go?!”

“When are they going down?”

“This coming Tuesday and I’ll be there until Saturday,”

“I’ll call Danielle’s mom later and talk to her about it,” said Evangeline.

“Thanks mom,” said Lucille happily. “Where’s Trenton?”

“He went out to Jason’s with the boat.”

“I’m gonna go for a swim you wanna come?” asked Lucille.

“Ya I’ll be down in a bit,” she said. She waited for Lucille to get into her swimsuit and leave the house before she let Nathan out. Just as she did so she heard Trenton coming back with the boat. “I can’t do this with you right now Nathan,” she said. “Can you come back in a few days when I have Lucille out of the house and Trenton with his friends?”

“Ya,” he said. “Anything for you,” He kissed her lightly again on the lips before turning and leaving. She watched him walk out the front door and back to the food store. She wanted to break down and cry again but she couldn’t. She had to be strong about the situation. As she went back outside to swim Nathan’s words repeated in her head;

“I love you and I know you still love me. Why wouldn’t you of gone on any dates or brought another man into the picture in the past fifteen years if you didn’t still love me?”
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.