Status: active?

An Insomniac's Summer

The Next Norning.


I wake up to rain.

I sit up with a start, realizing that I’m very damp. I look around and it takes a moment to get my bearings.

I see Jude next to me, still sleeping soundly. It’s apparent that we never made it inside to sleep. He is lying on his side, facing me. He looks so peaceful, I hate to wake him. But I’d hate for him to get soaked from the rain. Plus, it’s a bit creepy that I’m just… watching him sleep.

“Jude.” I gently shake his shoulder. “Jude, wake up. It’s raining.”

“Hrmph.” He grumbles and rolls over.

“Jude, we need to go inside now. You can sleep there.” I roll him onto his back and shake him gently.

Jude yawns and stretches out his arms. He opens his beautiful blue eyes and sees me looming over him. “Gah, what time is it?” he asks.

“It’s only nine o'clock.” I reply, after glancing at my phone.

“Ugh.” He moans and rolls over again.

“C’mon, Jude. You’re going to get even more wet. I have some clothes and a comfy bed for you to sleep in once we go inside…” I try to convince him.

“Mkay….” He mumbles and picks himself up off the ground. I grab our blanket and we walk back to the house, not unlike zombies.

Jude and I kick off our shoes and I toss the sandy, damp blanket into the laundry room to be dealt with later.

I lead Jude by the arm into my room so I can find him a dry t shirt and a pair of shorts. I get out one of Corey’s old shirts and a pair of guy’s gym shorts that I usually wear to bed for Jude to wear. While he changes his shirt and pants, I turn my back and get some clothes for me to wear, even though I desperately want to look.

He mumbles something about being finished changing and plops onto my bed, already almost asleep. I go over to him, sighing, and grab the blankets from under him. I’m not a morning person at all either, but at least I can wake up enough to take care of myself.

Feeling motherly, I tuck Jude in, bunching the blanket around his shoulders as exhales, and a small, contented sigh escaping his slightly parted lips. He shifts, burying his face into the pillow. I push his hair back away from his face, wanting so desperately to give him a soft kiss goodnight. Instead, I let my fingertips brush against his forehead, sweeping the hair away from his closed eyes.

I wish he didn’t have a beautiful girlfriend. I wish I could go under the blankets and cuddle with him. I wish I could lay my head against his chest, forgetting the world.

But I cannot. So instead, I walk out of my own room, closing the door. The rain is coming down harder now and it pelts against the sliding glass door more frequently. I grab an extra blanket and pillow from my closet and settle myself on the couch, curling into myself.

For the second time in four hours, I start to drift off to sleep once again, the rain providing a melody for my heart to beat with.


“Meili, I am so sorry.”

I open my eyes and see Jude standing in front of me with a frown on his face.

“If anything, you should have just left me on the couch. I feel so bad that I took your bed.” He says apologetically.

“Jude, it’s no big deal.” I stretch out my stiff limbs and yawn. “What time is it?”

“It’s about two thirty in the afternoon.” He replies.

“Ah, okay.” I throw the covers off of me and stretch my arms out again.

“I’m really sorry.” He repeats.

“Jude, seriously!” I laugh. “I don’t even care. It’s fine.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” He smiles. “I just feel kind of bad.”

“Really, it’s no problem. You’re welcome here any time.” I say sincerely.

“Alright, thank you.” He smiles. “I actually need to get going. I have work in about an hour, so…”

“Wait, do you want anything to eat before you leave? I have some bagels here…” I walk into the kitchen and he follows.”

“Well, I suppose.” He answers as I put a bagel in the toaster for him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I reply.

The bagel pops in a moment and I spread butter on it. But then, I dig around in my refrigerator and find some cream cheese. I spread that on the bagel as well.

“Mmm.” Jude hums, as he chews a bite. “I love bagels with butter and cream cheese. Here, have half of mine.”

“Oh, okay.” I say as he hands me the bottom half, my favourite. “Thank you.”

“You’re the one that made it.” he chuckles. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” I reply, smiling.

After Jude eats his half of the bagel, he says goodbye, hugging me and taking off on his motorcycle.

I can’t wait to see him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
small filler. hope you enjoyed it. :D

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