Me and Maths

In my own home I'm a Guest!

I left the coffee shop with the application in hand, I hand to find my National insurance numbers and such. I didn't get to say 'bye' to Austen, after the first customer, the store filled with the student rush, they were getting their lunch time caffeine fix.

As I made my way up my drive head phone clad, my Mom nearly runs me over! "MOM" I shout loudly, as I have forgotten my head phones were on. My mom gets out the car and there is no 'are you okay.' instead she pulls the headphones from my head and my music spills from my Mp3's speaker as the cable flies out... Hello daddy hello mom... she looks furious.

"Oreal one of these days!" she starts her typical rant.
"Maybe you should have called me Oracle and then I could see it before it happened." I storm in the house to my room, when I get there I place the form on my desk and look around, I see my note board with many important artefacts from my life pinned and stapled on, and I pin on Austen's note.

I then put all of my important documents on my desk and fill in my Application. I then read the bottom, Types of documents needed for the interview: Household bill / bank statement. Passport or Photo ID. Birth Certificate.

I collected my ID and Statements and placed them in an envelope, but I'm stumped on my birth certificate.
I remember mum putting the twins away after she enrolled them for school five years ago, in the fire proof box in her wardrobe.

I decide to leave it until she's home.

I go and lie on the couch watching an assortment of day time telly, when the door goes.
I get up and right in front of me is Austen.
before I can say a word he leans in and kisses me, I respond dragging him in, we make it to the couch before we breath.

We de-attach ourselves and laugh.
"That was interesting!" we both say at the same time. I blush and look down he lifts my head and pecks my lips again.

"How's the application. I came round to see if you wanted any help?" he smiled.

"All filled out just need my birth certificate and I'm all set." I smile back.

"If you grab that now we can go see my mom and you could be working tomorrow." he smiled but it fell when it saw the puzzle on my face.

"Your mum?" I query I thought it was his dads.

"Oh yeah should have said, my mom owns two of the original four branches, the one in town and the one at my University." He smiled.

I nod in acknowledgement. "Help me get it?" I smile I would need three shoe boxes to get it.

He nods and follows me upstairs, as I open my mom wardrobe, and point to the box "There that fire proof box." I smile. As Austen leans up his T-shirt rises and I see his lightly toned four pack, with its little line of wispy hair up from his jeans to his belly button. I wind my arms around his waist as he turns and hugs me placing the box on the bed as we make out, after three minutes I can't wait to get my birth certificate so I can get to work tomorrow.

"Hey, lets get downstairs I don't know when my mum's back." I smile we get downstairs and the phone rings.

I answer it, It's Ms Anderson, she want's Austen to get home now. I tell her okay and to have a nice day.

"Austen you have to go home." I smile as Austen gets up and kisses me.
as he leaves he tells me to come over with my stuff at 2.30 pm and he'll make sure his mum was free.

As he leaves I try to open the box and its locked with a double lock! I remove my hair pins and manage to wiggle it open.

The papers spill out and at the top they where all the twins books etc... I riffled through none where mine! what's going on?"
I put them back and place them in and click its locked, I look at the outside of the box, 5" thick, yet the inside only went four? I open it again, this time I grab the box and press firmly down on the inch thick base, it springs down and opens, revealing a compartment.

In the compartment is another "Baby Book" and some documents. I open the book it has the name Aurora Kennedy, scribed on. Did I have a sister? If I did it would make sense that mom and dad left such a big gap between me and the twins. Aurora. I remember a Great Aunt years ago calling me Aurora my dad said 'Oreal you silly girl your grandmother didn't call you the wrong name she means your as beautiful as the Aurora Borealis, The northern lights my dear." when I asked why she called me Aurora.

I look at the birth certificate: Same birthday! A Twin. I had a Twin! Er Oreal, your Mom's family have a history of twins, of course you had a twin.

The door slams open, Mom walks in. "Mom did I have a twin?"

She collapses to the floor. "Mom what happened to Aurora!" she sobbed louder my dad was at the door and he stood there stunned in shock. Then he walked towards me.

"Oreal, you are Aurora." He uttered, "Your adopted, we changed your name, when you were three." He put his hand in the Baby book and pulled out an envelope. he handed it to me.

It had written on, To my Dearest Aurora x I looked at the back a return address and it was unopened. I was terrified, my Mom was on the floor my Dad scared to hug me in case I rejected him.

I couldn't take it I collected all the secret stuff filled the box and walked out of the door.