Me and Maths


Austen throws the door open and carries me in, my Mom is at the kitchen table, face tear stained and blank. My father is missing, only God knows where he is... I wince in pain as Austen places me on the small couch in the den adjacent to the kitchen, placing a cushion under my leg to raise it, as he calls an ambulance. I try to grimace through the throbbing pain, I scream, and Austen runs over and places his hand on my head as I cry, my Mom is totally out of it, she's catatonic! I have tears rolling down my cheeks as Austen puts the phone down and says, "Oreal, why is your Mom in shock?"
I stare at her and cry harder, "She's not my Mom." I open the box file and hand him the adoption certificate with the birth certificate. "I'm supposed to be called Aurora!" I sob more.
As I'm about to say something my father opens the door as sirens buzz, the Twins run upstairs and I hear him run in.

"Miriam! oh, god Miriam!" he's running through the lounge and diner as he appears in the kitchen he runs to her and notices something we didn't, my mother had a bottle of Aspirin in her hand the Ambulance techs ran to her and shined lights in her eyes, they muttered words like, stomach and pump! my heart wrenches Mom! I shoot up Austen is in the door way, I start to walk pain shooting up my leg I'm crying but do not acknowledged the pain, my Mom, I didn't check and the last thing she heard was me say she wasn't my Mom!

As I wobble past Austen he grabs me an lifts my weight of my back leg as he places my arm around his shoulder, we get to the table he places me on the edge. The paramedic pulls a face, "so she's the one with the leg?" I nod as he says "I will look at it in a minute hon..." he's forcing water down my Mom's throat to dilute the strength, they load Mom on the stretcher as the guy feels my leg. "Right hon, you've sprained it take some Ibuprofen and stay off your leg, see you soon, hon." and he runs off as the sirens start, I'm still crying I'm sobbing in to Austen's jumper.