Tattooed Attitued

Off the hook

The next day, everyone again tried asking Louie if there was anything going on between her and Ami, and again she declined it. They even tried asking Ami if something was up, and he declined as well. Could they blame them? To Ami and Louie they were just two coworkers casually bonding with one another, but to everyone else it seemed like more. They seemed closer to one another than everyone else as the day progressed. Probably the most time they've spent together since Louie started working in the shop.

When Ami closed the shop, he and Louie again went to dinner. Third time in a row to be exact. As Ami walked her back to her apartment, ocassionally Ami would slightly place a hand on her back, and soon he moved his arm around her shoulder. He was mainly doing for protection; New York could be very dangerous when walking alone at night but when he did he didn't want to let go. In fact, he wanted to hold her hand as they walked. Louie blushed once Ami draped his arm over her shoulders, and in return she wrapped an arm around Ami's waist.

"I hope you had a good time," Ami said as they arrived at her apartment.
"I did," Louie said. "The past three days have been very entertaining. Thank you."
"Anytime. I'm glad I can make a pretty girl like you happy."
"Well, I should turn in. Work tomorrow, right?"

Louie smiled as Ami began to wrap his arms around her body, embracing her into a hug. She sighed with bliss as she felt him kiss the top of her head. As they pulled away, they both suddenly stopped as their eyes connected. Louie couldn't breath, she felt her heart racing as Ami slowly leaned in without control. Both eyes closed until their lips met in a soft kiss. They pulled away for a moment; looking back into each others eyes again before going back in again. This time, both their mouths opened together and Louie's pink tongue met Ami's.

As they kissed, both of them forgot where they were at that moment. They didn't even notice the frail old couple walking by them as they held hands. It was enjoyable at first, Louie and Ami seemed to be at peace unti Ami suddenly pulled away from her.

"I'm sorry," Ami said as let go of Louie. Ami didn't wait for Louie to do or say anything, he walked off, leaving Louie standing there in the hallway stunned. Her mind was spinning as she stood there.


As Ami walked into the shop the next morning, he found Jessica, Robear, Billy and Louieat the front desk. Right away his eyes landed on Louie; who was laughing along with everyone else. Suddenly Louie's eyes met Ami's; her smile didn't drop as they stared at each other; she didn't want to seem so broken from last night even though it couldn't escape her mind. Inside, Ami was glad that she didn't seem phased but at the same time it confused him how she can smile through the day after last night.

"Hey Ami," Louie softly, loud enough so he can hear. Before Ami could say anything Louie casually left and walked over to the drawing area.
"Everything alright bro?" Billy asked, noticing the disgruntled look on his best friends face.
"Yeah," Ami said, lying to his face. "I'll be right back."

Ami tapped the desk and walked away from them, towards the drawing table. Louie was busy working on a sketch when Ami sat down next to her.

"Louie," Ami said as Louie looked up from her sketch. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," Louie said, smiling at him. "Why?"
"Well, last night...I mean..."
"Oh yeah, last night. Ami I'm fine, we've been through this before I don't like getting intimate with my co-workers. And I have way to much respect for you to do that to you. Maybe it's best for us to lay low for a bit, these dinners aren't doing us justice. I'm happy just hanging out with you in the shop."

Ami sat there in a bit state of shock, clearly it wasn't the reaction Ami had expected from her.

"I really hope we stay friends. What about you Ami, you okay?"
"Uh, yeah," Ami said. "I'm fine."

Louie smiled, flashing her teeth to him and she went back to her sketch. Ami stood up and walked back over to the front desk. Louie really did want to stay friends, but another part of her really wanted to sock Ami upside his jaw for just walking away from her last night. The kiss, Louie could barely sleep because of it. It took her breathe away. But of course, Ami couldn't know that.


As a young man walked into the shop, dressed in a black peacoat and dark blue jeans and a black scoop neck tee, Chris greeted him with a normal male gesture. Apparently, he was one of Chris' friends from Brooklyn, a gentleman named Angus from Coney Island. He was getting an old school tattoo, something that represented Coney Island from his childhood.

"Hey," Angus asked as they stood at the front desk. "Who's that girl over there?"

Chris looked over and saw Louie working on a few sketches.

"Oh, Louie?"
"She a tattoo artist here or what?"
"Yeah, very gifted too. Maybe you should get a piece from her huh?"
"Heh, maybe. She single?"
"Why do you care?"
"Just curious."
"Yeah, she caught your eye didn't she? Ain't you with Connie though?"
"No, you didn't hear? Broke up three months ago."
"So single Angus is ready to mingle, huh?"
"Oh, you know it bro. So...."
"I gotta warn you, I think she may be going through something personal with her life right now. But I guess I can try an introduce you or something."
"Thanks man. I owe you one."
"Yeah, just pay for the tat and we're good."

They chuckled as Chris patted him on the shoulder. Angus walked over to the brown couch and took a seat, as Chris walked over to the drawing area and sat next to Louie.

"Hey Lou," Chris said, turning to Louie.
"What's up Chris?"
"Just so we're clear, there ain't nothing going on between you an Ami right?"
"For the last time, no Chris there is nothing going on between Ami and I. None of us are even interested."
"Well uh, I think I may know someone who may be interested."
"You see that guy over there, on the brown couch?"

Louie looked over slightly and she saw Angus sitting on the couch, preocuppied with his phone.

"Who is that?"
"That's my boy Angus, from Brooklyn. He came in for a tattoo and you may have caught his eye."
"Really? I mean....he's cute I guess."
"So um...I'm taking Megan out later tonight. Maybe you two can join us for a double date?"
"I don't know Chris..."
"Come on Lou, what's stopping you? There ain't or nobody holding you down right? I thought you only said no to coworkers."
"Yeah well, I also don't think I should be dating clients."
"Well he's not your client. Don't you think you deserve to be with someone who's interested?

Louie contemplated for a moment, there really wasn't a reason for Louie to decline. She wasn't in a relationship with anyone, she wasn't tied to anyone. So what was stopping her? And Chris was right, she deserved to have someone that at least have some sort of interested in her.

"Fine," Louie sigihed with defeat. "I'll go. He better behave."
"Oh don't worry. Brooklyn men are very chivilrous to their women. I'll introduce you two when the tattoo is done with okay?"

Louie smiled a bit, as Chris started the sketch Louie decided to take a peek at Angus. When she looked up, Angus looked over to her at the same time. She smiled at him, and at the same time he smiled back at her.


"Dude what the hell is going on with you and Louie?" Billy asked as he, Tim, Tommy and Ami sat in the front of the shop. He and Tim were sitting in the chairs as Ami and Tommy were sitting next to each other on the couch. He was referring to his mentor and best friend, who was acting very distant and out of it the entire day.
"How many times do I have to tell you guys," Ami said, getting agitated. "Nothing!"
"Come on man," Tim said, leaning forward. "It's plainly obvious that there is something going on between you and Lou."
"Yeah, like what?"
"Well for one thing, you're with her like 24/7!" Tommy said. "Or at least the majority of the time we're in the shop."
"So? I like spending time with her, she's just a friend."
"A friend?" Billy asked, rhetorically. "You barely spend time with me compared to the time you've spent with Louie, and I'm your best friend."
"And everytime something's wrong, it's like you two don't even know each other." Tim said.
"Look we're not saying that this is a bad thing, to be honest we all think it's a good thing. But I've known you for over 12 years, you think you can pass something over me?"
"Okay," Ami said as he took a deep sigh and he ran a hand over his hairless head. "Maybe I've looked at Louie as more than a coworker."
"But I don't date my colleagues you guys. And Louie doesn't feel the same way."

Billy sighed and turned his head toward the window. She looked to see Chris, Megan and Louie walk out of the shop together. There was a guy waiting for them, the same guy whom Chris was tattooing earlier today, his friend from Brooklyn.

"Well it really looks like you're off the hook Ami." Billy said, turning back to them.

Everyone looked out the window and saw the four of them walking by. Ami watched in slight shock as Angus hook and arm around Louie as Chris and megan walked in front of him. Now Louie didn't let just anybody do that, so it surprised Ami that she wrapped her arm around his waist so comfortably.

"Huh..." Ami said, watching them.
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Anyone remember Angus from one of the NY Ink episodes? If you don't look for "The Gloves Are Off" episode, and you'll see Chris tattooing one of his friends named Angus. When I saw him I thought he was quite handsome :)

So looks like Angus has taken quite a liking to Louie, think Ami will react?