Tattooed Attitued

Ten foot pole

This is the fifth date in a row Louie and Angus went on, and they were hitting it off really well. She was really starting to like him as they walked along the street and held hands. As the days passed, everyone noticed how happy Louie seemed to be with her new Brooklyn beau, however they also noticed how discombobulated Ami seemed to be. It could be a coinsidence at the fact that at the same time Louie had been seeing Angus, business seemed to be going slow which may be causing Ami some stressful damage. But Louie didn't notice it.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Angus said as they stood in front of Louie's apartment room. "Maybe I can take you out on your break?"
"I would love to," Louie said, smiling.
"You sure your boss won't mind? Chris has been telling me he's been pretty antsy since we started dating."
"Really? Well um...I hadn't noticed anything about him."
"I just don't want him to give you a hard time just cause we're seeing each other. I don't want my girl upset."
"Your girl? Are we exclusive now?"
"Well would you like to be? I mean, obviously we work pretty well together. And in case you didn't notice Louie, you've put quite a spell on me."
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
"Absolutely. I would love it if you'd have me."
"Well Angus....I would love to be your girlfriend."

Angus smiled as Louie accepted his request. Truth be told, Louie really did like Angus and she could definetely see her and Angus beign together from now on. Louie took Angus' face in her hands delicately and they both leaned in, pressing their lips together for a brief moment.

"Good night." Louie said.
"Sweet dreams gorgeous," Angus said, and he turned and walked away.


When Louie walked into the shop the next morning, she found Billy and Robear at the tattoo bed. When she dropped off her bag at the front desk, she walked over to see Billy preparing himself to tattoo a grapefruit.

"Hey Lou-Lou," Robear chimed in a sing-song like voice.
"Hey Louie," Billy said.
"Putting in practice huh?" Louie asked as she watched Billy lay out the stencil on the fruit. "Has Ami been helping you out since we talked about this?"
"No, not even once. He's been putting this off ever since."
"Are you serious? What's up with that?"

Moments later Ami walked in and saw Billy getting ready to tattoo the grapefruit. Louie moved to the side as Ami walked over to them and sat across from Billy.

"What are you doing Bill?" Ami asked, clearly confused.
"I'm practicing before I tattoo Robear, this is the only outlet I have right now." Billy said quickly.
"You're tattooing Robear, why didn;t you ask me for help?"
"I've been, but you never help me."
"We'e been talking about this every day now."

Louie bit her lip as she looked between Ami and Billy, feeling the heavy tension growing between them.

"Look, I'm sorry about not being able to help you out. Business hasn't been picking up, it's stressing me out, I feel like I'm about to reach my boiling point every day I'm in the shop. but I promise I'll be there for you from now on."

Louie smiled as Billy thanked him. Billy proceeded to start tattooing the flower stencil on the fruit. Louie thought Billy was doing pretty well for a start, until Ami found a little flaw.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ami asked.
"What? I'm just following the line." Billy said.
"See this is what worries me, you fuck up the stencil and you fuck up the tattoo."

Louie looked at Robear, feeling awkward just standing there while Ami scolded his apprentice. Everytime Ami tried to help Billy out, he gets agitated quite fast and ends up being a jerk.

"Uh I have something to do in the front," Louie said, beginning to walked away. "Can you help me Bear?"
"I would love to Lou-Lou," Robear said, getting up and beginning to walk with Louie. "Let me know how it turns out."

Louie sat down next to Jessica while Robear leaned on the top of the counter.

"So Louie," Jessica said, her voice chiming like a bird. "How was your date last night?"
"Fantastic," Louie said as she swayed in her chair.
"He better be treating you right," Robear said. "You two really seem to be enjoying each other."
"We are, I'm having a good time with him. And just so you guys know, single Louie won't be around for very long."
"Oh my gosh, really?"

Louie laughed as Jessica and Robear started throwing congatulations towards her. It wasn't really a big deal, but they were just glad that Louie was able to be with someone that cared for her. And someong that wasn't pertaining to business.

"Hey Ami," Jessica said, putting down the phone that had rang during their conversation. "Phone for you."

Ami walked over to the phone and started talking to the person on the other line. Louie looked over at Billy, feeling sympathetic for the neglectic apprentice as Ami walked away from him.


One day, work once again began to get pretty slow. Everyone was hanging around near the drawing area, conversing with one another. Suddenly someone walked in, wearing a black peacoat and a vintage hat. It reminded Louie of Ami.

"What's up?" The guy said.

Ami turned around, and suddenly he cheered with excitement. He walked over to the man and embraced him in a hug.

"This is my little brother!" Ami exclaimed, announcing the arrival of his little brother to everyone.

The man started to go around, introducing himself to everyone announcing his name was Shai. Louie was surprised, Ami never talked about him having a younger brother to anyone.

Suddenly Louie got a text from Angus, telling her he was outside and ready to take her out. Louie said her goodbyes for that moment and told everyone she'd be right back. When she walked out, she immediately saw Angus waiting for her. He reached out his hand, helping her down the stairs and continued to hold her hand as they walked to the restaraunt.

Moments later, Ami and Shai left the shop as well getting themselves a drink.

"Something going on with you and that girl?" Shai asked as they sat down, referring to Louie.
"No," Ami said, chuckling at him. "Why, you like her?"
"She's cute, but I don't know she's not really my type."
"Not your type? What's wrong with her?"
"Nothing, but you know when she left you were kind of looking at her like she was walking away forever or something."
"What? Are you serious right now?"
"I'm deadly serious, I know that look when I see it man. You can tell me man, you like her or what?"
"No, you know this I don't date my colleagues. And just so you know, she's been seeing this guy lately, and we haven't really been talking much."
"You mean that guy?"

Ami looked up and saw Louie and Angus walk by, possibly going back to the shop. Though Ami couldn't see it, Angus and Louie were holding each others hands firmly. Louie suddenly looked into the window and her eyes connected with Ami, he wanted to look away from that moment but he couldn't. The look in her eyes just drew Ami in like a fish on a line.

"Ami..." Shai said, trying to get Ami's attention. "Ami...Ami!"
"Huh?" Ami said, snapping out of it. "What?"
"Are you kidding me right now?"

Ami sighed, taking a sip out of his drink.


On another day, it was the day that Billy was finally going to tattoo Robear. He had set his area up, waiting for Ami to come and assist him through it, but Ami left with Shai getting a bite to eat. So Billy decided to just start the tattoo without him.

Louie and Tommy walked to the front, about to leave the shop when they saw Billy going at the tattoo.

"What's going on guys?" Louie asked. "Where's Ami?"
"He kind of bailed on us," Robear said. "He's with Shai."
"Oh man," Tommy said, sighing with disappointment.
"I can't believe this." Louie scoffed.

Louie and Tommy watched for a few seconds, but Billy was struggling. Tommy decided to help out with the lining while Louie decided to help him out with the coloring. Billy seemed to be more confident as Tommy and Louie helped him through the tattoo. When the tattoo was finally finished, Billy couldn't help but thank Tommy and hug Louie for their help.

Suddenly Ami walked in, this time without Shai.

"What's going on?" Ami asked. "Who helped you with the tattoo?"
"Tommy and Louie did."
"Are you serious right now?"
"Well you gave me your word you were going to help me, and you flaked out on me."
"You gave me your word you weren't going to start without me, what happend with that? And how can you do that to me Louie, he's not someone for you to help out."
"Really Ami!?" Louie exclaimed. " I'm just trying to help out a friend and you're not doing your part, he's your apprentice you're supposed to be helping him."

By this time, Tommy and Robear had already left the scene, leaving Louie, Ami and Billy alone.

"You know what Louie, why don't you go with your little boyfriend and stay out of Billy's apprenticeship alright? Then maybe we can get business going again."
"Fine. Why don't you go take that 10ft pole up your ass, then we'll talk."

Louie turned around and walked away, exiting the shop in a huff while Ami turned the other way, finally leaving Billy alone shocked.
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