Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

i just wanna run

I couldn't stay in the same room as Khonner. If I had stayed in the room I would have either try to make her jealous or pound her into a pulp.

I walked out to the little lake on the edge of the campus and pulled out my cigarettes. I sat there smoking, wondering why are we on earth. What's the point of people existing and don't say the point is there is no point because that's complete bullshit.

Seriously I look back on my life and all I remember are late nights partying and life just doesn't seem important at all. If it weren't for a few people depending on me I would disappear and wait to die. I remember when I was 12 this girl I didn't know came up to me and hugged me. She told me that I looked like I needed a hug and that partying wont make the pain leave.

This girl I didn't even know knew that I was on the path of a broken heart and a broken life. Life it's a silly word I think. The reason is because you can have life but that doesn't meant that your living and to live doesn't necessarily mean you have a life.

I looked up at the sun and thought about my life. My life didn't have any significance and yet every grown up I have ever known has said that I have potential which is complete bullshit it think because every teenager gets told that so that they will try a little harder, and be a little better.

When I was finally done thinking I got up and started walking towards the dorm. I had completely forgot about everyone and everything until I was halfway there. It was getting dark. Huh I guess I was sitting out there all day. It didn't seem like it honestly it barely felt like an hour.

"Hey beautiful" I turned around to see Tanya one of my summer roommates. I smiled and did the international head nod for what's up. "Nothing was looking for Beans he has the keys and I kind of really need them to get into the house." House was such an understatement. I held my hand out and she gave me her phone.

I opened a new message box and typed sleep at my room it may be a little packed but it will work i have no idea where Beans is so its the best i can do I handed her phone back to her and she was happy to come with me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and offered her a cigarette. She shook her head "You really have to stop smoking Ciggy." She's the only one in our group who is strait edge.I rolled my eyes and lit one up anyways.

When we got to the room Khonner and Ring were talking. I made a noise in my throat. They both looked at me. I pointed at all three of them my way of introducing people to other people.

"I'm Tanya" the other two introduced them selves and I stripped down to my undewears not caring because I was tired even if I haven't done anything all day. I motioned for Tanya to come over and we fell asleep spooning not caring about the couple next to us. This is what I love about her. She's my best girl friend and partly my friend with benefits but only in the most desperate of times. This was not one so we were fine sleeping like we did.
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this one is for my brother josh hes my hero and my inspiration to be who i am and hes always there for me when i need it most he is also the only one who can get me to think so deeply that it makes my heart ache