Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes


I looked at Ring and pushed her off gently. I put my clothes on and ran after my best friend. I finally caught up to her. I stopped in front of her and moved her up against the wall. "Why" she whispered. It's not like she hasn't seen me with another guy or girl before. Bloody hell I used to have sex with her no more than five feet away from me. She started to get teary eyes.

"Why now? Why did you choose to wait till this day? Why could you not tell me before?" I tried speaking but it came out shakey and rough, but it sure did get her attention fast.

"Yo-you just spoke." yeah I've been speaking more than I would like now a days. I nodded. "I never knew you were British? and it sound like a Nottingham accent?" I nodded once more she knew her accents well. For those who don't know Robin Hood has a Nottingham accent. I took her phone out her pocket.

answer my questions please I was really upset that she just now sprang this on me when I was falling in love with my roommate.

"Well I never had the guts until now." I sighed and sat against the wall. What the fuck am I supposed to do? "You don't have to be with me if I have waited this long I can wait longer." Tanya paused "Go explain it to her I'm sure she's pretty pissed right now." I couldn't do it not I didn't want to go back into that room because she could reject me, but hey when have I not been one for risks?

I stood up and hugged my best friend. "Go go now" I kissed her cheek and jogged back up to my room. I wonder what's going to happen.

Will I survive? Or will she kill me on spot for leaving because my best friend interrupted? I don't know but I'm going in. Wish me luck.
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im sorry guys but my master made me make ciggy talk no she didnt have a gun to my head but her hands in my pants saying she would go no further unless ciggy talked this chapter

well that wasnt true but so damn believable but she really did say ciggy should talk