Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes


I ran all the way back to the mansion, trying to fight back the tears. I knew they were going to flow but I wanted them to at least have the patience to wait till I got to my room. I saw a few passed out people on the way to my room and it kind of made me happier but not really. I walked in and threw myself into my bed dropping my bag and shoes falling off as I did because I'm just that amazing.

I hugged my pillow and let the tears fall. Someone shifted next to me. I didn't even realize they were there when I walked in. "Hello?" A very groggy voice asked. I turned my head to see a random and Tanya laying in each others arms. I got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. It was 6 A.M. anyways. I leaned against the wall and let the water pound my skin.

Why did she have to be so much like my last ex? I think that's what really fucked me up. Of course the partying did have some impact but it wasn't until she cheated that set me on the edge and I started partying hard every night. I took a deep breath fighting back the tears again when the door opened. "Ciggy?" Tanya asked from the door way.

I stuck my head out of the shower. "You okay?" I nodded. "Are you sure?" She started undressing and I nodded once more and shut the glass door. I shut my eyes and leaned again. Tanya walked in like it was perfectly normal and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her but kept my head facing the ceiling against the wall. She kissed my shoulder once and rested her head on my chest. It felt nice.

I felt more tears fall down my face and I tightened my hold on Tanya without meaning to. "You know we sure are cute for two ugly people." Tanya whispered and I cracked a smile. Only she would know to use that line. Juno was my favorite movie and only she knew it. "Come on lets get you dressed and go back to sleep." She said rubbing her eyes. She's so cute. I kissed her cheek and followed her after I turned the water off. If anyone can mend a heart it would be Tanya.
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So I'm sitting here writing like usual and I'm using my pandora and every single song reminds me of you in some's official I, Rio-Elizabeth, have gone crazy at 10:02 8/3/2011

Have I mentioned I haven't really slept at all for like a week? Yeahh I'm running on my A.D.D. and hot pockets