Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

All for you by we the kings

Tanya woke me up by pushing me off the bed but she was kind enough to make sure I didn't hit my head.

"There's a party in bedroom all night long" The song blasted right by my ear and I threw my roommates phone at her.

"Chello?" she paused. "Can't I have plans yeah I will talk to you later Beans" She looked at me with a devilish smile. I backed up a little bit. I don't like it when she looks like that it means she's going to do something evil to me. She dropped the look with a bored expression, which is really bad. "You know I have no idea why Beans calls me when he's right down the hall."

Tanya got up and went through her drawers. I pulled skinnies (of course because those are the only type of pants I have) and my NSN shirt out. After I got dressed Tanya pushed me down the stairs and into her car. "I'm not telling you where were going so don't even try to ask!" She giggled and sped away from the humongous house.

I was scared and confused because knowing Tanya she could do anything even fly me to Paris if she wanted or even California,

"Just calm down. We're going to the Tropical Islands." I sighed in relief. It could have been a lot worst than just an indoor beach. I closed my eyes and hummed. I knew the tropical islands was expensive for an average person but here's something you probably don't know about everyone that lives in the mansion.

All of us were rich we came from rich families and we hated it. A few of us would lie if you asked us where we came from and what family we were from. Me? I'm one of the ones who could give less of a shit if you knew who I was. In all reality if someone from the mansion told you they were rich you wouldn't believe them unless it was Beans or James because of the way they dress but they are two of the less rich in the house.

About twenty minutes go by and by then Tanya had started blasting music we had another hour before we would get there, "You ready for the best week of your life?" I grinned and nodded. Going to the Tropical Islands was the best thing I could ever do. It was my favorite place and no one could change that.
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It's hard for someone to believe another person when they're saying something else to other people </3