Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

Tropical Islands

After Tanya got us checked us in she led me to our new room for the week. "How happy are you?" Tanya asked as she threw her bags on the single bed. How is it that I always have to share beds with hot girls? I mean it's lovely and all but just so much temptation. I laid down thinking. Wait where is my stuff and when the bloody hell did she get packed? I sat up and looked at her,

"What is it?" She was checking herself out in the mirror. I pointed to the two huge duffle bags. "Ooooohhhhhh I went to your place when you were sleeping grabbed some of your cloths and bathing suit and then packed then woke you up silly goose." I rolled my eyes at her because she's just so....her?

I laid back down and waited till she wanted to go out to where ever we were going in the dome today. I looked at the clock 6 p.m. I don't even know if its worth it, I mean I'm still so tired and I really don't wanna go anywhere.I had started thinking about Ring and that guy. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. How can it hurt so much to be cheated on but not to be the cheater or be the person that the other person is cheating with? Sex sucks.

It was oddly quiet Tanya never usually- Tanya jumped on me interrupting my thoughts and making me open my eyes and gasp. she sat on my stomach and poked my arms. I really want to know what she's on, like she is almost as bad as Ring. Tanya grabbed my hands and laid down. I let go of one of her hands and rubbed her back. "Are you okay?" she asked me.

I nodded I don't know if she saw it or if she knew I nodded. "Are you sure?" I nodded again and she looked at me. She brought her face closer to mine. I pecked her lips and she rolled her eyes. She got off of me and went through one of the bags. After about five minutes she threw something at me. Once I caught it I smiled. It was my old camera my very first one I bought here.

It was full of pictures and videos of Tanya Dicky Beans Charles Luke and me. I got up and hugged her tight and she hugged me back. "You know it took forever to find that and once I did well I had to delete a couple of videos" I raised an eyebrow. "Well lets just say some of our roommates are freaks and love to see themselves in action." I swear if I had had any food earlier I would have thrown up but I made a gagging sound anyways. "Yeah pretty gross at least you didn't have to see it." I didn't even want to think about it so I just laid on my stomach and thought nice and happy thoughts like rainbows and unicorns and Harry Potter.
♠ ♠ ♠
fuck you!
fuck yourself youll get more pussy that way

comment if you want next chapter to be in Tanyas pov?

and the reason why im not putting them in the class is because i haven't found anything that would be entertaining bbbuuuuttttt they will be in music class in a couple chapters