Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

the diner

We had gone to The Diner. It was probably the coolest hang out spot on campus. Me and Beans sat down at a booth and let Charles order because he always gets to much food anyways.

"So where's your dorm mate?" Beans questioned me. I shrugged. I honestly had no clue I had come from Dickys house, where most of us stayed if Beans leaves and forgets to give us keys to the mansion, to the music room. "How do you not know where your dorm is? I thought that was your favorite part about going to boarding school and college?" I shrugged and nodded. "I miss you talking." Beans mumbled. I laughed.

Beans hates me not talking because I talked to him and Charles for 9 years strait. I mean you kind of get used to someone talking. Beans just can't get over the fact that I'm mute.

"FOOD" Charles yelled and put all of the food on the not so big table. There was everything from apple sauce to chicken nuggets to crispy tacos. Then there was one bowl of classic ramen for me. Yummy!! I looked at Charles and smiled my thanks to him.

"Oh don't thank me I paid with your money." He handed me my wallet. What the fuck? I checked my pockets and sure enough that really was my wallet, so I kicked him in the shin. I didn't mind the costs but he could have asked me first.

Around 5 we were done eating and I wanted to go check out my dorm, so I waved bye and walked a quarter mile to the girls dorm room. This college wasn't cool so nothing was co-ed. It took me about ten minutes to walk and would have taken longer if I stopped to look at the scenery but I was anxious.

I unlocked the door and opened it only to find a half naked girl standing in my room. I shut the door fast. Now if this was any other situation I would have been how do you say it "all up on that" but I was freaked out because this was supposed to be a single room. I waited outside for the girl to come out clothed. I sighed due to boredom.

It's been nearly ten minutes and still no sign of the girl, so I walked in once more. She was sitting on the bed reading. I couldn't get a good look of her face. I closed the door and set my messenger bag on the floor. Finally the girl looked up.

"Oh hi there! I didn't notice you. What are you doing here? This is supposed to be a single room hence the private bathroom and one bed. Your that chick i met earlier right? The mute?" Damn Ring could talk fast. I only nodded to everything she said because I has thought the same things about the room. I grabbed a marker and wrote on the dry erase board on the left wall.

I wrote yes this is a single room and they must have made a mistake. At least it's a queen sized bed. Yes I am the mute and you talk extremely fast, Then I erased it when she read it all. I could tell this was either going to be the best or worst school year of my life all because of one little rooming problem. Not that I minded because she's super hot but she might not be gay or bi so there is no way I'm making the first move on her. Even if I have to share a bed with her.

I can control myself. Kind of.
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I split this chapter because for me it is extremely long but they nvm you'll see (;
anyways comments would be appreciated