Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

the room

some of you guys might be wondering why there is a white board in the room. Well It's because I asked for it to be there with me being mute in all its easier to answer questions.

Ring went back to listening to music and I sat there on the bed wishing I had my video games. That's the one thing that distracts me. I didn't have anything to unpack because everything of mine was at either the mansion or Dickys house and I can go get my stuff later. I grabbed my sketchbooks (they are music sheets not drawing paper) and started writing music.

I got bored fast. I only wasted thirty minutes. I usually waste multiple hours on writing music but I wasn't feeling it. I grabbed my camera and went off on a walk, filming everything I saw. Here's a list of what i saw that day.

three couples making out
32 butterflies
one giant ant walking up a tree
four bees chasing random people
and finally a very hyper Ring jumping up in down in front of my camera.

"Hey whacha doing?" She looked right into the lens which means she had to be bending over since i was siting against a tree. I was about to look "behind" her but the color of her eyes caught my attention. They were the most amazing color. I really loved them. "Oh" she paused "I completely forgot you're a mute." I shook my head as to say no biggie.

I stood up slowly my legs were killing me I was sitting there at least two hours and I hadn't moved my legs at all. I looked at ring. She's about an inch shorter than me and she had changed into a black shirt some booty shorts and she was also wearing sandals. Is it illegal for someone to be so cute?

"Well I'm on my way back to" she paused and blushed "our room. Do you want to come with me?" I nodded and shrugged. There could be no harm in it. I mean she could try raping me I guess but you can't rape the willing and she doesn't look like she's the raping type.

When we got back to the room Ring had an idea. "Wanna play truth?" I smiled and nodded I never lose. For those of you who don't know how to play truth here's the rules. Truth can only be played by two people and you keep asking questions until someone says pass. The person who says pass gets one more question and if the other player can answer they win. Oh and absolutely no lying otherwise you lose.

"I'll go first. Whats your favorite color?" She asked. I touched the beanie on my head. "black?" I nodded.

where are you from? I wrote. Easy enough question.

"I'm from Canada but i moved here last year." Hmm Canada I like Canada it's a nice country.
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Cut this one short too because im tired but more later today
Recognize this game? (: