Sequel: Those Lips

Those Eyes

Rings POV

I heard the door open and I thought it was Ciggy but I opened my eyes and Ciggy was right in front of me. I looked at the door and pushed my roommate off the bed and looked at Khonner. "WHAT THE FUCK RING YOU FUCKING WHORE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU I CAME ALL THIS WAY JUST TO FIND YOU SLEEPING WITH SOME SOME SOME WHORE?!? NO FUCK THIS FUCK YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?"

"Baby" I tried getting her attention by standing on the bed but she kept yelling. I wasn't even paying attention at this point. I was looking at Ciggy who was standing there still half asleep. She's so cute I hid a smile and looked back at my girlfriend. Who was still yelling. "BABE" I screamed which got her attention. I swayed a little which got Ciggy to hold my hip. This tingling sensation through my whole body and I felt kind of felt guilty for Khonner. "Why are you yelling?" I knew why but I wanted Ciggy to know too.

"Why are you sleeping with this this slut?!?" Technically I'm sleeping with her but not the way she meant and there is no way that we almost did sleep together. Even though if I had the chance I would do it so fast you wouldn't see it coming.

"We're roommates calm down nothing is happening between us" I stated and looked towards Ciggy with begging eyes. Ciggy nodded but I could tell she was thinking about something bad. I got off the bed trying not to fall and stood in front of my girlfriend.

"If you're are just roommates why are you two sleeping together?" I didn't know what to tell her without telling her the truth. I don't think telling you r girlfriend "oh yeah babe i would cheat on you as soon as i got the chance with my roommate who I am falling hard for" would be exactly nice or thoughtful.

Ciggy kissed my cheek and I kind of jumped. "I'm going to take a shower" Ciggy whispered. Her accent was amazing her voice was so soft. I got wobbly knees I thought for sure I was going to fall but Ciggy held my hips and kissed my cheeks again. If my girlfriend wasn't in front of me I probably would have started making out with Ciggy right then.

I looked at Khonner and She looked so beyond pissed. I knew what was going to happen next but I couldn't do anything about it, so I turned around trying not to look, but I heard the hit. The fact that Ciggy got up after that amazed me. That's just one more thing I like about her.

I looked at Ciggy sternly she shouldn't have done that. I don't even know why she did it. When Ciggy went into the bathroom Khonner came over to me and kissed me hard. I kissed back but it didn't feel right at all. Khonner pushed me up against the wall to harshly. I can't say that I still love her because I don't.

I pushed her off gently. "Not right now baby" I whispered.

"Why not?" I didn't want to tell her the truth because she would be pissed for the next four days.

"Just not right now." Khonner was about to start arguing again but Ciggy walked out of the bathroom and I literally lost my breath. She was wearing the tightest jeans ever and a button up shirt with the top three unbuttoned. She looked at us nodded and went to the board. I don't know why she wont talk again. I mean her voice is amazing I don't see the problem.

I'm going out see you two later

Great now how am I going to deal with Khonner with out telling her the truth? Fuck my life.
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so yeah there is Rings pov hope you liked