Twisted Innocence

Death Foe

Chaz carefully tore the tape off of the small framed boy’s mouth; he seemed to be the only person streaming with tears, which pissed me off. How could he be crying that much; I could spot the frustration across Chaz’s facial expression.

“Ok Justin, who does you chose” Chaz asked while applying tape back the small framed boy.

I bit the bottom of my lip. “Him” I pointed to the same slender boy with black hair. He was chained next to a chubby blond girl with large bubbly eyes, if anything she should get killed first.

Chaz snickered and grabbed the tall tan girl’s shoulder, she looked frightened under her small brown eyes. He clawed her threw the neck with his nails. The girl died instantly not even screaming in terror; Chaz fumed with evil even his eye color changed to black. I smiled in satisfaction when I watched the dark haired boy’s eyes widen.

“don’t you love the smell of fresh human blood” Chaz smirked taunting the other humans.

“Hey man, you need to kill these humans quietly my mom’s sleeping” I said in a strain tone. I was worried if my mom found out, or possibly going to jail.

Chaz rolled his eyes, and pushed the Asian girl to the corner she gripped onto the chains crying smaller by the second. He killed her threw the heart and blood poured out her stomach like a water fountain.

“Shit,Chaz can you kill them any faster” I complained pulling onto my sheets holding my vomit, I never thought that killing a couple people could be so excruciating.

The black haired boy began pulling on his chains, “please don’t kill them” he squealed unexcitingly. I looked into his pure green eyes, I wanted to kill that bastard but at the same time something told me to leave him. After all he was the slave I chose.

Chaz seized his arm and the dark haired boy looked away while Chaz slapped him leaving a cherry colored mark “shut up” Chaz said annoyed not even glancing at his reaction.

“Leave the two other humans, push them out the window”, I said frustrated throwing my hands in all directions.

Chaz looked shocked “What if they go and tell everyone” he asked unchaining the dead bodies of the two unlucky humans.

The dark haired boy began to whimper pathetically when Chaz was unchaining the dead girl laying on his lap.

“Your right Chazinator, like I said throw them out the widow” I repeated walking over the dripping blood of the small Asian girl.


After Chaz finished throwing the dead bodies out of the window, the dark haired boy began talk.

“what are you doing, you just killed four people” he mumbled clutching on to his chains like that was the only thing he had in the world.

I ignored his voice and Chaz came back from the window holding an unusual bag, “What do you have their” I asked curiously as I helped him get in.

“Food for cry baby over there” he sneered throwing the bag that pictured an old man on my bed.

“its, called KFC, I saw some black girls walking over there” he explained while picking up the bag pointing to the picture.

“What’s your name” I shouted across the room, but I couldn’t hear anything. I walked towards the dark haired boy and Chaz followed my trail “what’s your name” I asked deeper.

“Drew Johnson” he stuttered chocking on his words. I walked over the blood trial and almost lost my balance. Chaz was sniffing the blood like a madman. I decided to put blankets over the blood so it wouldn’t become such a big deal. I almost forgot about haven, he seems like a cry baby, but I guess it’s cute.

“No its not, Its Haven” I empathized showing him my status; Chaz began to laugh over Haven’s cries.

I seized his back and attempted to pick him up, but Chaz eventually helped me, “I’m putting him onto the closet” I breathed when Haven struggled to free himself from our grips.

“I think you should buy a whip and tape the bitch” Chaz muttered under his breath, but I heard what he said.


When we reached my closet Haven crawled to the corner, cuddling with my shoe collections and Chaz began to laugh.

“What do you want from me, I’m not rich, and my mom’s a school teacher” he asked shakiest holding his knees tighter together. He had hair that almost covered his eyes, and he wore skinny jeans that made him look like he was twelve.

“Bye, Justin I’m leaving” Chaz yawned unzipping his blood sweater. I nodded even thought I didn’t want him to leave at all, because today was the first day with my slave.

“By- I couldn’t find Chaz. He already left, Chaz was so fast with these things, I hope he didn’t end up drinking any of the Asian girl’s blood.

I handed Haven the KFC that Chaz gave me earlier, it seemed cold at the moment. “Eat it” I
commanded while I frowned at his reaction.

“I’m a vegetarian” he said in a sad voice staring at me with his piercing green eyes and soft facial features. I wanted to punch him than hug him and say everything was alright, but the bitch looked too innocent.

“Vegetarian” I laughed “Listen hear faggot, you eat what I give you” I growled throwing him the greasy bag. I got up and locked my closet door quick jumping over any socks. He began opening the KFC bag even though there was no drink he began dissecting the chicken with his fragile cuffed hands.

He chewed the chicken with pain in his eyes, and I grinned every time he said ‘forgive me god’.

It was pretty late, it was somewhere around 3-4am, and I wouldn’t stop staring at the slave. I didn’t want him to run away or have my mom find out what I was doing. He had handcuffs in his feet as well, it would have been impossible for haven to run away. I fell into a deep sleep blinking to keep myself awake, but that was useless.


I heard pounding over my door, I didn’t know what time it was, but I checked over at my watch. It was exactly 8:55 in the morning. Shit, I forgot I had a breakfast date with Selena.

Even thought it started at 11:00 I began to freak out. I still had that slave to figure out, I looked over at Haven he was sleeping like an angel. I quickly put a blanket over him and carefully unlocked my closet door.

Christian stood there with his arms crossed, “you know how to wake up a man” I grumbled scratching my back.

“why didn’t you pick up any of my text messages” he asked pulling up his red and black hat.

“I was busy” I groaned brushing my hair with my hands.

“you don’t understand, my mom made me hang out with Cody Simpson” he complained while my eyes widened. He was an ok dude and all but that guy, he could get on your nerves.

“Why are you here anyways” I repeated impatiently

“Why does it matter” he justified glaring inside my eyes. I looked down, I couldn’t keep a secret from him, So I decided to tell him about the slave I’m holding captive.

“Promise you won’t tell anyone” I asked biting my tongue.

“What is it, it can’t be that bad” he asked glancing over my bloody sheets covering parts of the floor.

He held on to my shoulders his arms almost the small length as mine, Chaz jumped through the window holding another mysterious bag. He wore a blue buttoned shirt with blue straight jeans.

“Hey Chazinator” I said braking from Christians failing grip. Chaz was hiding the bag from Christian.

“You guys are hiding something from me” he shouted.

“No were not” Chaz protested stopping on his left foot, but you could tell he was not the most convicting liar.
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Comments, or reviews? Sorry I didn't update in a while