‹ Prequel: She Will Be Loved

Face Down

Let's Go G.N.O.

As she unpacked the last box, Sam found something she almost forgotten about. The necklace Eli had given her for her birthday. She took it off, not wanting to ruin it and stuck it in a small box until she thought it safe to wear. How could she forget? It was something once so precious to her.

Biting her lip, she slipped it around her neck. The cool of the small heart pressed against her chest. It sent chills down her spine.

"What are you doing?"

Sam jumped, nearly knocking down the box that lay upon her bed. She turned to see Alexa in her doorway. "Oh, nothing. I found some old jewelry." She smiled, weakly. She was tired, not being able to sleep from the pains that shot through her body.

Alexa laughed. "Who knew. You used to hate that stuff, and now we can't get you to take them off." She smirked.

Sam giggled a little. "Well, people change." She sat down then an idea popped into her head. "Hey, Clare and I are planning a girls night, wanna join?"

Alexa gasped. Sam had never really invited her along for anything, and now Sam wished she had. Alexa was a fun girl, she just liked to be noticed. "Who all is going?" She asked. Excitement building up.

Sam thought about it. She wasn't sure who she wanted to invite yet, but she knew she wanted a few different people. "Dunno."

Alexa grinned and nodded. "Sure, I'll come." She danced out of the room, probably to go pack for the party.

Sam loved her sister, but sometimes she was a little much. She loved to take the attention away from the main girl/boy. She loved to try and fit in, talk about stuff she didn't know just to get friends. She even once changed her name just so these girls would let her in a group. It was sad, but she'd change some.

She started to think of who she wanted to call. She knew Clare would want Alli. Sam kind of liked Fiona, and wanted her to come. They got along some what. But she knew if Fiona came, then Holly J and Anya would.

There was a new girl, Imogen. Sam had only spoken to her once at The Dot a few nights ago. She seemed like a cool girl. They both dressed alike, and even used wacky hair styles when they felt the need to be more different. But she wasn't sure a G.N.O. was what Imogen liked to do..

Then there was Bianca. Drew's new girlfriend. Alli hated her, but Sam and Clare had nice talks with her. If she came, Alli wouldn't.

After an hour of thinking, Sam finally had a list of girls she wanted to try to invite. She unplugged her phone, and text Clare.

To: Clare
Alli, Jenna, Imogen, and Alexa is coming.

She smiled. She didn't want very many people there, this would be more than enough. She figured it was a good time for Imogen to meet new people, and for Sam to become closer with her older friends.

From: Clare
ill give them a call

From: Fitz
We're going out tonight

Sam jerked and threw her phone at the end of her bed. She didn't want to see him, she wanted him gone.

Her phone beeped, causing her to jump when ET by Katy Perry started to play. Clare's ringtone. She picked it up.


"Pack up, girly. Jenna is already here, we need you here to plan where to have it."

"On my way."

Sam smiled and quickly started to pack. She ignored Fitz, and told Alexa. Before too long, they were talking down to Clare's.

Alexa was bouncing off the walls. Sam thought it was cute, she was excited for her first sleep over with older girls. She loved the fact of being treated older. But would she for real?

Sam knocked on Clare's door. They didn't have to wait but a second before Ms. Edwards opened the door and smiled at them. "Hello, girls. They're upstairs." She held the door for them. Sam nodded a "thank you" and ran upstairs.

She heard giggling coming from down the hall. It sounded like Alli was here already. She opened the door and saw Clare, Jenna, and Alli sitting on the bed, reading a magazine. "Samantha!" Jenna girnned and jumped up. She hugged Sam and then Alexa.

"Jenna! Where's the baby?" Asked Sam. She figured she would have brought him!

She smiled. "KC is baby-sitting. He promised me tonight."

Sam smirked and they high-fived. "So, where are we having this girls night?" She asked.

There was a knock on the door and it opened. Imogen was standing there, wearing almost the same outfit as Sam. Ripped jeans, black band shirt, and combat boots. Everybody busted out in tiny giggles. "Did you two call each other?" Alexa asked.

"No. I just grabbed the first thing I found." Imogen cracked a smile.

Jenna walked over and hugged her. "Hi, I'm Jenna. Jenna Middleton." She smiled.

"Hey, Jenna Middleton." Imogen grinned.

Clare stood up and waved. "I'm Clare Edwards. This is Alli Bhandari and that's Alexa. Sam's little sister."

Imogen waved slightly. "I'm Imogen Moreno."

Sam's heart gave a little jump when her phone beeped. She looked at it, her jaw dropping.

From: Eli
I'm not allowed to talk to you. So this'll be quick. Can you meet me later tonight?
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate this chapter >.< But what do you guys think? Comments are loved!