‹ Prequel: She Will Be Loved

Face Down

Why, Sam?

Sam chewed on her bottom lip as the girls starting talking about gossip. She had no interest in how much of a whore Bianca was, or how bitchy Fiona had been to Jenna the day before. She couldn't get her mind off the Eli text. She wanted to text him back, say she wanted to meet him. But the other part of her knew that once she did, Fitz would find out. Meaning he'd be pissed.

She also wished she could rewind. She wanted things to be like they were last Summer, when everybody was so happy and free. She may not have been able to stop Eli from sending messages before, but maybe she could have gone differently about it.

"Sam? You alright?" Alli giggled. She and Alexa were modeling for the rest of them. They'd all decided on staying at Clare's house. Her parents promised to leave them alone for that night, and they all brought a few clothes from Alli's to try on with Clare's outfits. Modeling wasn't Sam's thing, but she thought it fun.

Sam shrugged her shoulders and continued to chew on her lip before speaking, debating on telling them or not. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Her eyebrows formed together. She often did this when deeply thinking on something. "I think I forgot something at home. I should go get it." She picked up her phone and pushed some buttons.

Clare stood up and shook her head. "Not alone. We'll go with you." She smiled, sweetly.

This worried Sam. "I'll be fine. I only have to grab something. I should only be done thirty minutes."

"I'm going, at least." Alexa stated and stood up. Clare sat back down and watched as Alli twirled around in a very bright pink jumpsuit they found in Clare's attic.

"No, stay." Sam slipped on her boots and walked out. Her phone beeped, causing her to jump as she walked down the stairs.

From: Eli
Good. Park?

To: Eli
By the swings.

This may not have been the best decision she's ever made, but at the same time it may be the best. She was worried about what he wanted to talk about, and she was worried Fitz was behind this, just to see if she'd actually meet up with the boy that she was still in love with.

Sure, they hadn't been getting along great, and he did start that whole messaging thing. But she still cared about him. She wanted to be with him every second now. She realized just how good Eli had been to her after just a few weeks with Fitz.

She walked outside and into the freezing wind. Hugging her black Skelaminal jacket close to her, she set off towards the park. It was nearly pitch black outside now, yet there were barely any stars out. People thought they needed so much light on this one street, it wasn't even funny. Sam loved looking outside and watching the stars. She was thankful he mentioned the park; the stars could be seen from there.

The wind picked up slightly. She shivered as she walked through the gates. The park only being a five minute walk from Clare's. Her legs were frozen in those short minutes, though. Her face probably red even though her hook had been up.

She walked over to the swings where she could see the back of a dark figure sitting. The figure was small, but also looked scary to anybody just passing by. The squeak of the swings could be heard from far off, and his feet dragging the ground. The figures head was bent.

The last few steps, she took with cation. "E-Eli?" Barely above a whisper, she asked.

The figure stood up slowly and turned around. Eli stared back at her with red eyes, and bags under them. His hair was messed up as though he just got up, and his clothes poorly thrown together, like he'd been racing against the clock. His lips were pale, paler than usual. She noticed he, himself, had been paler than she recalled. "Sam," He whispered. His voice sounded as though he'd been crying, which broke her heart.

He reached out, about to touch her. But right before his fingers slide across her cheek, he drew his hand back and pushed it in his pocket.

"What did you want to talk about?" Sam asked, being gentle with her voice.

He kicked at the dirt on the ground, and slide his other hand through his hair. Leaving it in worse shape than before. "I had to see you. I can't stop thinking about you, Sam."

She wanted to throw her arms around him and tell him how much she missed him, but she couldn't. She had to act calm, and mature about this. "I know, Eli. But we're not together anymore. We can't just go sneaking off like this." She bit her lip after saying the words. It hurt her just to say them, she couldn't imagine how badly they hurt him just hearing them.

"I thought you'd want to.. I know you can't be happy with Fitz. Why, Sam?" He looked at her, tears in his eyes. "How could you pick him over me?"

Her heart broke even more. She couldn't bare looking at him so she looked down at her feet. "He was going to kill you."

"So? Let him try. He wouldn't have. He's all talk!" His voice got louder. It was scaring her, but she tried not to show it.

She tried to stop the tears from her eyes but she couldn't do it. "He was serious..."

Eli shook his head and threw his hands up. "Do we mean nothing to you?" He pointed from him to her.

"I loved you, Eli. Loved. It's over now. I'm with Fitz." The tears fell fast from her eyes as she said it. It was a lie, a fake. She knew she said the very thing to set Eli off, or to set him running. By this point she was never really sure what he'd do.

"Well," His voice cracked. "I'm not giving up."

Before she knew it, he had her by her arms and pulling her close. Their lips touched for a split second before the chills were sent down her spine. He held her closer for exactly a minute before he let her go- still holding her close -and whispered, "I love you, Samantha. He's going to pay for keeping us apart."

And without another word, he was running off. Sam watched him as she stood there, shocked and frozen. Had that really just happened?


She walked back into Clare's room, hearing all of the giggles and squeals. She was still a little weak from the kiss, and a small smile spread across her face.

The girls looked up and all at once asked, "What happened to you?"

Sam caught herself from saying it was Eli, and instead said the love of her life stopped by. Each girl made a disgusted face.

"How can you date that loser?" asked Alli.

Sam shrugged and sat down in the circle. They spent the next hour giggling, talking about hot guys, and even talking about how cute Jenna's baby was. Clare and Jenna seemed to be getting along better than usual, Sam guessed they got over the whole KC thing.

"Truth or dare?" Alexa smirked. All the girls looked at her and smirked back. "I'll go first. Sam, truth or dare?"

Sam jumped a little, not wanting to go first. "Uh, truth."

"What did you do tonight? We all know you didn't go home." She said.

Sam was really caught off guard. "What do you m-mean?"

Alli rolled her eyes. "You went the wrong way to your house."

"I took the long way."

"Tell!" Alexa said.

Sam blushed slightly and shrugged. "Just like I said, the love of my life."
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I am so tired, but I had the whole Eli idea and wanted to write. Besides I can't write my other story I wanted to >.<