‹ Prequel: She Will Be Loved

Face Down

Sorry, Sir;

Sam woke up to Ke$ha singing in the background. She realized the song was Your Love Is My Drug, which made her tear up a little. It made her think of Eli, and how much she wanted him back badly.

Picking up her head, she looked around the room. "Where is everybody?" She wondered to herself as she stood up. The room was empty of human beings, other than herself. Although, the smell of burnt cheese filled her nose.

She yawned and popped her neck before she walked downstairs and into the kitchen. More smells entered her nose as she jumped out of a hurrying Imogen. "Sorry, Sam Rendall!" She panicked as she ran upstairs.

"What's going on?' Asked Sam as she stood over the island. A plate of something white lay on it. Eggs?

Clare laughed as Alli and Jenna tried to flip pancakes. "Trying to make you breakfast. Imogen just went up to get you up."

I giggled as Imogen appeared back in the doorway. "I totally just ignored you, didn't I?" She giggled, covering her face.

Sam laughed and helped then cook. The kitchen was left a wreak, but they finally made edible foods.

When they were done eating, Jenna had to say her goodbyes to get back to her son and KC, while Allie and Clare went to clean up their big mess. Imogen and Sam sat in the living room and talked about a Gothic Fair coming to the next town, and how badly they wanted to go.

"I heard it's kind of more like a circus.." Imogen was saying. "It sounds fun! And it's on the weekend, starting Friday night. We'd be able to leave an hour before school ends and be there just in time!" She grinned proudly.

"You know this how?" Asked Sam.

"I read it online, and then mapped out how it would work. Only problem is, I'd need somebody to drive me there." Imogen pouted.

Sam sighed. "Leaves me out. I'm not allowed to drive that far yet."

Imogen nodded. "I know. But still. It would be neat to go with you, Samantha Rendall."

Sam thought it weird that she and Imogen had become so close, even though she'd been at Degrassi longer than Sam and they had a few classes together. She also thought it weird that she always called people by their first and last names, and seemed to lie to others a lot. She made up crazy stories to the teachers about why she hadn't handed in homework on time, or to her parents who didn't want her coming over last night. But Sam was glad she found somebody else whom liked the same stuff she did.

"So, do you think your boyfriend can take us?" Imogen winked.

Sam wanted to say of course, and then she remembered who her boyfriend was and shook her head. "He doesn't get stuff like that. He hates it."

Imogen's smile faded into a frown.

Later, Imogen and Alli had left. Sam didn't exactly want to go home, but she had to. Fitz was going to be furious she hadn't answered his texts, or called him once. She had to face him.

Sam walked down the street, hands shoved in her pockets as she watched the sidewalk pass beneath her feet.

"Yo, baby doll."

Her heart gave a jerk as she turned around to see Fitz staring at her. "O-oh.. what are you doing here?" She asked.

Fitz shrugged. "I don't know. Why are you at Clare's and not with me?"

"Girl's night.." She murmured. "I haven't seen them in--"

"Do you think I care?" He asked and slapped her across the face.

Sam fell down to the ground. Her arm breaking her fall, and possibly breaking her arm. "Ow!" She screamed as he kicked her in the side.

"Excuse me? I am the only person in your life right now that matters." He yelled, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her arm. She gave another painful whine as he pushed her against the side of a building. "What do you say?"

"Sorry, sir!" She cried.

"Better be." He let go of her and let her fall back to the ground. She hugged her knees as the tears fell. "Now if anybody asks, I found you like this. Alright?" He asked.

She nodded again. Not able to speak. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, walking down the street as her nose left small blood trails down the sidewalk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best work because it's been a LOOOOONG day. I may update tomorrow because I will not be able to update until Sunday otherwise. I am going to my fathers and unless the wireless still works, I will have no way to a computer.

Anyways, I would like comments! How are you liking it so far?